How do you choose your MFP friends??



  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Usually if I see someone posting about martial arts that looks interesting, or maybe someone posts something clever on chitchat.


    O O
  • Marlys101
    I pick people new to the site or people I know....the more support the seeing the variety of people from my area and surrounding states, too

  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I usually wait for an invitation and don't normally invite friends, but.............

    I have a soft spot for families of servicemen.

    I like those that exhibit a little wit.

    Like people that call me out when I'm full of *kitten*.

    Got an interest in the Culinary Arts, Martial Arts or Bikers? I like that too.

    Beautiful girl? My friend's list is full of them.
  • glypta
    glypta Posts: 440 Member
    I pick people if they look funny (funny 'haha', not funny 'peculiar) or if they're in the UK so we have the same supermarkets/brands or if they're doing something that interests me (ie in the past, Dukan, or whatever). But I'll pretty much accept anyone!
  • Sd0510
    Sd0510 Posts: 295 Member
    I add everyone that sends me a request, except males in respect for my fiance. I've only FR a couple people myself but it's usually someone who seems nice and is similar age or similar weight loss goal.

    I probably should try to find more friends to because I comment on everyone's achievements and no one really comments on mine. =/ Haha. It would suck if I really needed support, but I feel motivated enough by my reflection in the mirror.
  • GouchisGirl
    GouchisGirl Posts: 321 Member
    I won't accept a request without a note. A lot of people are just into numbers and I want to be friends with people that I can find a true connection with through common goals and interests......
  • kt2007
    kt2007 Posts: 315 Member
    i take all friend but watch when last log ins were. if its been over 2 weeks or so your gone unless you have proven other wise for me to keep you. I am pretty easy going and have a issue with liking every body.
  • kt2007
    kt2007 Posts: 315 Member
    also I do try to stay away from the ppl on here that seems like they are just here to sell me something for weight lost.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Usually if they're close in size to me and have the same goals as me. Its gotten easier with the group feature now. I like to add people that are already at their goal weight, etc, as I am too.
    Or hot guys of course lol
  • blueimp
    blueimp Posts: 230 Member
    I usually respond to something someone says or to someone who's been very successful with weightloss or overall fitness. I tell them to friend me if they wish. Most people I keep as friends but I have let a few go because they were not people who were helpful to me.
  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member
    I accept anyone who sends a fr...if I see they don't give support to other or aren't active or r rude in forums or don't log in for weeks @ a time I then delete them... I don't mind having more friends we r here for support in a weight loss journey n I feel the community helps =) as for my frs I request anyone who has inspired me or I want to learn from
  • rocketpants
    rocketpants Posts: 419 Member
    I like my friends to be
    Funny / Sarcastic
    Serious about loosing weight
    They have to be good at spelling and grammar and punctuation
    I rarely send friend requests because I love the friends I have, and want to maintain my interactions with them.
    Regular updates about your TOM is also essential to stay on my FL
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    I'm very passive- The only people I've added are ones I've been in challenges with or know in real life. I think most of my friends found me through my blog entries, which still strikes me as odd. I'm not very rah rah and don't comment on other's statuses much, so I'm rather surprised that so many people have kept me after the initial adding.
  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch Posts: 1,263 Member
    I’m a big fan of people with personality disorders so that’s how I choose generally. That or if they’re prepared to buy me chips (fries).
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    I'll take anyone that sends me a friend request and if they can handle my perverted goofy sense of humor they can stay
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    I'll accept anyone that requests me :)
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    I like to pick funny people who make me laugh, but not too funny because they make me feel not so funny, and I like to try and be funny...but I am serious!!
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    I accept anyone that requests me but I pick people usually that have something in common with me.. Just starting out, age range, motivational people especially BC i am always commenting on other peoples stats and I love when I get comments, It helps me to push through the hard times.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    I usually accept requests but will delete if no activity for a period of time or no comments/supportive activity, just to keep list manageable. I prefer a message before I accept. If no message, chances are, no acceptance. When I request it is because of 1) common interests, 2) Funny/active posts I have seen on boards or someone who will joke around, 3) Someone I think I can help make a difference with 4) People of the same generation with like problems.
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member