Anyone else hate Christmas/Holidays...?



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    It is against Myfitnesspal rules to discuss RELIGION in the forums.

    Let it go.

    This thread is now doomed.

  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    To end, the Christmas tree was actually used as Trinity is. A tree has 3 points that are its shape. The top point, and bottom left & right end corners. This represents the trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). In spiritual comparison if you think about it, or how i do at least.Gifts are placed under the tree, because they are under God. Pledge Of Alligiance "One nation under God". If the tree represents the Trinity (3 points) is comparable to how the wise men presented gifts to Jesus. They GAVE gifts to Jesus, just as we give gifts to others. They are placed under the tree, to be given to others.

    How does the Pledge of Allegiance relate to Christmas?
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    It is against Myfitnesspal rules to discuss RELIGION in the forums.

    Let it go.

    This thread is now doomed.


    Too right. This started as merely a thread about hating the holidays - even if you celebrate the holiday for religious reasons there was no reason to bring it into the thread and get it deleted.

    I also despise this time of year. Christmas carols and decorations are now in stores after Halloween. People get nuts focusing on all the materialistic aspects. People are ruder than usual when you go out to a grocery store or any retail place starting a few weeks before the holiday because they stress themselves out. And while I applaud those who do try to focus more on the giving back aspect of the holiday, I hope that someday these sentiments are part of everyday life (for everyone, I know there are many people who do volunteer, etc, throughout the year), rather than something that is only discussed once a year.
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    People, the reason we celebrate Christmas is because JESUS was born on this day. How could you possibly hate it?
    I know that many of us don't get along with their families but still it's a happy season.
    Spend it with the ones you love the most.
    Please do your research. Jesus was not born on this day. I thought everybody knew this!
    Although no one knows the exact date of Christ's birth, there is evidence that he was not born in the winter: "And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night" (Lk.2:8). This never could have occurred in the month of December in Palestine. The shepherds usually brought their flocks from the mountainsides and fields and corralled them no later than the middle of October to protect them from the cold, rainy season that followed. The Song of Solomon 2:11 and Ezra.10:9, 13 show that winter was a rainy season during which shepherds could not have remained in open fields at night:

    Astronomers believe that he was born in summertime, probably in July. Also, I really have respect for you as a person of faith (which I am not) because most do not know this or the fact that the holiday stems from Pagan origins. Most people aren't educated enough to know this or do the research. Thats why I really hate when people say keep christ in christmas. I understand the need to feel as though it is a holiday celebrating their faith, but come one...Hanukkah is more original. lol.
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    At the same time I love seeing my little boy's excitement about Christmas. For a long time I lost it. I was the Grinch. Then I had my son and it's like experiencing Christmas through new eyes.

    I see the xmas lights for the first time...instead of my eyes just glazing over.

    I wake up with anticipation and can't wait till he opens his presents when before he was born, I hated having to buy people things out of obligation.

    I agree with this point. My boyfriend and I both agree that when we eventually have kids we will do a moderate xmas day for them. Kids have pure hearts that aren't corrupted by greed (unless of course you raise them that way) and it is wonderful to see the joy they get from even the smallest gift.

    Adding a little something- I heard someone say that each year during the holidays the kids would go through their toys they didn't want and take them needy kids or childrens hospitals. Although I have never been a religious person, I was raised to help others in need (no need for religion to be a good person). When we were kids my godmother couldn't afford gifts for her kids so when I was about 8 I was using my xmas money to buy them gifts. I want my kids to be the same way. I want to take them to homeless shelters and such and show them what I was raised to believe, that not everyone, no matter how impoverished you might be, someone out there is probably worse. Although this is something that should be done all year round.
  • yogavegan
    yogavegan Posts: 116 Member
    i dont celebrate any holidays really, and this time of year is the most depressing for me. there is so much pressure and stress and expectations, and i dont buy into any of it... and the whole 'family' thing is another ball of confusion... i am the black sheep outcast of the family, and they keep trying to mold me into who they want me to be... i am almost 40 years old...

    so anyway... i just grin and bear it and do a lot of yoga through the new year....
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Give your kids frankincense and myrrh and see what happens. :laugh:
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    I don't hate Christmas but dislike the gotta buy this and gotta buy that and If I don't get this I'll just DIE attitude. I don't put up a tree, I don't put up lights, I don't have the whole family over for dinner, I don't do gifts. I celebrate in my own way with my husband and we're ok with that.

    Except this year I have to deal with the MIL. Look out pine rest, here I come!!!!!
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    Yes!!!!!!!!!!! I hate Christmas!!!!!!!!!!! I hate having to be nice to family that I hate the rest of the time. I hate having to cook food that I wouldn't normally eat because of the calories. I hate feeling like I have to drink alcohol because everyone else is. I hate all the work involved (for me) because I have to cater for 2 aging mothers. I hate having to buy gifts that probably won't be appreciated and I hate spending money I haven't got on said gifts.
    I am the original Mrs Scrooge!!
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    Yes!!!!!!!!!!! I hate Christmas!!!!!!!!!!! I hate having to be nice to family that I hate the rest of the time. I hate having to cook food that I wouldn't normally eat because of the calories. I hate feeling like I have to drink alcohol because everyone else is. I hate all the work involved (for me) because I have to cater for 2 aging mothers. I hate having to buy gifts that probably won't be appreciated and I hate spending money I haven't got on said gifts.
    I am the original Mrs Scrooge!!
  • catcrazy
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