Is 100 pounds to skinny for 5'2? 45kgs & 159 cm!



  • purplishblue
    purplishblue Posts: 135 Member
    For someone who is 5'2, a healthy BMI is considered 101lbs-136lbs (aka, a BMI of 18.5-24.9). Below 101lbs is considered underweight, and above 136 is considered overweight. My question is, is there a reason you are picking a number that is below a healthy weight range? Now, the BMI is not perfect/end all be all, however it's what medical professionals use. I will say I'm a bit disturbed the amount of people on here saying aiming for an underweight number is totally fine and healthy. Does this mean that the second she reaches 100lbs she will suddenly die? No probably not. However, there's a range for a reason. And typically, if someone is picking an underweight number as a goal, there is also a reason. One reason could be an unhealthy mindset. OP, really think about why you are picking this, and if you are bypassing a healthy weight range due to unhealthy thinking.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Hey I don't know if you ever actually did drop down to 100 pounds but I HIGHLY do not recommend getting to that weight if you're only 5'2. That is my height and I right now am 100 pounds when I used to be 115. (I don't know why I'm losing weight exactly but i am) and I can tell you I feel like I could snap in half and every person I now speak to tells me how much better I used to look and I honestly used to feel that much better about myself (NO MORE BOOTY :( ) So if you want to look almost anorexic then if that's what you want but I'm dying for my 110-115 frame back because that is sexy and attractive. Hope I can help.

    Edit to add: I also am having serious health issues and am scared at this weight.

    What does your doctor recommend?
  • codsterlaing95
    codsterlaing95 Posts: 221 Member
    Disregard BMI. Most useless measure of how healthy/unhealthy someone is.
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    This is a really old thread, I doubt OP is going to come back and answer your questions