American accents?



  • seehawkmomma
    I love the Jeresey accent.....super sexy
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    Americans don't have accents! ;-)

    I keeed. I keeed.

    I don't really find any of them annoying. I do like a nice Southern drawl, though. Not the Deliverance hick kind of Southern drawl. More the Southern belle type.

    And I see we've moved on. I love a British accent. Though I watch so many British TV shows and movies and seem to run into so many British people that it no longer sounds like an accent to me!
    Yep, every word.
    Anyone from the UK melts me instantly. British people are smart, classy, and sexy, no matter what, so that must be nice. LOL Irish or Scottish? Forget it, you had me at "Hello." I love almost any accent that I don't hear every day, honestly; I don't love every dialect, but I love listening to accents.
  • kristenwarner38
    I live in Mass, therefore I have a heavy Boston accent. lol:wink:
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    I'm from New Zealand - we get lots of different American (and British) TV shows so we here 'Boston Legal' accent, 'CSI Miami' accent, 'True Blood' accent etc. etc. Of course how accurate the actors are is another matter. On True Blood, for example, most of the actors aren't from the States originally.

    PS - to reiterate - yes, you really do have an accent! EVERYONE has an accent of some kind - you might just sound like most of the people you live near... but move you to another state or another English speaking country and people would notice!

    :) Nobody on 'CSI Miami' has an accent that is typical of Miami or Florida. They basically have neutral American accents. It is funny to think of those TV shows representing different cities to the rest of the world, though!
    I watched a documentary on American Accents once, most actors (when performing) speak with a Midwestern accent as this is the one that has been found to be most easily understood. There are actually schools that teach actors, high level businessman and such to speak in this accent regardless of where they are from.
    I grew up in the Midwest, and have never in my live heard that Ohioans had a "raunchy accent."
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    Most pleasant, just a neutral accent that doesn't really sound like anything. I like clean diction and being easily understood.
    Most annoying, a deep southern accent. Yes, I'm from MS. I find it hard on the ears as well. And no, I don't have one.

    I SO agree!
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    My accent is so confusing... was born and spent part of my childhood on Long Island, New York, then moved to Atlanta. Occasionally I sound like a New Yorker, if I'm around a bunch of southern accents I adopt one, but somehow the mix of the two has caused me to formulate certain stereotypical "Canadian" sounds, of all things! For instance, "bo" in both sounds like "bowth" when I say it. No idea why.
    I live in the U.S and I love the northern accents. Specially from Mass and Michigan. :)
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    I have a pretty heavy Boston accent - but I can nix it if I want to. Sounds more professional if I make an effort to speak without it.
    Give me a few drinks and there's no hiding it though!

    I don't like drawls or twangy accents - dislike any southern accent in general.

    I love some British accents but not some... like scouse.

    I like the NY accents - Brooklyn and Long Island area are my faves.
  • erin_zuk
    erin_zuk Posts: 226 Member
    Something about the South Boston accent really turns me on....
    Also love a cute country boy with a southern accent.
    but my absolutely favourite doesn't come from the states - men with proper Irish accents are absolutely to die for :love:

    I'm from Southern Ontario and I've found going abroad - in English speaking Europe particularily - men love my 'Canadian accent'
  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    haha i love when people get offended over nothing. i'm american but i hate the michigan accent. yes i live in michigan and i can't stand the accent of a lot of people here. like when people say 'melk' instead of 'milk' *shudder*

    as far as non-american accents i love japanese and british accents. scottish accents annoy me.

    LOL...I'm from Michigan too and my mom says "melk" and "warsh" instead of is so annoying!!! LOL
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    This thread was fun! I don't really find an accent hot or annoying so much as the tone of the person. If you have a high, naselly (sp?) voice, even a sexy Aussie accent will be annoying.

    I do have to agree with the person about the asian accent. I do not find it appealling at all. And yes, it's probably because the asians I have encountered have been very rude. Am I assuming they are all like that, probably. (My bad) But it is no different then the posters who don't like the "Joisy" accent because of Snooki. This was a post asking peoples opinion. If you don't want to hear what we have to say, don't read the thread!

    I am from Michigan and I approve this thread! :laugh: (So lets all go get a "pop" & discuss this! LOL)
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I wish I had an accent.
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    haha i love when people get offended over nothing. i'm american but i hate the michigan accent. yes i live in michigan and i can't stand the accent of a lot of people here. like when people say 'melk' instead of 'milk' *shudder*

    as far as non-american accents i love japanese and british accents. scottish accents annoy me.

    LOL...I'm from Michigan too and my mom says "melk" and "warsh" instead of is so annoying!!! LOL

    I've always wondered where the "warsh" & "sandwrich" thing came from?? I have a couple friends that say that & I look at them like they are from another planet! LOL I thought it was my one friends Canadian roots, but the other has no excuse! WTH?? lol
  • jpowell3976
    jpowell3976 Posts: 144 Member
    This thread was fun! I don't really find an accent hot or annoying so much as the tone of the person. If you have a high, naselly (sp?) voice, even a sexy Aussie accent will be annoying.

    I do have to agree with the person about the asian accent. I do not find it appealling at all. And yes, it's probably because the asians I have encountered have been very rude. Am I assuming they are all like that, probably. (My bad) But it is no different then the posters who don't like the "Joisy" accent because of Snooki. This was a post asking peoples opinion. If you don't want to hear what we have to say, don't read the thread!

    I am from Michigan and I approve this thread! :laugh: (So lets all go get a "pop" & discuss this! LOL)

    HAHAHA!!! You go get your "pop" and I'll go get my "coke"! :laugh: :drinker:
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    I am from Maine... we don't have accents.... :wink:
  • elsg
    elsg Posts: 21
    I'm from Australia, and LOVE the American southern accent, like Bill Compton on True Blood!!! mmm Bill!! Anyhoo... dont you also think its amazing that when people sing, they dont tend to have accents, unless its country music of course! But even then, its a country accent not a particular country. Just saying! Happy New Year to all. x
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    As an American (sorry, but no one else seems to be responding), the only two accents I just don't like are the twangy Texan accent and the "typical New Yorker" accent.

    My favorite? A proper southern ladies accent (like in old movies) depends what part of Texas you're from There's a East Texas accent , West Texas accent and a South Texas accent.

    LOL you can tell the difference between eastern and western South Dakota too!
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    This thread is funny! I'm a Vancouverite and when I moved to Alberta, people always asked if I was British. I guess I spoke properly and that is what they identified - hahahahaha! And now I live in Ohio and constantly get picked out as Canadian. And, no, I don't say "aboot". More of the time, it is how I turn a phrase. Like, Americans would say 1st Grade whereas Canadians say Grade 1. Although I will admit to saying "eh" a lot. I was surprised when I moved here that there was a "twag" to Ohioans. But after 4 years, I don't really notice it anymore. However, on my recent trip to Europe, people kept thinking we were Americans so maybe I've picked it up. :( lol!

    Most annoying American accent...Julianne Moore's Boston accent on 30 Rock. Lordy, that was nasty. I've been to Boston and those poor people must have been horrified with her exaggeration!
  • ukjamie
    ukjamie Posts: 23 Member
    You all sound the same to me :)
  • SeaSiren1
    SeaSiren1 Posts: 242 Member
    I have lived in several states, MD, NJ, VA, NC, SC, FL and now MI. I personally have found the VA and SC accent to be the most pleasant. My Euro friends (I have many from the BBing and Strongmen community) had brought this up before and found the east coast southern to be easy to listen to .... such as Charleston, SC. Or perhaps they were just being kind :laugh: