Anyone exercise Christmas? I managed to run 3 miles today



  • Did a quick 25 min jog - I was able to use my new HRM - boy, was my treadmill underestimating my calorie burn.
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    Once the kids are in bed I'll get in at least a 3 mile run. Won't equalize all the calories for the day, but it will be a start. Damn cookies!
  • ncwingnut71
    ncwingnut71 Posts: 292 Member
    I did 45 minutes of zumba
  • I have on my running tights and a shirt but I have to laugh at myself. After all the food.. I'm swollen and look like a stuffed sausage!!
  • tikikris
    tikikris Posts: 81 Member
    Congratulations to all of you for exercising today! I thought about it, then decided to take a nap instead. :yawn:
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    Just finished 20 minutes on the Gazelle. Getting ready to do 25 minutes of Biggest Loser Bootcamp, then maybe a little yoga.
  • olymp1a
    olymp1a Posts: 1,766 Member
    I did 35 minutes of Turbo Jam, 40 minutes Capoeira and 1 full hour of Power Yoga! :)
  • Just worked out for 2 hours.
  • DKev
    DKev Posts: 266 Member
    I discovered this today too!
  • DKev
    DKev Posts: 266 Member
    Did a quick 25 min jog - I was able to use my new HRM - boy, was my treadmill underestimating my calorie burn.

    Whoops meant to quote this!
  • clankp22
    clankp22 Posts: 38 Member
    I ran 3.1 and walked another 2.4. Merry Christmas!
  • chrissyv1024
    chrissyv1024 Posts: 97 Member
    I ran 2.8 yesterday and went on a slow 50 minute walk with my daughter (1.7). Will run tomorrow.
  • I completed 20 min.elliptical, 55 minutes of No More Trouble Zones DVD by Jillian Michaels, and 90 minute walk with hubby! I burned approximately 800 calories. Cheers to all those who made an effort today!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    50 minute run/walk on my home treadmill after discovering the gym was closed. I'm glad it was closed...everyone should have the day off today to enjoy with friends and family.

    Merry Christmas!
  • sjkcarter
    sjkcarter Posts: 417 Member
    I did jillian michaels killer buns and thighs this morning. I haven't gone over cals yet. I either go to bed, or I'll eat a little bit of ham later.
  • flisafakto
    flisafakto Posts: 143 Member
    Despite being dead set on having a proper, no-guilt cheat day, I ended up doing a jog/walk today! I wanted to try out the HRM and other fitness accessories I got for Christmas :)
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,186 Member
    I didnt exercise at all due to eating a lot! ahahaha But as I do live in Australia we did do a few outdoor activites.. However there is no way I would have burnt enough calories haha
  • zoe4friends
    zoe4friends Posts: 727 Member
    I had my day off from Insanity today, but I did 45 minutes on a bike
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    10 mile run this morning. HANGING, but Sunday is long run day.....
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I went for a 2 mile run. :smile: