New Years Resolutions! What are yours?



  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Eat more protein so I can build the muscle I want.
    Get my body fat down low enough where my abs will show
    Get my golf handicap down from 3 (current) to scratch.
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    Mine is to live a healthier lifestyle so I can feel and look better.
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    I resolve to get to the health club earlier to avoid the January crowds of all the people who've made a New Year's resolution to get in shape, most of whom won't be seen again in the health club by early March. And I further resolve not to make any other New Years' resolutions.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    get to goal weight and look amazing!
    and to do my cert 3 in pt!
  • crodrigu73
    crodrigu73 Posts: 134 Member
    To get rid of the morbidly in front of obese. That is such a horrible word. Develope a love for exercises. Reach my first big goal of 232 (what I promised my children I would weigh before they go to school). And total off the weight lose thing create an organized home that runs smooth. This will creat peace for me in the home for my family and allow me more time to focus on me and spend time with them.
  • Echo17121
    Echo17121 Posts: 111 Member
    Im carlie, lost alot of weight this year, 6stone, It been hard, Ive hit the wall a few times, but Im getting there, Im hoping to get into my peak shape by march/april 2012. I would really like to inspire anyone like me who was at first intimidated by excerise in public to overcome their fear and acheive what they want to do. Im a former Rugby Player looking for a career in Mixed Marshall Arts, theres a slim chance, but there is a chance and I am going for it!! good luck to all on your journeys :)

    My friend teaches Mixed Marshall Arts at a local place. I have taken a few of them, so much fun!
  • LisaMariaCallow
    Since I am at my goal weight (thank you mfp!! :happy: ), my resolution for 2012 is to do more strength training and really carve out some muscles!

    Also, since I had to practically buy a whole new wardrobe for myself ( :bigsmile: !!) I'm gonna try to spend less $$ in 2012!!
  • Its always been an interest of mine and my idol is a MMA artist Brock Lesnar, Its his training videos that motivated me to join a gym in the first place, and I love him <3 lol. Well done on your weight loss, its a great feeling and it proves hard work pays keep going :)
  • sarahlovestorun
    sarahlovestorun Posts: 36 Member
    Walk the dog every day, so we both can get fit!
  • sarahlovestorun
    sarahlovestorun Posts: 36 Member
    Also, to keep boxing!
  • satoshieyes
    To reach my goal weight..
    To run 1,000 miles (ran 500 this year)
    To help my friends reach their own goal weights!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    The same as I resolved back in 2000, not to make New Year's resolutions, but to assess my life throughout the year and make the necessary changes at that time instead of once a year.

    Well said, and that goes for me too!
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member

    I don't do them. I'm going to work on NOT making so many goals this year... to pare it down to a few good habits that I've been working on, maintain those and to add whatever I see fit, but only one or two at a time so as not to get overwhelmed.
  • Longbowgilly
    Longbowgilly Posts: 262 Member
    To smile whenever I look at my body in the mirror rather than scowl at it, after all its my fault that it looks so bad!)
    To get my blood pressure back to normal so I can ditch the meds
    To eat mindfully
    To eat healthy as much as I can
  • alofay
    alofay Posts: 127 Member
    To be a little more refined. Starting with not cussing like a sailor and also being a little more "girlie" and not so tomboyish! :)
  • Longbowgilly
    Longbowgilly Posts: 262 Member
    To be a little more refined. Starting with not cussing like a sailor and also being a little more "girlie" and not so tomboyish! :)

    :laugh: I know what you mean!
    I always try and bring out my girly side, it can be hard especially when I am chucking my huge double bit axe over my head at our archery club! I always make sure I have the lippy on though!!:laugh:
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    My goal is to reach goal weight by June and keep it off this time!
  • ciaobellakiss
    stop binge eating and reach my goal weight by May-June.
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    Finish a full marathon in or around 4.5 hours. Finish a full distance triathlon. Volunteer more.
  • adriayellow11
    To stop saying "I should have", "I could have", and "I would have". To do or to let it go. To not defeat myself or anyone else. :)