Women who eat 1200 Calories



  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    I wish people would stop making statements thinking they know what's best for all.

    Everyone is different - if you are losing eating over 1200 cal - good for you! It works, keep doing that, but eating 1200 cal is working for some. Someone at 129 pounds should not be eating the same amount of calories as someone @ 229 pounds... so everyone is different. What works for one doesn't work for another. Just do what works for you and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing.
  • rationalist
    I agree it depends on the person. I maintain at 1200-1300, even exercising regularly, but start to lose weight if I eat 1400-1800 (also exercising). If I get less than 1200 though I start to gain weight.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    If women on this site want to eat 1200 calories and not lift weights, then great.. that is their prerogative and you should support that. Just because you think it's oh so wrong that a women doesn't have muscle and eats a little amount, does not mean that it's actually wrong.
    Just what we need, yet more sweeping generalisations.

    This is just as bad as the OP!

    I ate 1200 calories when losing.
    I lift weights.
    I gained muscle, which is damned hard on a calorie deficit.

    Good for you.. Do you want a cookie?

    My comment was not a sweeping generalization.. it was point that we should support everyones goals and not just what we think is correct... like you seem to be doing :)
    No thanks, cookies aren't one of the treats I enjoy.

    I hear what you're saying about supporting everyone's individual goals and totally agree with that, but it looked as if you were implying that eating 1200 calories means you don't work out and don't have any muscle. Maybe you weren't saying that. :smile:

    Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner! You finally understood what I was trying to say! :smile:

    OP on the other hand, was implying that people who only eat 1200 calories lose a lot of muscle.. and thats not sexy. Hence why they need to eat more and lift.

    For some though, thats not the case. I lift weights 3X a week, but will I ever touch a barbell or try to get a six pack?No, because I have no desire to do either of those things.

    Just like the people who want to eat 1200 and are cardio freaks.. thats great. More power to them. Would I ever tell them that it's wrong and oh they eat more and go lift heavy things? No.. because I don't know them or what their goals are.
  • kisser1212
    It really depends on the person. For me to MAINTAIN, I can only net 1300 calories a day. With 1200 calories a day, I lose far less then a pound a week. But I'm happy to lose slowly, since it's hard to get all nutrients under 1200 calories.

    I'm curious as to what your ht and weight are that your TDEE is only 1300. That seems really really low imo

    I am 5'1 123 lbs.
  • mom2lakenjj
    bump for later
  • Karrix
    Karrix Posts: 288
    I'm set at 1200 a day, but that's far too little. I exercise & then eat some exercise calories back. I couldn't stay sane on 1200.