Have you ever brought something that didn't fit you but the



  • ncsjodi
    ncsjodi Posts: 102 Member
    I'm going on a cruise in April and I bought a new swimsuit on clearance at Lands End in a size 12 to give me something to work towards. In January I was a size 22 and had thought I was currently a size 14. When the swimsuit came last week, I was surprised to find that it fit already! So now I'm thinking of returning it and buying a size 10!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Tons of stuff, and you know what? ALL of that stuff fits me now, and a few of the jeans that were too tight when I got them have actually been passed on to others because they're too loose now...YAY!!

    I've always enjoyed having "target clothes"...gives you something to look forward to!
  • cecilia0909
    cecilia0909 Posts: 188 Member
    When I first got pregnant with son #1 I had this yellow shirt I loved and one day when I was 8 months pregnant I saw the same shirt in different colors on sale so I grabbed a red and blue one in a medium thinking I'd fit into them soon after. It took 3 years but I finally fit into those shirts and nicely! It feels amazing
  • natika33
    natika33 Posts: 154 Member
    I've never bought anything on purpose that didn't fit, but a couple of times I've bought pants that seemed fine in the store, but once I got them home I didn't have the courage to wear them in public because they were so much tighter than I realised! They've become my dream pants. Currently, I have one pair waiting. The rest have become staples. (:

    Once recently, my favourite consignment shop went out of business that I didn't know about until I showed up there on their last day. They were literally giving stuff away for free, so I grabbed a skirt that appealed to me, but looked too small. Since I was losing weight, I thought I would make that skirt my motivational skirt. Imagine my surprise when I got home and it fit already!

    However, silly me! It was wool, but I didn't think and threw it in the wash. Now it's another size smaller and fits, but super tight. So I guess it will be my motivational skirt after all! LOL.
  • WoWmamaErin
    WoWmamaErin Posts: 148 Member
    I hit up the 2nd hand shop and get a nice pair of jeans for $10 or less that are in the next size down. I'm in a 14 now with a 12 'waiting in the wings'. I can get the 12 on now but it's not comfortable. Once I hit that comfortable feeling with the 12 I'll be heading back to ValueVillage to get a pair of 10's. This keeps me motivated and is an easy 'non-scale' measurement :)
  • naturallynikki
    Prince is AWESOME!!!! He was here in LA and did like 30 shows, which I went to 7 of those (the tickets were only $25, can't beat that for an AMAZING performance). Anyway, I should have bought a t-shirt during that time to help keep me motivated. Well, I hope you enjoyed "The Little Purple One".
    Yes.. I just went to a Prince concert and bought two tees that were a rip off and super small.. I can put them on but they are REAAAAAAAALLY tight....

    I'm hoping to fit into them by Spring :)
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    A couple of years ago, I bought a size M jacket that had a very unusual front zipper (I LOVE to stand out). I wore size XXL back then; they did have XL, which I could almost fit into, but it just didn't look good on me. So I picked up the M and told myself I'd look great in it by next winter.

    Two years have passed... and today I wear size S! :happy:

    This past summer, I also picked up a size P dress that I'm hoping to fit in comfortably by summer 2012.
  • Elarissa
    Elarissa Posts: 34 Member
    Yes! My wedding dress actually... I bought a sample dress that was way too small. (against the advise of the people working in the store) but I was in love with the dress. HUGE motivation for me.. I ended up with a bit of spare room in the dress. It felt so amazing the first time it zipped up.. the girl at the store said I was the third bride she ever had that bought a smaller dress and actually made it into it without alterations.

    My new motivation are this really cute pair of jeans I bought a while back... must wear. :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I don't. I'm very particular about how things fit, and I know that something that's too tight at the moment might never fit the way I want it to fit if I lost weight. Plus, I'm hard enough on myself without having clothes taking up space in my closet, mocking me.
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    I bought a dress from forever21 when i seriously had NO FREAKING BUSINESS even sniffing the air in that store. But it was on a clearance rack from like 20 dollars down to 9 dollars. I had ten dollars.

    I bought the dress even though I couldn't even BEGIN to pull the zipper up. I'm like spilling out of the dress, and the dress looks like it wants to cry and I buy it anyway...

    It fits now. It's just a matter of wanting to be a little smaller to feel comfortable in it. XD
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    Nope... waste of time and money... If you buy a size 8 dress hoping to one day fit into it.... you could have bought a size that does fit now and look sexy. :bigsmile:
  • syreina
    syreina Posts: 548 Member
    Yep! I bought a long shirt/dress in january. I tried it on last week and it fits a little better than when I first tried it on so I'm getting there!

    So excited for the spring/summer!! :smile:
  • vannie18
    Yeah, of course! Unfortunately, when they fit (a pair of capris), they just didn't look that cool anymore:) On a sort of opposite note, I've heard that you should get rid of the too big clothing as a kind of incentive to not go back!

    Since I started my journey and I was 260 and size 22W, every time I lost weight I got rid of the clothes, that was my way of saying never again, now I'm 155 and size 6-8 and I'm still doing the same thing. I want to lose 30 more pounds, so it's been a long journey that's for sure.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I got in the 14 jog pants today that I bought..it's a great feeling!

    I'm looking out for some 30" waist Levi 501's now (currently 32" waist) to keep my motivation to get waist and tummy to 30" (need to lose 6" off tummy..currently 36" )