Where is everyone from, heritage.. ethnicity etc.



  • SmokingSamurai
    SmokingSamurai Posts: 1 Member
    Mom's Side: My ancestors are seemed to be from the Islands on my grandfathers side. My Grandmother is 1/2 Seminole Native American 1/4 White (English). 1/4 Black.

    Dad's Side: Ancestors seem to be from the Mediterranean and Coast of Africa

    I have light brown eyes due to grandmothers heritage (Runs in the family now)
    I have freckles (Not as much as my Mom)
    I seem to have islander features more than african american features.

    Ancestoral Test for more accurate results should be in the mail soon
  • mskupnick88
    Croatian, from my dads side i have no clue about m moms there from the mountains of good oll Kentucky hahaha :)
  • Kelly50054
    Irish, welsh and indian, but mostly irish
    I was born and raised in Portland, Oregon
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    I'm currently living in Philippines but I'm 100% Latina by ethnicity. I'm half-Mexican, half-Spanish (or should I say I'm half-Native, half-Spanish).
  • Nharley
    Nharley Posts: 201
    My grandparents came from Germany and Ireland. My grandfather came to America when he was 7 years old. My grandmothers family had been in America for several generations and had settled in West Virginia. Those grandparents had my mother. My father was adopted however traced his heritage to the Indigenous people of Mexico. I grew up going through being an Indian Princess ( a school club), knowing Kris Kringle ( my uncle was also from Germany), eating corn beef and cabbage with coins hidden in the cabbage (my mother's father - his New Year traditional meal), among the American Christian holiday rituals (my mother is a devout Christian. I married into a family that is first generation Americans from England. My husband arrived here when he was 8 years old. My children (of course myself as well) have adopted many English traditions though for many years I subjected these Britons to my childhood traditions! This Christmas I made/canned pickle onions for my kids and we are having roast beef along side of a turkey for dinner tonight. My mother in law has made an English trifle for desert. A family gift under the tree this morning was a pickle grabber...this nifty little tool has "fingers" that wrap around the pickle or onion so you don't have to fish them out with a fork or spoon. :) Homemade Christmas crackers are usually a must at Christmas as well.

    Thanks for asking! It's nice to think about where I've come from and revisit happy memories.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    My mom's side is a scandinavian mix and my grandmother is 100% Norwegian, my Dad's side is a mix of German, Austrian and French. I was born and raised in Minnesota with all the other Germans and Scandannavians. lol
  • ReverendJim
    ReverendJim Posts: 260 Member
    I am from Arizona, haha. But live in the Seattle area. I guess my family is half German, with god-knows-what-else mixed in. Probably some setter or terrier, knowing some of my relatives, haha. Pretty boring here. Run-of-the-mill white anglo computer nerd.
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    Mom is Finnish with parents that were born in Finland. Dad is Irish, English and Scottish.
  • bluebarbie
    family is from Kingston, Jamaica i was born and grew up in Brooklyn NY
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I'm pinay~ Well, half. Daddy's an irishman. :)
  • crazy4youz
    crazy4youz Posts: 28 Member
    Native American, Russian, French, German, Canadian, Spanish....... Just about everything except asian and irish haha so I guess it's easier to just say American :laugh:
  • sjadams01
    My family came to America before the revolutionary war (on all sides) from France, England, and Ireland. My paternal grandmother's mother's family was Cherokee. My paternal grandmother's father's family is lower French Royalty that got kicked out of England and France in the 1400's and settled in the New World as farmers. That family is directly descendant from Charlemagne and William the Conqueror which goes all the way back to Ptolemy (general to Alexander the Great). My paternal grandfather's family were poor irish famers (lineage stops in 1480's in Ireland - no records before then). My maternal grandmother's family is also Irish. My great great grandfathers on her side fought as captains on both sides of the civil war. Unfortunately, we know nothing about my maternal grandfather's family as his mother took all the family history with her to the grave. She refused to discuss it. There is some evidence that my great-grandmother was born out of wedlock, but we don't know to whom.

    we are distant relatives my friend.... William the Conqueror here too!
  • michaelaleighfle
    michaelaleighfle Posts: 49 Member
    borned and raised in newport news, virginia.. and i am greek and spanish :)
  • sjadams01
    Heinz 57 here mostly Norwegian, English, Irish, and German...
  • OneMoreTime91
    Fathers side is mostly Irish and French, Mothers is Italian and French/English.
  • speedycakes
    speedycakes Posts: 152 Member
    German on my dad's side and Italian on my moms side.
  • fitacct
    fitacct Posts: 241 Member
    My roots are French, Acadian-French, Irish and a bit of American Indian thrown in. ; )
  • mego07
    mego07 Posts: 234 Member
    I'm French. Very, very French. And German.

    ETA: And now that I think of it, that's all my dad's side. I have no idea about my mother's side. She was adopted.

    It is so nice to hear someone else who's parent was adopted and not know part of their history. People ask me all the time what my heritage is and all i can tell them is German and Welsh from my mom's side. My dad was adopted.

    Most people guess i am : Greek, Italian, Jewish (you can't look like a religion!), Mediterranean and/or some sort of Middle Eastern gal. It's always fun to say.. well you could be correct on any of those! I just go with "I'm American"
  • olso123
    olso123 Posts: 192 Member
    My dad is Italian and my mom is Dutch, Irish, Scotch and English.
  • TheLuSir
    TheLuSir Posts: 1,674 Member
    I'm Mexican/Spanish-American. My great grandparents were illegal, so I'm pretty sure I'm legit now.

    : P