Moderation my *kitten*!



  • MayaNelson
    Agreed - I admitted to myself that I am a compulsive over-eater. Particularly when it comes to certain foods. I can have a dish of candy on my desk and never touch it for weeks. However, if I have one piece - I'll have 30!!

    My solution is to not start. I realize that that means that I will never again have white chocolate, peanut butte, and other items.

    It's OK - because they don't taste as good and won't make me feel as good as being FIT will!

    We can do it!

  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    You should read "The End of Overeating." It's written by Dr. David Kessler, who used to head the FDA. I'm still in the middle of it, but it's an incredible book. It talks about the science of addiction and the types of chemical reactions that occur in the body that lead to an eating binge once you allow yourself that first bite. It's been incredibly helpful to me to understand a little bit behind why I "can't stop" myself. From what I've read so far, it sounds like some people are more prone to addictive behavior with food than others. Good luck!

    Might just have to check this out!

    Honestly I don't feel deprived when I don't eat those trigger foods b/c I'll sub in something else. But Recently I said, OH WHAT THE HEY....why NOT?!....I didn't fall off the wagon exactly, I was being drug behind holding on to a chain for dear life down a rocky dirt road....every now & then I'd have a day I'd be almost good, then that darn thing would run my *kitten* over!

  • musicgirl99
    musicgirl99 Posts: 252 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I gained 30 lbs. in 4 months by being this way. I'm so disgusted with myself and embarrased to even admit that but I don't know what to do to change. It's always been all or nothing with me.