30 day shred for 'obese' people



  • jessicawindschitl
    I have about 70 lbs (20 lb lost so far) to lose and am considered obese. I just finished day 19 of the 30 day shred. Here are some tips I have found along the way:

    First, if you can do it with friends, do it. I am doing it with a friend and this has helped us stick with it. We both started losing motivation last week but pushed through it and are very excited to see the end results! If we can't work out together we check up and make sure we each have done it. Have little motivators along the way. Try little things after you move up a level or hit the half way mark!

    Take your measurements before. I cringed when I saw mine, trust me. But on day 15, take them again. Both my friend and I have already seen reductions in our numbers, which will hopefully keep you motivated to finish.

    Stretch!!!!!!!!! Modify the stretches for you. My friend and I will do the stretches at the beginning and at the end do our own thing for about twice the amount of time she does.

    Do not feel ashamed to do the modified versions of the moves. I have lower back problems, flat feet, and knee issues so the modified ones have been helpful in preventing injuries. Just make sure to do the best you can and push through it.

    Drink plenty of water. I try to drink a gallon a day. That way at least if you have to a break you can hydrate. :)

    Work on your breathing in the exercises. It does help.

    If you skip a day, do not beat yourself up. Yesterday was my birthday and I did not have time to work out so I did it twice today. I also have a personal trainer so I have missed a day if my body is feeling messed up and then completed the shred and personal training in the same day.

    If the music doesn't motivate you, make your own mix. Once you have the workout down you can crank on your own tunes for the motivation.

    My friend and I split it into 3 10 day sessions with 10 days on each level. We are in level 2 and about to move up to level 3 in a couple of days but when we are having joint issues we will take some of the moves from level 1 and use those in places during the workout on level 2. An example is my ankle was bugging me. So instead of the double jumping jacks on level 2 on circuit 3, I boxed, a cardio move from level 1.

    Oh yeah...a GOOD sports bra is a must if you have a larger chest. There is a LOT of jumping.

    Good luck! My friend and I are already planning our next step after this! We are thinking yoga, we both need to be more flexible :P.

    Good luck! It will be hard at first but you will see a difference quickly even in just overall endurance. :)