What makes a relationship work?



  • MadeInDR022
    Any relationship takes work. It takes sacrificing somethings, it takes letting someone be themselves and loving them regardless. It's about loving someones imperfections but knowing that they will do right by you regardless. A relationship works when there is mutual respect. Communication is very important and of course being intimate and not just sexually, but having aside some time to just be alone, to touch base, to laugh together.
  • drop30lbs
    drop30lbs Posts: 12 Member
    I believe it takes love, trust and a lot of hard work. When you love your partner as much as yourself, you want to make both of you happy. Also when you focus problem solving through good communication, it is very achievable. I've been married now for 23 yrs and we've had our ups and down but our love and attraction is still very strong. :smooched:
  • lizzue
    lizzue Posts: 276 Member
    Everyone is different, every relationship is different but as long as you can trust the other person it doesnt matter... I hope :ohwell:
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 436 Member
    spending time together, appreciating each other, support each other, and have the other's interest in mind ahead of your own. Put the family you are making first. And I personally think, pray together :)

    If he looks out for you, and you do that for him, you will always be willing to compromise and work things out.

    However, especially when families and children get involved, you have be on the same page, or it can all fall apart. Have the same goals on raising children. The same religion or views on spirituality. Agree on how much time should be spent together and away from each other, and don't let outside influences like friends sabotage you. I'm not sure what you have going against you, but I hope that helps. If you make each other the priority, I think it can work.

    ...BUT it has to be two sided. One person can't do it all.
  • Denimgirl
    Denimgirl Posts: 87 Member

    Oh, and communication.

    I agree. I don't think sex is a cure all. I think its a cure almost all.

    I was raised to think that if non sexual intimacy was good than sex would be good. But I have found the complete opposite to be true in my marriage of 19 years. If sex is good than intimacy is out of this world.

    Putting my husband first did not make me lose myself or my life. Putting him first helped me to find myself and my life.

    I love my husband!
  • tkn11
    tkn11 Posts: 276 Member
    nothing lol
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member

    Does love conquer all barriers? Or does it take more?

    no. love doesn't conquer all, it takes WAY more. two people have to be in similar places in life, want similar things out of the relationship and be similar and their willingness to grit out the ugly parts.
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteousreused
    Painful and humiliating submission by one of the two people in the relationship.
  • AussieNikki
    AussieNikki Posts: 168 Member
    Communication, honesty, similar goals and morals, chemistry.

    I think those are the most important things. Hubby & I met online and were 12 000 miles apart for a year in the beginning so all we did was talk. We learnt so much about each other and our hopes and dreams and our principles etc. We were in love before we even could touch each other.

    You need to be able to talk to your partner and have their support and understanding.

    But I agree there has to also be a physical attraction too, which thankfully we have.
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    I agree. I don't see how you could go on your entire life by putting your partner ahead of yourself, and still remain happy. I think it's good to have a balance, and that includes making time for family and friends and most definitely yourself, even if every now and then it's at the expense of his wishes. But then again, if both partners feel that way, then I'm sure that makes a difference. Just my thoughts.

    Exactly - balance:) That's why compromise and communication are key. If you don't communicate what you want/don't want the other person never knows. Compromise = so hopefully BOTH are happy, not just one. One always happy, and the other not is not a happy healthy relationship. Always consider each other.

    OK forget it - I can't get the darn quotes to come out right
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,261 Member
    nothing lol
    I agree. lol
  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    Painful and humiliating submission by one of the two people in the relationship.

    I found this hilarious. Maybe that's why I'm divorced. >.>
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    I've been with the same lady since we were teens.
    We've been through most everything, had 5 kids and are still passionate, happy and a complete team.
    28 years married this saturday!

    Here is what works:

    1. Intimacy and attraction - SEX - if you fail here, forget it. Nothing else will work.
    2. Communication - be honest with each other about everything. No holding back, and if you can't, the relationship will either fail or digress into a union of convenience devoid of love and passion.
    3. Money - without money, love will go out the window.
    4. Common Interest - don't grow apart as two people with separate lives and desires. Stay on the same page.
    5. Space - don't smother! Guys need time away to go hunting, fishing or shooting pool, telling dirty jokes, and ladies need time out with the girls.
    6. Romance - ladies, don't stop dressing sexy, and guys, bring flowers a few times each month. Plan a date once a week.
    Have crazy sex in the car or something like that - not the same old boring thing in the same old boring room, same old boring position in the same old boring bed...SPICE IT UP!
    7. Play together - throw a ball, take a hike, ride bikes, play tennis, play cards - just play! Have fun just playing

    That's it!
    Go, and do likewise...lol
  • stroken96
    stroken96 Posts: 436 Member
    I met my love when I was 15, we married when I was 17, yes still married I'm 52 now, our 36th ann. is this April
    You need love, trust, communication, he's my best friend. :heart:
  • jdhosier
    jdhosier Posts: 315 Member
    Love is a verb, not a noun. You decide to love someone and make a commitment. Love, the verb, is what overcomes all because there is a decision to continue even when the feelings come and go.... and they do. Love, the noun, is what gets so many people into trouble because no relationship is perfect because imperfect people are involved.

    Short answer is that the decision to make the relationship work is what makes the relationship work.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    Booze helps. And toys.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Love and communication.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Most of my relationships were helped by time apart, permanently.
  • AussieNikki
    AussieNikki Posts: 168 Member
    I've been with the same lady since we were teens.
    We've been through most everything, had 5 kids and are still passionate, happy and a complete team.
    28 years married this saturday!

    Here is what works:

    1. Intimacy and attraction - SEX - if you fail here, forget it. Nothing else will work.
    2. Communication - be honest with each other about everything. No holding back, and if you can't, the relationship will either fail or digress into a union of convenience devoid of love and passion.
    3. Money - without money, love will go out the window.
    4. Common Interest - don't grow apart as two people with separate lives and desires. Stay on the same page.
    5. Space - don't smother! Guys need time away to go hunting, fishing or shooting pool, telling dirty jokes, and ladies need time out with the girls.
    6. Romance - ladies, don't stop dressing sexy, and guys, bring flowers a few times each month. Plan a date once a week.
    Have crazy sex in the car or something like that - not the same old boring thing in the same old boring room, same old boring position in the same old boring bed...SPICE IT UP!
    7. Play together - throw a ball, take a hike, ride bikes, play tennis, play cards - just play! Have fun just playing

    That's it!
    Go, and do likewise...lol

    Not sure I agree with #3. Hubby & I have always struggled financially, moving across the world twice and paying immigration costs have left us pretty broke but it's never affected our relationship.
  • CreepyOne
    CreepyOne Posts: 221 Member
    learn how to say "I understand" even though you have no clue and all you hear is blah, blah, blah...........ROFLOL