Low Calories, or Low Carbs? What is better.....



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm not going to argue about what expert opinions or studies are valid and which aren't, because Taubes put a lot of effort into doing just that.

    So, you believe this one guy's opinion over the many doctors and scientists that conducted clinical studies and published them for review by other (often rival) experts in the field. You think this one guy, who I understand is not a scientist or doctor, is right and everyone else wrong. And now you want us to believe you. Is that the gist?

    Uh no, because that is what 100 pages of references in his book to real journals and studies by real scientists is all about. Taubes doesn't claim to be an expert scientist, he just took the work of others and presented what he finds to be the reality about diet and nutrition.

    There are tons of people with doctorate credentials who back up what Taubes wrote in his books.

    "tons of people" Is that because there are a lot of them, or just a one or two that eat carbs?
  • mrsjennifermaffei
    I've noticed that when I count calories, bread and pasta are often up there and so I naturally back off that stuff anyway.
    You will be a low carb eater and a low cal eater in the end, it works out ;-)
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    For ME, it's low calories and eating less processed foods, so it ends up being lower carbs, but I only recently started tracking (out of curiosity).

    I lose weight a LOT easier if I eat whole and homemade foods. Skip the fast food, avoid empty white breads and pastas, and try to eat food closer to the source.

    Good luck figuring out what works for you :)
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    Most people become obese due to sedentary lifestyles more than through overeating carbs. When it comes to carbs the type matters much more than the amount.
    Except most people who start exercising to lose weight will not lose weight because they will also increase their food intake to offset the new energy demands. If they consciously eat less while exercising more, they will feel like they are hungry all the time, and we all know its an unsustainable way to live.

    But I agree refined carbs are worse than more complex carbs such as fruits and whole grains. However there IS still a metabolic advantage to eating low carb, and its debatable whether complex carbs are much better than refined carbs anyways. As someone who is addicted to carbs, I'd rather error on the side of eating less overall carbs since the human body does not need them.

    Define "most". What percentage of people who start exercising to lose weight, don't lose weight? It seems as if you are simply making a bunch of generalizations based on nothing other than the fact that you have a food addiction.

    It is very well known that exercise alone is not an effective way to lose weight. Diet is far more important, and the problem is people are told that cutting calories is the solution, but it is not because it is unsustainable.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    I'm not going to argue about what expert opinions or studies are valid and which aren't, because Taubes put a lot of effort into doing just that.

    So, you believe this one guy's opinion over the many doctors and scientists that conducted clinical studies and published them for review by other (often rival) experts in the field. You think this one guy, who I understand is not a scientist or doctor, is right and everyone else wrong. And now you want us to believe you. Is that the gist?

    Uh no, because that is what 100 pages of references in his book to real journals and studies by real scientists is all about. Taubes doesn't claim to be an expert scientist, he just took the work of others and presented what he finds to be the reality about diet and nutrition.

    There are tons of people with doctorate credentials who back up what Taubes wrote in his books.

    "tons of people" Is that because there are a lot of them, or just a one or two that eat carbs?

    You're obviously quite ignorant on the subject and don't know anything about Taubes' work.
  • nixon76k
    I avoid sugars and refined grains, as those are empty carbs and calories, and actually, they increase my appetite. I eat fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains.

    I keep my calories under control as well. So you have to watch both, but make sure you eat enough complex carbs to sustain yourself.

    I agree with the above quote. Watching calories, especially those empty carbs and watching your fats... Carbs are vital for energy, and you can get good carbs through veggies and fruits, and still keep it low fat. Isn't the fat what we are all trying to lose anyway? Give your body the energy to burn it off with good carbs. :)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    It is very well known that exercise alone is not an effective way to lose weight. Diet is far more important, and the problem is people are told that cutting calories is the solution, but it is not because it is unsustainable.

    guess what, low carb diets work exactly the same as all over diets, a caloric deficit
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I personally worry more about my calories than carbs. As far as carbs are concerned, I just make sure I eat as many good carbs and possible, and very few bad ones. I try to stick to whole grain, oatmeal, etc.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    You're obviously quite ignorant on the subject and don't know anything about Taubes' work.

    lol lol lol calling someone ignorant and then referencing Taubes work lol
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    You're obviously quite ignorant on the subject and don't know anything about Taubes' work.

    lol lol lol calling someone ignorant and then referencing Taubes work lol

    If you're going to criticize Taubes' work, then you must also criticize all the people with MD and PhD degrees who also believe the same things. Why should I believe what you say is the truth over them?
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    It is very well known that exercise alone is not an effective way to lose weight. Diet is far more important, and the problem is people are told that cutting calories is the solution, but it is not because it is unsustainable.

    guess what, low carb diets work exactly the same as all over diets, a caloric deficit

    Yet by simply eliminating certain food groups, you can still eat as much as your body wants and needs and lose weight. That is much better than a diet where you have to count calories and starve yourself in the process.

    The magic of a low carb diet is because it is closer to the way humans were designed to eat, it allows the body to naturally regulate itself to avoid obesity. This is certainly not the case when eating mostly carbs.
  • thpeek
    thpeek Posts: 76
    I get far more results with my weight loss when I go easy on the carbs and eat leaner meats too. Everybody is different and I do not really care what everybody else is doing, to each to his own. Not really worth bickering over!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm not going to argue about what expert opinions or studies are valid and which aren't, because Taubes put a lot of effort into doing just that.

    So, you believe this one guy's opinion over the many doctors and scientists that conducted clinical studies and published them for review by other (often rival) experts in the field. You think this one guy, who I understand is not a scientist or doctor, is right and everyone else wrong. And now you want us to believe you. Is that the gist?

    Uh no, because that is what 100 pages of references in his book to real journals and studies by real scientists is all about. Taubes doesn't claim to be an expert scientist, he just took the work of others and presented what he finds to be the reality about diet and nutrition.

