What's the most embarrasing thing that has ever happened to



  • _Aimée_
    _Aimée_ Posts: 190
    With an ex boyfriend I would stay in his house whilst he went to work. He forgot to tell me that his landlord would let herself in to get the rent.
    I had music blaring, naked on the sofa, having some 'me' time, eyes closed head back oblivious to anything. I open my eyes slightly and see a figure standing in the doorway.
    She just said "The music is very loud" Walked right past me, got the rent out of the pot on the shelf and left. I laugh about it now but back then I could have cried.
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    With an ex boyfriend I would stay in his house whilst he went to work. He forgot to tell me that his landlord would let herself in to get the rent.
    I had music blaring, naked on the sofa, having some 'me' time, eyes closed head back oblivious to anything. I open my eyes slightly and see a figure standing in the doorway.
    She just said "The music is very loud" Walked right past me, got the rent out of the pot on the shelf and left. I laugh about it now but back then I could have cried.
    Wow! Did she stop and have a cup of tea too? lol!
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    No.....I kept meaning to but a payback never presented itself. The funny thing is she only said it when strange men were around. I broke her of that phrase with a squirt bottle. She still had a pretty outrageous vocabulary. Her vet said she was one of the smartest birds he had ever seen. Sad to say she has been gone for a few years now. :cry:

    You should still get him back!

    I probably would if he was still alive. Then again it's been over 25 years since this happened
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member

    I probably would if he was still alive. Then again it's been over 25 years since this happened

    I'm sorry to hear that!