American accents?



  • siouxsteph
    agreed! Calm urself!:drinker:
  • Sd0510
    Sd0510 Posts: 295 Member
    I'm from Maryland and as far as I know, I personally don't have an accent. There are some in this area that do though. I pronounce everything properly though. I love slight southern accents though. I was in Auburn, AL a few months ago and it was like being in heaven listening to the women talk. It wasn't too strong but it wasn't non-existent either.

    Everyone in the world has "an accent". You do not think you have one because that is normal for you, but if you went to another country, or sometimes even another state, they would think you have an accent and they don't.
    For example, I never realized people would think I had an accent, but once I went to New Jersey, and I was talking to a group of people. They all had the "southern-ish accent" that many Jersey people have, and they said my accent was funny. I was of course dumbfounded and was wondering why they thought I had an accent when they were the one's with the "funny accent".
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    As an American (sorry, but no one else seems to be responding), the only two accents I just don't like are the twangy Texan accent and the "typical New Yorker" accent.

    My favorite? A proper southern ladies accent (like in old movies) depends what part of Texas you're from There's a East Texas accent , West Texas accent and a South Texas accent. So stfu you ignorant prick!

    I like this accent.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I'm from Australia, but haven't spent enough time in the US to pick a particular accent, but there certainly are some that are easier to listen to than others.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    I'm not from US & honestly I find all American accents the same. I even can't tell the difference between British, Australian, New Zealand, etc. I worked as a Marketing support in a call center before for a year but still having hard time speaking their English & I can feel my tongue twisting everytime I try to speak on their accents.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    I'm not from the US and the only accent I can recognize is the Southern one. Thank you True Blood!
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Well, I'm not sure if I count... I lived in Germany for a year (with Germans and stuff, haha, not in an American city). After a few months I could easily pick out Americans by hearing an accent across the room (without even comprehending words).
    Personally, I found the accent from Ohio really raunchy. I'm not sure why, it just bothered me.
    I found the accent from the west coast the best and most pleasant. Again... no clue why, haha.

    LOL... well, I know to watch my raunchy Ohio-Hillbilly accent then... LOL... I'm sure it is because we end our sentences with preposistions. This might be why no one understands me living here in New Mexico.
  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member
    I'm not sure that non-Americans can really tell the difference between a lot of these accents. I could probably only pick out the obvious ones, like New York and the South. Could probably tell a typical redneck sound too :p

    Oh, I'm English by the way :)
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    I was just about to post to say that there probably aren't many non-US comments on here because while *we* hear a clear difference in our accents, to most who aren't from the US, they will all sound close to the same, or else at least someone who isn't from here won't know how to distinguish which one is which -- and I just saw a few comments on here that seem to support that.

    I would imagine it's similar to the fact that most of us have the impression that every "British" or other accent is the same, when really there are many, many variations to them. We very rarely differentiate which specific accent we like because either we don't know what the difference is or don't hear it at all.

    That being said, I'm a total sucker for the one I just mentioned above (and don't forget an Irish accent, too :blushing:).
  • andrea198721
    andrea198721 Posts: 173 Member
    Oh lord...... I'm from South Alabama and lord knows I sound country, but I've heard worse...... I like the Aussie accent <3
  • aweightymatter
    hottest is definitely UK or australia.
    i find any sort of asian to be annoying...sorry. i may be biased tho because i was at work once and i couldn't understand this oriental lady very well. then she got mad, and said i was stupid and didn't know anything.

    Okay, you know that people are not referred to as "Oriental" any more right... And is this seriously the only Asian person you've ever encountered in real life? How can you publicly post that you find "any sort of Asian" to be annoying when they speak? You let an experience with one person color your perception of people originating from an entire HUGE continent? It's almost like you're trolling.
  • vulrich93
    Hottest? Not really sure.
    Worst? The accent people from Alabama have -.-
  • 1FitMom326
    I am from the Oregon, and don't feel we have much of an accent along the west coast. People with a Georgia accent is always fun to listen to. My least favorite would be a Boston accent. To me it's just a bit annoying.
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    Canadian here, no real accent, although at times i certainly hear words i say that seem to have an accent to them, but i also seem to easily pick up accents when i am around people who sound different from me. as for american accents...i love them all, but i have to say the one i enjoy the most is a minnesotan accent, i guess because i hear a lot of similarities to a typical canadian accent, not including people from the east coast or Quebec of course. though i love their accents too.

    i want to move to ireland or scotland for a few years so i can pick up the accent and then come back home so i can hear it more clearly compared to everyone else. lol, i know, i'm weird!.
  • GeneaCindy
    GeneaCindy Posts: 148 Member
    I'm from NZ and have not mastered the art of pinpointing where an American is from.
    I frequently mistake Americans for Canadians, and vice versa. Sorry!!!

