I'm that annoying one at the gym who. . . .



  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member

    4. Who farts without a care in the world. If you're gonna pass gas, pass it proudly.


    You. Are. Awesome!
  • missjoci
    missjoci Posts: 412 Member

    4. Who farts without a care in the world. If you're gonna pass gas, pass it proudly.


    You. Are. Awesome!
    Yeah, that made me laugh so hard. You rock. ;)
  • melodys_attic
    melodys_attic Posts: 114 Member
    me too! Actually, I'm so dorky I bring my purse into the workouts and hang it off the sides of the machines. i expect that is very annoying. But I have two jobs, each with its own cell phone, and I'm almost constantly on call, so I need the pockets at the ends of the purses to hold the phones... you get the picture. I'm actually impressed how seldom either phone rings while I'm working out. Maybe people are starting to know my schedule? Hmmm... hope so. Anyway. I'm working out. That's what matters. Who cares who thinks what i need to do to make that happen in annoying? But I do appreciate this thread too. I feel all validated now. Oh... and I wear ratty workout clothes, no makeup, funny pony tails, and probably do other annoying stuff too...
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    I am the one who never goes.

    Too busy at home brushin my hair.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I am the one who never goes.

    Too busy at home brushin my hair.

    100 strokes?
  • kanonxbou47
    kanonxbou47 Posts: 265 Member
    I'm the annoying one who takes the good treadmill and runs for a really long time.

    And I sweat too damn much.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I also sweat all over the treadmill, the belt, the base, the handles, the screen, the whole thing needs to be wiped down.

    EEEEW! :tongue:
  • ukkiosan
    ukkiosan Posts: 62 Member
    I'm not ashamed to say that I sing along with the iPod on my rides. Also, I am that girl who will tell you to get off the cell phone if you're having a nice long (and usually loud) chat on the treadmill next to me...if you're on the phone, you're not working out and you might as well just go to the lounge! It distracts me and is a huge gym pet peeve. >: |
    I am super-dorky device girl. Because I am often on call, I carry a pager, a cell phone, and my iPod with earphones.
    :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Ah, the Box of Tears. Someday I will have one of my very own.

    I should make clear, I do not take calls while I am working out. If I am paged, I stop my workout, and leave the workout area to take the call. I'm dorky, but not an a**hole! :flowerforyou:

    Yeah, I realize now that I should have split up that post...I didn't mean to single you out! :drinker:
  • ukkiosan
    ukkiosan Posts: 62 Member
    I'm not ashamed to say that I sing along with the iPod on my rides. Also, I am that girl who will tell you to get off the cell phone if you're having a nice long (and usually loud) chat on the treadmill next to me...if you're on the phone, you're not working out and you might as well just go to the lounge! It distracts me and is a huge gym pet peeve. >: |
    I've answered my phone while on the elliptical. I don't have a full on conversation, but I've chatted for a minute or two. If someone told me to get off my phone, I'd just give them a dirty look and keep talking. That's just rude. I wouldn't go up to the person who has their elliptical on 1 and is reading a magazine and tell them to go sit in the lounge because they're not working out, because it's not my business!

    I'm not talking about a one-minute chat...I'm talking about long, loud 30 minute conversations that most likely should not be held in the gym. Believe me, this has happened. And I do try to mind my own business, but if you're being so disruptive that I can hear you over my music I am going to say something. But thanks anyway for moving the goalposts and misconstruing my post.
  • ukkiosan
    ukkiosan Posts: 62 Member
    I used to work in the psychiatric emergency room, and I'm one of those people who talks to themselves all the time...the docs all wanted to admit me. : /

    Can I live in your bathtub

    It's all yours! :laugh:
  • johnlewismodel
    actually does legs!
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    OK, I do something real strange at the gym, and some have caught me doing it.
    I go in the aerobics room when it's slow and nobody else is in there.

    I close the door and dim the lights:noway:

    And I skip.
    You know? Like when we were kids - skipping.
    I do it for cardio, and I look like a total fool - somebody a few cards short of a full deck.

    It's just so much fun and a great break in the routine. It really works the heart and lungs.

    Sorry about this...:flowerforyou:

    This sounds like a lovely match for my dorky euphoria bursts. Too bad you don't go to my gym-- I'd love an excuse to skip!

    They'd think we were smoking crank - lol
    I have found an alternative - a pasture near my home, and I go at night. Nuts!
    I hope nobody lets loose a bull; that'd be hard to explain......lol
  • ninpiggy
    ninpiggy Posts: 228 Member
    I'm just praying I don't get the waling farts while on the eliptical hasn't happened yet but hope its quiet when it is.

    This made me LOL. Seriously.
  • hsk1019
    hsk1019 Posts: 235 Member
    I'm that annoying woman on the stairmaster or stationary bike next to you who mouths the words to the music I'm listening to on my I-Pod-- and occasionally accidentally sings out loud without realizing it.

    What annoying person are YOU ?!

    I'm right there singing along with you! And occasionally getting a dance step or fist pump in there too... :laugh:
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    I'm that annoying woman on the stairmaster or stationary bike next to you who mouths the words to the music I'm listening to on my I-Pod-- and occasionally accidentally sings out loud without realizing it.

    What annoying person are YOU ?!

    Me too!!! It means I am into the tunes, and not thinking about the monotonous run ahead of me.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    I'm the annoying one that has to be in the front row (in front of the mirror) in my hip hop and Zumba class. :tongue:
  • jlnk
    jlnk Posts: 188 Member
    Looking at pictures of myself on my phone from my thinner days for inspiration.
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    I do the same thing. And I play the imaginary drums while walking on the treadmill too! LOL I'm also the germaphobe who cleans every piece of equipment, including dumbbells and weight plates, before and after I use them.

    Air Drums!!= Awesome!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I also sweat all over the treadmill, the belt, the base, the handles, the screen, the whole thing needs to be wiped down.

    That's me, too! I feel bad for anyone who gets on a treadmill next to me... they should have plastic sheets like the front row at a Gallagher show. Or I should have shields around me like the sneeze-guard at a buffet.

    Sometimes I'm the one who farts a lot, too. It happens. I'm not exactly running the show, gastrointestinally.

    I also the shorty who spends almost as much time adjusting the seats on the weight machines as I spend ON the machine.

    And even though PF is the Judgement Free Zone, I do get a chuckle when I get on a machine after a guy and have to increase the weights.
  • gentsevetzak
    gentsevetzak Posts: 147 Member
    ... keyed your car because you think the bike lane is a parking lot.