Turbo Jammers 2/23-3/1



  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Sara...unfortunately, Eric is back to work today:tongue: WTG on getting your workout already in? How in the world did you manage that?
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Micah fell out of bed at 5am & woke up everyone (except Tabitha) so I made a quick breakfast & put them in front of the laptop with Wall-E on it. As soon as they were done eating, Z told me that I was being too loud so I suggested he play in his room. :laugh: It worked (for a change) and I only had to stop a couple times to tear them off of each other. I didn't get any of my "normal" morning stuff done, but we had so much to do today, I just needed to get that in for my sanity otherwise I would have been obsessing all day long if I didn't get anything done.

    Sorry Eric's back to work today! That would be a downside of his job. I'm glad Doug's finally on a M-F first shift (if you consider 11-13 hours a day one shift....) BUT at least I know he'll be home on Saturday...not always Sunday, but that's another story. *eye roll* I hope your weekend goes okay!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Hubs is taking me to Olive Garden for lunch, gotta get a good work out in today. I'm think PK&J. I usually burn around 600 cals.

    Jalley-if I recall another difference between the f4 and f6 is the chest strap. I believe the f6 has a little plastic box where the transmitter is and the rest is a soft strap. The f4 has a "band" that is plastic and then the soft strap that goes around the back. I have the f4 and the band doesn't bother me at all. I think Sara (babybeans) is right about the interference thing as well.

    Sara good job with your workouts. Hope you get all your errands takin care of.

    Today is looking absolutely beautiful so I plan on getting out and enjoying it this afternoon.
    BTW check out my ticker!!!! :noway: :noway:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    WTG, Lyn! 40# feels sooooo good! I'm waiting impatiently for 50, but whatever. :wink:

    Have fun at Olive Garden!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    WTG Drevans Mom!!!!
  • megan0313
    Only have a sec to check in with FB today....and to say WTG drevans_mom!!!:drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Have a great evening everyone!!
    :heart: :heart:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Checking in with 20 min and Ab Jam for today.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Everybody,
    Missed you guys earlier - office was a Friday nightmare!! So grateful it's the weekend!! WooHoo!!
    Only got in 20minTJ before I left for work - I just did not want to get up at 4am!! but I felt glad to at least to get that in; it's like the day isn't right w/o my TJ!! Just finished CP3 and It was an awesome workout!!
    Drevansmom- check that ticker!! you rock!! 40 nasty lbs gone~ how fantastic for you!!! WTG:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Gottaluvboys - you are absolutely amazing with all those workouts!! How do you find the willingness and the time. Great job~ now you can enjoy w/o guilt at the celebration. Enjoy your family!:heart:

    BAbybeans - amish friendship bread??? never heard of it but your description is hilarious!! how could you resist!! I know all about the guilt exercising ~ think that's what i just finished doing. Seems I'm still paying for that cake:grumble: That was pretty expensive, lol!!

    Have a great nite everyone - check ya tomorrow:wink:
  • Kimono
    Kimono Posts: 367
    I have been involved with a lot of Amish Friendship Bread. Sooo good. Sure it isn't very good for you. Please don't send me any starter kits. :wink:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    I don't know how many times someone has given me a starter kit, but I can't seem to follow through with that dang bread. It's so simple and yet I can't do it! Something about following directions over many days just makes it difficult :blushing: I know pathetic hahaha.

    I will probably put in a small workout today. Went over to a friend's for "mom's movie night" last night and she had made chocolate trifle, needless to say I couldn't say no, and I couldn't dish up a small serving (I tried but the brownies were in large chunks and if you dug in to one with the spoon the whole thing came out of the bowl right on to your plate :laugh: ). I also had a small piece of crumb cake. It was delicious too.

    While doing PK&J yesterday I thought of Jalley and Dragonfly, when Chaleen says "whether its 6 am or 11 pm, you have to make time!" You girls are amazing. I honestly believe that if I had to go to work everyday I wouldn't have made it this far. I'm thankful that I have the opportunity (and funds) to stay at home right now.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
  • megan0313
    Good Morning Ladies!
    Checking in with CP3. I got a little of booty sculpt and abs in, but I was really beat and couldn't finish. I'm taking my daughters to see the Jonas Brothers 3D movie tonight...this is what you ladies with little ones have to look forward to :laugh: I'm sure the only interesting thing for me will be the popcorn, so I needed this workout today! :laugh:

    Have a great weekend
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,
    Just checking in and wanted to see how my friends were doing! Slept late (830) and got up and did PK & J and Ab Jam then tidied the house, cleaned the shrubs in the front of the house, grocery shopped and dropped off the dry cleaning. Now I get some "me" time:laugh: I am going to spend some time with my girls in a couple of hours and then just chill out with DH and a movie. He's preparing for a trial on Monday and he always gets a little stressed before hand so I am hoping he will just relax a bit and try to enjoy himself.

    Drevansmom - I love the pix!!! You look great!! Honestly it helps me to think of you guys working out so hard to push myself to drag my rump out of the bed and get after it. I wonder sometimes if you guys laugh at yourselves like I do when I am off beat or get the steps wrong, lol!! I can be so uncoordinated sometimes,lol!! But we're still "Winners"!!!.....

    Megan013- Jonas Bros!! That should be exciting!! it's all over radio here in H-town ~ it should be fun.... but I agree the popcorn would be the exciting part for me too,:wink:

    Hope everyone has an outstanding weekend,:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I'll check in later,

  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    My small workout turned into bustin my butt thru CP3. I pumped it up just a little (my HRM was beeping like crazy), but I burned about 600 cals. Then I did my push ups (moving on to week 4 FINALLY).
    I've ate like crap today so it's a good thing I did workout or I would feel REALLY guilty (okay I feel no guilt at all, but I call that mental progress :wink: )
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend. I may do a workout tomorrow but I doubt it....we will just see how the day goes!
    Night ladies
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    WTG on those weekend workouts, ladies!

    Drevans mom...LOVE the new picture! You look fantastic and I love your hair:flowerforyou:

    Megan...Jonas Brothers...oh, bless you:wink:

    Yesterday, was my rest day...not sure what today will bring. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, everyone!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    drevans_mom...love the new pic! No workout today, unless I'm up to it later tonight. Enjoy the rest of your weekend ladies and I'll catch ya on the new thread tomorrow!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Everybody,
    the close of another thread ~ wow,the weeks are just flying by ~ can't believe I've been here for almost 60 days! I love itI Got in Lower Body Jam and Ab Jam today -my glutes were screamin!! Guess that means they're changing, right? That's going to be it for me today ~ got 2 loads left of laundry and chicken in the oven ~ maybe I'll get a chance to just read and be quiet and get ready for work tomorrow.

    Hope everyone has a fantastic rest of the weekend:heart:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member