    How can you tell the difference?

    Hey! I'm married to a Kiwi - born in Wellington, moved to Canada and has lived in the States for many years. His dad is a Kiwi and his mum is a Yorkshire lass. He sounds like he comes from Boston. He says things like "pahk" instead of park. And the one thing that is funny is how he says "pawn" - always sounds like "porn" - yikes!

    One way to tell a Canadian from an American is the word "about." Canadians will say " a-boot." Or the word "sorry". Americans will say something like "sar-ee" Canadians say something that sounds a bit more like "soar-ee." Some Americans will drop the "ing" sound, as in "ski-en" instead of skiing, but I don't think Canadians do that as much. Of course, this all goes out the window if you are talking about folks from Newfoundland and Nova Scotia (and the francophones!)
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    I'm from New Zealand - we get lots of different American (and British) TV shows so we here 'Boston Legal' accent, 'CSI Miami' accent, 'True Blood' accent etc. etc. Of course how accurate the actors are is another matter. On True Blood, for example, most of the actors aren't from the States originally.

    I guess there are also reality shows... Tyra Banks seems to think that models need to not have Southern accents but I quite like them.

    I don't like nasal accents... A strong New Zealand (or Australian) accent gets a bit much. My favourite would be middle/ upper class British i.e. Daniel Craig as James Bond. Mmm.... Daniel Craig... :smile:

    PS - to reiterate - yes, you really do have an accent! EVERYONE has an accent of some kind - you might just sound like most of the people you live near... but move you to another state or another English speaking country and people would notice!
  • Phoenix1401
    Phoenix1401 Posts: 711 Member
    I think an Aussie accent and a British (James Bond) *Daniel Craig* Accent is sexy as hell!

    I must admit I love good southern man accent!

    I'm from Texas but I have a valley girl voice I sound like Kourtney Kardashian or Cher from Clueless.:drinker:
  • aweightymatter
    I'm from New Zealand - we get lots of different American (and British) TV shows so we here 'Boston Legal' accent, 'CSI Miami' accent, 'True Blood' accent etc. etc. Of course how accurate the actors are is another matter. On True Blood, for example, most of the actors aren't from the States originally.

    PS - to reiterate - yes, you really do have an accent! EVERYONE has an accent of some kind - you might just sound like most of the people you live near... but move you to another state or another English speaking country and people would notice!

    :) Nobody on 'CSI Miami' has an accent that is typical of Miami or Florida. They basically have neutral American accents. It is funny to think of those TV shows representing different cities to the rest of the world, though!
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    I find all American accents annoying. lol And yes, I'm from the U.S. I'm from Rhode Island (or "Roe Die-lan as it is commonly known within its borders). For those not familiar with the accent it's like Boston only worse! If that's possible?!? I try to be as neutral sounding as possible and it's so far worked since no one in New England believes me when I say I'm from RI :-) They think I've been raised somewhere else because I don't have that horrid "I pahked my cah" accent. Of course if I'm tired or speaking very fast it sometimes comes out and I'm horrified! lol

    However, British people always sound smart no matter what they say and basically any European accent is hot. :blushing:
  • maria1113
    maria1113 Posts: 508 Member
    ... basically any European accent is hot. :blushing:
    Haha, I bet you haven't heard Finnish English accent x) That is horrible. Luckily I have seemed to get rid of mine, mostly. According to Americans or Canadians I have spoken to, I have light Maryland accent :) Lived there for a year, so it stuck with me. I do have funny way of catching an accent from people I speak with, and I do it unconsciously. I even do it with Finnish accents :laugh:

    I actually have no favorite American accent, but really thick accents makes it hard for me to understand what that person is saying :ohwell: But I guess it's common problem to us non native English speakers :wink: