Do you use a food scale?



  • Lucia_Armstrong1973
    I think, especially in the beginning of the weight loss journey, that it is a good thing to be obsessive about weighing food. I used my scale in the beginning for everything! Then after you become more comfortable with the foods you eat most often, you can kind of cut out some of the scale usage. But being obsessive about it in the beginning helps you when you are in situations you can't control, such as restaurants or at parties etc.

    I was just telling my sons last night that a good food scale would have been a perfect Christmas present for me, after they completely melted my last (high end) one!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Getting a food scale was the best thing I did for my weight loss. It was eye opening to see what a true serving really was.
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    Disordered eating isn't about whether you measure portions. Would you go to a restaurant if the cook made the food differently or gave you different sized portions every time? Is it OCD to eat one container of yogurt and not open a second to have a few more spoonfuls because you're not full yet? We measure portions of food all the time and don't consider it obsessive. The food scale is just another way of doing it. (It is very useful for cooking, by the way -- no more messy sifting of flour to measure accurately, if you just measure it by grams!)

    An eating disordered person is losing weight for some reason other than being healthy and feeling better. They feel like crap, they are weak and dizzy, their skin is getting bruised, they're losing hair on their heads and growing it everywhere else, they're not menstruating or having sexual feelings, yet the still think they ought to lose more weight, despite being fully aware it will make those symptoms worse. They consider symptoms validation of what strong people they are for maintaining their diets.

    I'm halfway to goal and already feel great. There's less gravity bearing down on me, I have more energy, I'm eating more vegetables and less crap, and I'm exercising more than ever because I get the immediate reward of extra calories to spend on more food. It's not about the fact that I'm measuring food like I measured reagents in chem class. It's about whether my goals are healthy or not.
  • emilytgs24
    emilytgs24 Posts: 90 Member
    I weigh EVERYTHING that I can!! I've also started using it to cook with-especially breads-I weigh out my flour. The scale is more accurate than using measuring cups and spoons....
  • emilytgs24
    emilytgs24 Posts: 90 Member
    I don't. I guess, and have had no problems losing all the weight I wanted to and more that way. I can't be bothered weighing everything, that's too control-freaky for the way I live.
    Congrats to you for losing without having to weigh....some people are not that good at judging and there is nothing wrong with using a scale, I use mine for my fruits, meats and cheese's....if you need a scale by all means please use one and eventually you may be able to eyeball the servings.......good luck and enjoy the scale
    I find that the eyeballs are usually wrong! I think if you use the scale when you are at home and any other time you are able you will naturally make better portion choices when you don't have the scale. You will be able to look at your steak at Outback and say I should only eat half of that so that I'm eating a normal portion... Bottom line-I have been in maintenance for over a year and I STILL USE MY SCALE EVERY DAY. Love it. :)
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    YES YES YES!! I use for everyday for everything. I always weigh my apples since size varies so much, for baby carrots......I use to use it to measure out all my portion of meat to know if it was a 3 oz portion or 5oz etc.

    Mine does lbs, oz, grams, ml, etc so it's handy for everything!!