People mad at you for being successful.....



  • FatgutBgone
    FatgutBgone Posts: 73 Member
    I found a lot of friends are jealous of the success...just their coping mechanism so they make excuses for their weight...No more excuses for me....I'm with you I don't care who does not like the attention, but guess what you earned it! Enjoy & be Proud of it!

    Cheers, Joe

    Keep the Focus & Finish Strong!

    I used to be that way my self. I saw people losing weight and having good jobs and good lives. I said I wish that was me. Then I thought why can't that be me? I thought I would have to be on disability and depend on the government for every thing and hope and wish things might get better. Funny thing is that it never did get better. Then I decided to go back to school and learn how to MAKE things better for myself. Like I always say, "Anything is possible if you figure out how to do it and work hard enough to get it done".

    Stay strong -[-----]- live long.
