How did you and your partner meet?



  • nk17
    nk17 Posts: 141 Member
    I was in the back of a military bar playing Ms. Pacman on the arcade machine. It was near my house and I was bored. I had resolved to keep men out of my life for a while. I was so tired of them. My future husband came up to me and asked if he could play doubles. My first word to him were "Get the f*** away from me." He didn't listen. He's still not listening. That was 27 years ago in two weeks. We have two hairy beast sons who are grown men. One is married. The other is still finding his way. It's been a fun journey.
  • sirenvega
    sirenvega Posts: 43 Member
    He was my fiance's best friend. :ohwell: We've been married for almost 5 years now, and everyone is still friends. It was awkward for a while though!
  • Florawanda
    Florawanda Posts: 283 Member
    Congratulations to Jeni on coming up for her 30th anniversary - it is pearl, I think! So maybe he can get you some pearl earrings!
  • radosti1
    radosti1 Posts: 198 Member
    I ran an environmental lab. He and 2 other guys from his dept were dropping off samples. A girl in my lab had worked with them all before. So, they were all chatting when I walked in to hear her say, "You know I'm dating Sean, but she's single, you can go on a date with her!" as she pointed to me. Turns out he was jokingly offering to take her on a date if she passed the samples. So, he looked at me and asked if I wanted to go on a date. I joked right back by asking him what kind of car he drove. Then, they left. My techs poked fun at me and were taking bets on whether he or the other single guy he was with would call me. Then.... nothing, for 3 weeks.

    One day, the third guy he was with was standing outside the girl's office waiting for her to get off the phone. As a joke, I told him to tell my hubby that he's a wuss for not calling me. Before I knew what he was doing, the guy snatches the phone from the girl's ear and says, "Hey Paul, Rada said you're a wuss for not calling her." If the ground could have opened up and swallowed me, I'd have been happy.

    I walked to my desk. Before I got there, my phone was ringing. He asked me out again, but for real this time. That was in 2000. We got married in 2003 :)
  • MrsKunz
    MrsKunz Posts: 151 Member
    P.S we met on a dating site!

    So did me and my fiance and no regrets people ask me sometimes if i hide that fact cause its kinda weird but nope i met him online (OKCupid) and i loved him first time i saw him feb. will be 3 years and we got engaged Feb 1st last year! We will be getting married April 14, 2013
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I actually met my husband online, on the messenger site ICQ. I was bored one night and was researching people in my area to talk to. At the time I was with my ex-boyfriend, but I was just looking for some more friends. I messaged him, and sometime later he messaged me backed. We did a lot of chatting every night. Then shortly after we started chatting my ex-boyfriend cheated on me. So he helped me through the break up. After over a month of him insisting we go out on a date, I finally said yes. We went on a date on a Sunday, and made it official on that Wednesday. We have been together ever since. I wouldn't trade how we met for anything in the world. Its been the best relationship that I have been in. :) That's probably why hes my husband.. :) August 13th, 2012 will be 9 years since we started dating. October 18th, will be our 4 year wedding anniversary.. :)
  • ChantelleFowler
    ChantelleFowler Posts: 208 Member
    AprilVal, ICQ!! Omg. Memories! Lol.

    I met my husband on an online website that no longer exists (for good reason, too!). It was called! That's just asking for trouble, isn't it? Lol. We met back in 2001/2002 on that website when I was 13/14 and he was 16/17 and talked online for a few years before meeting face-to-face in 2006! =] Even though we only lived 45 minutes away from each other, it took us all those years to meet because we were both so shy!

    We met April 2006, he asked me out May 20, 2006. Asked me to marry him Dec. 31/2007. Had our daughter Oct. 16, 2008 and we finally married June 25, 2011. =]
  • Florawanda
    Florawanda Posts: 283 Member
    Almost 44 years ago, my former boyfriend begged me to go to his engagement party, promised he would introduce me to some eligible men... I agreed to go very reluctantly, and was bored to death by the 2 men he introduced me too (they are both millionaires now, so maybe I missed something) and got talking to this other guy - he made me laugh, and eventually asked me to go on for a meal afterwards.

    Apparently when I got home in the small hours, I went in to my mother and said "I've met the man I'm going to marry!" It took him a bit longer to come to the same conclusion, but almost a year later he took me out for dinner in a casino, and asked me... he said it was the biggest gamble of his life, but I reckon he knew he was on to a sure thing! We were married 6 months later, and our first baby (of four) arrived on our first wedding anniversary. Our second son now has four children of his own, and our third son expects his child in 6 weeks - his first was stillborn a year ago, so we are all praying hard.

    Best of all, my husband still makes me laugh!
  • EMarvie
    EMarvie Posts: 335 Member
    we met online - met July 2005 - started dating - engaged April 2007 - Married March 17th, 2008 - Had our amazing daughter August 2/08 - so, in a couple months we'll be celebrating our 4th anniversary!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    AprilVal, ICQ!! Omg. Memories! Lol.

    I met my husband on an online website that no longer exists (for good reason, too!). It was called! That's just asking for trouble, isn't it? Lol. We met back in 2001/2002 on that website when I was 13/14 and he was 16/17 and talked online for a few years before meeting face-to-face in 2006! =] Even though we only lived 45 minutes away from each other, it took us all those years to meet because we were both so shy!

    Haha.. :) Good memories huh. :) A lot of people don't know what ICQ is. haha.. :) Wed probably still used it if we "chatted" but we dont really have to anymore. haha.. :) Happy to hear yours is a good story as well.. :)
  • TheGlen
    TheGlen Posts: 242 Member
    I met my wife in college.

    We were both in a relationship at the time, became close friends over a couple years, and were there for each other through awful breakups (which brought us closer together). She became my best friend, then I married her :)
  • bornslippy69
    bornslippy69 Posts: 5 Member
    Still waiting for Mrs Right
  • Stephanie198907
    Stephanie198907 Posts: 163 Member

    i'm a sucker for romance.