What is your ideal weight?



  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I'm a shade over 5'11" and right now my goal weight is 155. I'm going to get there and evaluate if I want to go to 150. I'd like to be skinny again but also toned.
  • Ready4Goal
    According to my height 5'3 Im suppose to be btw113-140..For me i will never want to be that small, I think I would lose all curves that I have...I'd like to get to 155-160.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I'm 5'4" and aiming for 135. I'll may decide to try for lower, but based on how I look now at 145, I think another 10 pounds will be perfect.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I'm 5'8 and I'm 160 right now. I would love to be about 150.
  • lynzobp
    lynzobp Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 5 2 my ideal weight is 120 but 130 is my goal I'm 180 and its embarrasing I got plenty of curves to share I don't think I can loose my hips if I was 120 I used to be that weight in highschool and still had curves it was jus cuter cuz a flat stomach with hips is sexy a blubbery stomach with hips is jus ugh and that's Wer I'm at right now but I pray my boobs stay theyv never been this big that's the one thing I like with my weight gain
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    I'm 5'4. ?My current weight is 167 and I have 27 pounds to loose to I get to my mini and healthy goal weight 140. But after I still want to loose 20-25 more to get to 120/115. I figured why stop after all this hard work I'm doing so I choose to run my race all the way to the finish line!
  • JenMarie826
    135... :)
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    I'm currently fluctuating right around 165, and I'm 5'5". I'd like to be around 145, I think. Really what I want is to be right about 20% body fat and fitting into a size 10 or so in jeans. I definitely still have significant amounts of tummy to lose. Never had much of any boobs, but have discovered I have nice hips as they have been emerging. I'm rather solidly built and intend to have a fair amount of muscle mass, so would only look sickly if I got much below my goal.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    150 is my "magic number." I am currently 157 and 5'8...my start weight on MFP last spring was 199 and my heaviest weight (2004) was 225, so I feel like I've made awesome progress. Probably no one but me will notice those last 7 pounds. But I think they might help my running. I also want to start strength training again (got sidetracked by running/training a few months back) and lose some body fat, so even if I don't lose "scale weight" I know that I will look and feel more fit.
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I'm 5'4" and currently fluctuating between 136 and 138. I've been hoping to get down to between 125 and 128.

    I am mostly happy with my body EXCEPT for my midsection. I have a huge spare tire that I am trying to lose but it is hanging on for dear life.
  • cara19812
    cara19812 Posts: 53 Member
    my ideal weight is 94-128. i am 4'11". I think i am going to stay around the high end of my ideal. my goal is to get off of my bp meds, so i have to be within my ideal weight range for the dr to even consider it. I am currently 135 so only about another 10 pounds to go, but its been a rough road. i lost 5 pounds in the first week probably due to water weight and i put on 1/2 pound this week so its gonna b a struggle i can already tell
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    I'm 5' 8", shooting for 145 to 150. Slowly but surely!
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    I'm 5'6" and my preferred weight is 100-105 with a lot of muscle and tone.
    I've never had boobs, even at my highest of 120, so I'm not worried about "losing curves".
  • RoyalLadySanders
    It's awesome to see everyone's goals and progress!!! Love it!! I, myself, like my rear....not too much up front but, hey, I 'm happy with my figure, thus far, and my health.....and my husband loves me no matter what!!!
  • 1smemae94
    1smemae94 Posts: 365 Member
    I am 5'5. Right now i am 167ish, my goal weight is around 150. I don't have curves right now so i'm not too worried about losing what i don't have.
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    I'm 5'4". 130 right now, ideal is 110-115
  • LisaMariaCallow
    I'm at my ideal weight :smile: ...I'm 5' 5", small boned, and weigh 120 lbs. I started out at 150 lbs which felt heavy, and I wanted to lose 10-15 lbs. I'm at my lowest, and in the best shape of my life!! :bigsmile: I feel awesome!! :happy:
  • Craig_hyde
    Craig_hyde Posts: 161 Member
    5' 8" 24 year old male, ideal weight is between 8st 8lb and 11st 9lb.

    Currently a bit over that at 16st 9lb :-p
  • pph79
    pph79 Posts: 78
    I'm 6'2" and would prefer to get down to around the 185-190 range on the scale. I'm currently 218 lbs.
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    I would like to lose the cleavage and the curves...my ideal weight for small frame 5'5" is about 130 at my age...and I'll take it...