

  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    At least a couple of times a week. Have to have it for meatloaf and have a strong preference for it in spaghetti, both of which are big favorites in my household. Since I've gone back to eating meat (not just aquatic animals), I'm kinda slow to regain my taste for ground turkey for some reason. Anyway, we eat Laura's beef pretty much exclusively. I'm still very much loathe to eat beef from fast food, which we don't eat terribly often.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I havent had red meat in soooooooo long? It used to make me feel bad, so I stopped eating it. But the taste of red meat is bliss. I want a burger and steak, something serious. Lol. I would like to know how often people on here take in red meat? To help me gauge my intake.

    I'm Primal, my dear. I have the best health I have ever had in my life and I'm at the lowest weight I have been since before puberty and all this happened when I ditched the grains, legumes, milk and sugars and upped my protein and fat. I eat lots of saturated fat.

    The V*ans will tell you no red meat, the Primal/Paleo folks will tell you eat as much as you want - it isn't bad for you. The "regular" folk will tell you "in moderation". **eye roll**.

    I try and eat beef and pork every day (I also eat shrimp, scallops, wild-caught salmon, and other seafood). I buy lean beef and add fat to it (coconut oil! YUM!) since I can't afford grass-fed/finished beef. The grain they are fed to fatten them up fast really makes their bodies sick since it isn't their natural diet (interesting that they are fed grains to fatten them fast for slaughter and we are told to get 11 servings a day to help maintain a healthy weight). And it also send the O-6 fats (inflammatory) way up. I eat poultry sporadically due to the O-6 content also.

  • forest0spirit555
    forest0spirit555 Posts: 164 Member
    Surprised to find how often people eat red meat. I cut it out of my diet almost completely after looking up calorie count. Hmm....Well looks like its all about the cut. Thanks for making this forum. I found it really helpful.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I am admittedly pretty particular about my meat. If I don't feel like it is from a "good" source, I'd rather not eat it. I have been eating 100% grass-fed beef probably about five times a week. I have gotten excellent deals buying in bulk direct from a rancher.

    I don't really eat corn-fed beef at all.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    Once or twice a week usually, sometimes more... sometimes less. I try to vary our meals day by day and I, personally, do not enjoy having too much of one thing within a single week. It's not that I have "issues" with eating red meat... I just like variety.

    Sometimes I crave a good burger or steak though. When I do, I make it, watch the cuts I use, and watch my portion size.