    There are tons of people with doctorate credentials who back up what Taubes wrote in his books.

    "tons of people" Is that because there are a lot of them, or just a one or two that eat carbs?

    You're obviously quite ignorant on the subject and don't know anything about Taubes' work.

    I am blissfully ignorant of this Taube's person and his "work". Never heard of him before joining this site. But then I've eaten carbs all my life without becoming obese so I doubt I would have thought much of his "work" if you are representing it correctly.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    It is very well known that exercise alone is not an effective way to lose weight. Diet is far more important, and the problem is people are told that cutting calories is the solution, but it is not because it is unsustainable.

    guess what, low carb diets work exactly the same as all over diets, a caloric deficit

    Yet by simply eliminating certain food groups, you can still eat as much as you want and your body needs and lose weight. That is much better than a diet where you have to count calories and starve yourself in the process.

    The magic of a low carb diet is because it is closer to the way humans were designed to eat, it allows the body to naturally regulate itself to avoid obesity. This is certainly not the case when eating mostly carbs.

    actually you can't eat as much as you want if you eliminate certain food groups as you must maintain a consistent caloric deficit

    and studies have borne out that the more restrictive a diet ie eliminating or severely limiting an entire macro , are the worst in terms of adherence, which is one of the most important things for any diet
  • TriciaLB
    Calories, of course! Your weight is a function of calories in, calories out. That said, you should still watch your carb intake and make sure you're eating a balanced diet.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Forget all the fad crap, and use good old fashioned common sense and logic. It's a lot less complicated than you think plus listening t your body helps a lot too. After a big run I sometimes crave carbohydrates and sugars...and rightly so! I've just used a whole load of stores and as a regular runner it wants to make sure I have enough "easy" energy as possible to go again!

    When people listen to what their body wants, they overeat and become obese when following the recommendations of organizations that are supposed to know about diet and nutrition. Sure as an endurance runner myself, my body rightfully wants me to weigh 200 lbs? For what, so I can get injured from all the pounding on my joints? No, because my body is addicted to foods that it is not designed to eat. Primitive human civilizations did NOT have access to carbohydrates the way they do today.

    Most people become obese due to sedentary lifestyles more than through overeating carbs. When it comes to carbs the type matters much more than the amount.

    ^^AGREED... I did say about being sensible and using common sense... what I was trying to imply is, that if I feel like I want carbs I will have them...but also count them towards my calorie intake. I haven't gained weight because I ate carbs ever. Only through gluttony. My "diet" and we're not talking in the weight loss sense (up to christmas) was mostly carbohydrates derived from oats, wholewheat/wholemeal, potatoes and fruit/vegetables and things like treat sized chocolate. I lost weight on this (It was balanced...plenty of protein too and obv as carbs/sugars also coming from veg/fruit I was getting all essential vitamins and minerals too) no problems. Christmas have been a pig... overeaten, known it and inevitably gained a pound of actual fat. 4 or 5lbs of water too which came off quickly.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    You're obviously quite ignorant on the subject and don't know anything about Taubes' work.

    lol lol lol calling someone ignorant and then referencing Taubes work lol

    If you're going to criticize Taubes' work, then you must also criticize all the people with MD and PhD degrees who also believe the same things. Why should I believe what you say is the truth over them?

    Who like Eades? no way does he have any financial motives to continue to promote low carb, right?

    and guess what MDs are still prescribing HCG for weightloss despite all evidence that it does nothing for wieghtloss, but you should trust them because they have a a piece of paper that says MD?
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I've shed 125 pounds and cut my Body Fat by 33% (from extremely unhealthy to "fitness" levels) and never cut out - or really decreased - my carb intake. I love carbs - fruits, veggies, whole grains - they not only provide fuel, but they also provide nutrients that you can't get from any other source.
    The key for me has been consuming nutritious, WELL-BALANCED meals and snacks in sensible portions, drinking plenty of water, and moving my body.
    That well-balanced part? Yeah, it totally includes carbs (in fact, I have a banana sitting on my desk right now, just waiting to be eaten).
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    It is very well known that exercise alone is not an effective way to lose weight. Diet is far more important, and the problem is people are told that cutting calories is the solution, but it is not because it is unsustainable.

    guess what, low carb diets work exactly the same as all over diets, a caloric deficit

    Guess what, not necessarily true. I did Atkins years ago and was eating easily 3k calories a day and lost 105lbs in less than a year. Didn't do any exercise other than walking during work as part of my job and was going to college full time as well. The only reason I gained the weight is that I fell off the wagon of eating good natural foods and started eating carb-y BS with sugar and wheat again. Now that I am back to eating low carb/Paleo weight comes off without thought and I can assure you while I don't bother to track calories religiously (no reason to on low carb) I'd be willing to bet that I take in quite a bit more caloricly than MFP would recommend by their numbers.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    It is very well known that exercise alone is not an effective way to lose weight. Diet is far more important, and the problem is people are told that cutting calories is the solution, but it is not because it is unsustainable.

    guess what, low carb diets work exactly the same as all over diets, a caloric deficit

    Guess what, not necessarily true. I did Atkins years ago and was eating easily 3k calories a day and lost 105lbs in less than a year. Didn't do any exercise other than walking during work as part of my job and was going to college full time as well. The only reason I gained the weight is that I fell off the wagon of eating good natural foods and started eating carb-y BS with sugar and wheat again. Now that I am back to eating low carb/Paleo weight comes off without thought and I can assure you while I don't bother to track calories religiously (no reason to on low carb) I'd be willing to bet that I take in quite a bit more caloricly than MFP would recommend by their numbers.

    So you can eat in a caloric surplus and lose weight doing paleo/primal/low carb?