New Years Resolutions! What are yours?

Hey everyone. I've already formally introduced myself, but since I just got my New Years resolutions set for next year, I just thought I'd post them here and see if anyone who wants to do something similar, please friend me! It looks like a lot but I'm hoping it turns out to be about 30 minutes a day with a bit extra on weekends. Thing is I'm practically already deciding that I'm not going to go through with it, so if you want to do something similar to that, friend me and we'll motivate each other. :)

To run/walk a mile every day. This doesn't have to be all at once; it can be in two 10 minute intervals, etcetera. Perhaps I'll even get to the point of being able to run a mile by the end of the year.

To lift weights three times a week. I'm not going to have a final amount of weight I'd like to be able to lift in each position. If I can keep with the goal of doing it, I think I'll get good results, both in terms of muscle building and amount of weight I can lift.

To use a different form of exercise (I'm going to use 10 Minute Trainer videos my family has, they've got different types) to bring my daily exercise minutes up to 30.

To get in one outdoor(ish) activity a week, whether that is a hike, skiing, or ice skating. This would replace the mile for that day.

To do a completely different type of exercise that's more fun (in my case, these NY ballet fitness videos I got a little while ago once a week). This would also replace the mile for that day.

I'm hoping by doing this I can get pretty fit in about 30 minutes a day with extra but *fun* stuff on weekends. Want to join? You can absolutely modify this but if you want to do something similar, friend me. :)


  • -2012: To "KEEP" exercising daily (2011's was to exercise daily)
    -2012: To incorporate my new 21-speed bike in a training regimen, and train more outdoors in general
    -2012: To "KEEP" losing weight (2011's was to lose weight .... so was 2010, 2009, 2008, get the idea)

    later 2012 or early 2013: To include the word maintain or maintenance in any future weight-related resolution
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    -2012: To "KEEP" exercising daily (2011's was to exercise daily)
    -2012: To incorporate my new 21-speed bike in a training regimen, and train more outdoors in general
    -2012: To "KEEP" losing weight (2011's was to lose weight .... so was 2010, 2009, 2008, get the idea)

    later 2012 or early 2013: To include the word maintain or maintenance in any future weight-related resolution

    Wow! Good job on sticking with everything so well! Very cool and very impressive!!
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    To keep the weight off.
  • To have this year be the last year I make a resolution about weight loss =)
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    I haven't thought of mine yet. I think mine would be to not gain any weight back. Even when I reach my goal weight. Not a single pound will be gained back.
  • I want to recover from my eating disorder and be happier. :)
  • The same as I resolved back in 2000, not to make New Year's resolutions, but to assess my life throughout the year and make the necessary changes at that time instead of once a year.
  • hey!!! well, i have some....

    to attend my pilates class every saturday or tuesday when i start college (it's a mandatory class)
    to go to yoga class every saturday
    to treat my body right
    to use my new eliptical so much it'll break before the year is over
    to go outdoors more, after all, i have a pretty big garden!
    to ace all my exams... if i don't, i'll feel bad and i'm realizing i'm more of an emotional eater....
  • Tamstar1985
    Tamstar1985 Posts: 334 Member
    i have some!!

    - continue strength training 3x a week
    - start up running again (once i have the proper clothes for cold weather exercise)
    - get mah abs pokin out again (right now they are only visible first thing in the morning)

    and non-fitness related...

    - improve my chinese reading skills (i am fluent as far as speaking goes, but i'd really like to be able to read books and not just newspapers...)
    - start making canned preserves and pickles
    - save money for my wedding ceremony in august 2012!!!
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    -Get organized
    -Go to the gym regularly
    -Not gain anymore weight
    -Read one book every month :)

    Those are the four main ones, the others are just little things I want to change about myself and work on :)
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    hey!!! well, i have some....

    to attend my pilates class every saturday or tuesday when i start college (it's a mandatory class)
    to go to yoga class every saturday
    to treat my body right
    to use my new eliptical so much it'll break before the year is over
    to go outdoors more, after all, i have a pretty big garden!
    to ace all my exams... if i don't, i'll feel bad and i'm realizing i'm more of an emotional eater....

    I'm an emotional eater too! I need to find an alternative to that one!
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    Mine is to be the best I can be for me and for others.

    I am starting today, and tomorrow, and Dec 26, 27, etc.
  • hey!!! well, i have some....

    to attend my pilates class every saturday or tuesday when i start college (it's a mandatory class)
    to go to yoga class every saturday
    to treat my body right
    to use my new eliptical so much it'll break before the year is over
    to go outdoors more, after all, i have a pretty big garden!
    to ace all my exams... if i don't, i'll feel bad and i'm realizing i'm more of an emotional eater....

    I'm an emotional eater too! I need to find an alternative to that one!

    i know what you mean!!!! i try to be as emotionally stable as i can... but i have to say it's very hard when you fight with your dad or something like that... :/ i also feel sleepy, but i chose the food instead... maybe sleeping it off?
  • 1) To be more patient
    2) To workout more often...I'm at 3 times/week now and it's just not enough
    3) Give up white stuff...white bread, potatoes, cakes etc - it's not good for me
    4) Stop driving so fast lol
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    To get my kids to eat healthier.

    EDIT to add: Spend less time on the internet. :)
  • Your goals are very impressive, I think they are ambitious and it gives you a greater drive to sucseed, Im sure you will :-) all the various activitys you do will get your physique into a perfect condition, and the NY ballet, go you! thats cool. good luck!

    My resoloutions I have 5, they are
    1. get to 14stone or under 12% Body fat
    2. Get Involved in MMA and go as far as I can.
    3. Involved in a video of myself and a friend training, hope to have it done by july to inspire people even if just one to go for their dream
    4. Do something for charity that will earn a good amount, mountain climb/ marathon those type of fund raisers
    5. get myself a missus, Its been way to long!! lol

    Im carlie, lost alot of weight this year, 6stone, It been hard, Ive hit the wall a few times, but Im getting there, Im hoping to get into my peak shape by march/april 2012. I would really like to inspire anyone like me who was at first intimidated by excerise in public to overcome their fear and acheive what they want to do. Im a former Rugby Player looking for a career in Mixed Marshall Arts, theres a slim chance, but there is a chance and I am going for it!! good luck to all on your journeys :)
  • leslielt
    leslielt Posts: 113 Member
    to not make a New Years Resolution...oh wait
  • to be 120-110 by next hollidays and just look hot in a bikini for summer
  • flsunshine
    flsunshine Posts: 188 Member
    get off my rear and go to the gym and start college courses for biology (hopefully)
  • katyejean
    katyejean Posts: 233 Member
    For my 2012:

    - Do cardio at least 4-5 times a week. Strength training at least 3.
    - Continue to lose the weight in a healthy, happy manner.
    - Become as organic and process-free as I can within my tight budget.
    - Get and keep my family motivated to do the same!
    - Never step foot or drive around a fast-food restaurant ever again! Except the Subway I currently work in.
    - To continue logging in to MFP until I can do this on my own.
    - Save up as much money as possible by the end of the year. (I don't have a set, realistic number just yet.)
    - Get a better job with more opportunities.
    - Find a way to get at least one or two college classes rolling!

    This is about all I can think of for now. I haven't thought of New Year's JUST yet. Mostly CHRISTMAS! :)