How much did you gain during the holidays and WHY?



  • I gained 3 !
    Up until mid December I had been at a 10 pound loss since joining in October. I was pretty happy with that. When the Holidays approached I started missing the gym to fit in shopping, decorating, family visiting etc. I also had a few parties/events to attend where I didn't have control of the food, in particular the sodium.
    Running around doing errands and shopping led to eating out, and the whole season meant drinking more for me.

    So, less working out + more alcohol + more eating out = 3 pounds.

    Im not upset, I amin fact more determined to lose those before the New Year and begin working on the next ten to lose.
  • I didn't gain, I actually lost. From last Tuesday until Tuesday this week I lost 2.2 pounds. I ate well & enjoyed my time with family but I also knew that I had to stay on track...Kept logging everything I ate and drank & I exercised. I traveled a lot, but still made time to exercise every day!! I am committed to this & I refused to let the holiday be a speed bump for me!!
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,284 Member
    Surprisingly enough I lost 4lbs. Dont know how considering I ate and drank like a mad man LOL
  • mewaybright
    mewaybright Posts: 240 Member
    I lost 1.2 lbs in the 4 days I was out of town for the holidays, eating fast food during the drive and eating lots of calorie-laden homemade goodies at family gatherings (to be fair, the fast food was mostly salad, but I did indulge in family gatherings). Why? B/c I worked my butt off in the previous weeks, keeping a calorie deficit so that a few days of indulgence wouldn't completely do me in. I find that if I work my butt off for a few weeks and then take a day or two off, I often lose weight during those days of not being so strict. I *thought* I was going to gain weight this past weekend, or maybe maintain if I was lucky, but I was really pleasantly surprised to come home and find the number lower than it's been in almost 5 years. :-)

    That is because your body has to have calories coming in to burn calories... not that if you are burning 1500 calories a day you should eat 2000... if you are constantly in a deep deficit your body will go into conserve mode...
  • kagenw
    kagenw Posts: 260 Member
    I gained two inexplicably. I followed my calorie goals and was under every day. I was working out harder than normal this week so that might have built up some muscle and I'm guessing that the rest is just fluctuation of water weight, so I'm not going to worry about it too much.
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    I gained 3 enjoyable pounds and I will get it back off in January. :)
  • Alee4nia
    Alee4nia Posts: 168 Member
    amazingly i ate way to much this past weekend...but i lost .5 lbs.
  • i gained 1.5lbs and that was because i ate 15-20 darn sugar cookies. i NEVER eat cookies. I didnt exercise last week either. I did a few things but not enough to out weigh the junk i ate.
  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member
    Congrats on your loss, shame about the recent gain though!

    I'm completely in the same boat! Only put on a couple of kgs though. Why? Because I started to get comfortable with my current weight (around 150 lbs), still want to lose another 20 or so. I've been getting compliments and feeling great, and I've been eating and drinking so much! Slowly getting back on track though!

    This* I've had a bad month this december not exercising nearly enough & making horrible food choices but I think its due to the comfort likeh to lose another 20 or so lbs but I'm comfortable with my size just not how untoned I am... I didn't gain I still lost 4 lbs this month I seriously don't know how! But I woulda lost up towards 10 like usual had I kept up my routines and ate a ton better!
  • jfcarlson713
    jfcarlson713 Posts: 108 Member
    Lost 5 lbs between Thanksgiving and Christmas. This week I'm up 2.5. End of year at work is crazy. 10-12 hr days. No time for exercise and too tired to cook healthy once I get home. Also, hubby usually works nights - on days for this week & he's the original junk food junky. Back on track eating but probably won't get in the regular exercise groove until next week. It will be all gone by next weekend!
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    I lost .5 lbs last week. I stayed within my calorie goal every day except Dec 24 because I just didn't want to undo all the work I had done this year. I'm losing weight very slowly (about 2.5 lbs per month), and I couldn't stand the thought of wasting the work of a whole month in just a few days.

    Counting calories didn't spoil the holiday for me. :-)
  • eryn415
    eryn415 Posts: 98 Member
    It's not that I gained over the holidays per se, more like the 3 months leading up to the holidays. School is kicking my butt, and I "forgot" the joys of eating well and working out. Back on track though!
  • fireballaaa
    fireballaaa Posts: 69 Member
    well I did pretty good I made a plan of what i could eat and stuck to it and still did my excerises and I lost 3.3 pds this week. For me I was determined not to sabatoge myself worked to hard to lose what i have lost to gain it back and have to start over.

    So next holiday remember set your calorie goal and carb. goal and don't go over it. and you will do fine.

    Good luck main thing get back on track and stay there the finish line is in front of us but no one can get us there but ourselves.:smile:
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    In the weeks leading up to Christmas and the holiday itself I gained just over 2lb.

    The why is partly because there are foods which I enjoy at Christmas that I don't eat at all during the rest of the year, nor do I want to. Mostly though, it's because I ate out more over those three weeks than I have done in the last eleven months put together, it's not only Christmas, but all the birthdays in my family are at that time too. Usually when I eat out, I refuse a starter and dessert, but at these events I chose to participate fully.

    It's not something I see as a problem, I'd planned it beforehand and had hoped to lose 2lb before Christmas, but unfortunately I didn't reach my target weight in time to do that. That will be my strategy next year though. :smile:
  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member
    I actually did what some others did, i made up my minds months ago that i wasn't going to eat a lot of sweets. I just could'nt see myself destroying my hard work i've put into losing weight. So what i did was continue to stay within my calories and watch what i chose during the holiday. I told myself this is only a 2 day holiday and it's not worth any weight gain. I had a hard time with my soduim because all those foods are loaded with sodium, burt i made it through with flying colors. I lost 7 pounds in the last two weeks. I do a lot of exercising and burn over 1,400 calories most of the days when i workout. (6 days a week with one day of rest). I drink a lot of water it's something i've been doing for years. I don't drink anything but pure water except for the crystal lite i put in one of my medicines to mix it. I feel good with my choices and i hope that i will continue to have the strength to keep moving forward on my weight lost journey:flowerforyou:
  • scubaruby
    scubaruby Posts: 36 Member
    I've lost over 10 pounds since Thanksgiving, and I'm guessing I'll lose 2 or 3 when I weigh in Saturday, despite traveling and staying/eating at my sister's house for Christmas. The holidays are easier for me since I'm a vegan, since if I don't make the goodies, I don't eat them. So I didn't make them this year, and whaddya know, I lost weight.
  • hazedot
    hazedot Posts: 111 Member
    I have yet to weigh myself.... :embarassed: Too scared!!!

    Totally in the same boat! I'm not weighing in til after the New Year, then I will be holding myself accountable and fixing the problems. I know I've put on weight, I think it might be about 5lbs, probably more with the water weight etc. but I will be fixing it. At the moment I know I'm eating crap because the weather is rubbish and it's cold and I am beginning to feel more comfortable about the way I look, though my boobs have shrunk and now I can see my belly again (BOO!)

    Eh, I'll fix it and I'm heading for my goal weight of 155lbs by May, in time for my birthday. Think I've got about 55-60lbs to go. I don't think that is unachievable.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I've gained in scale weight, but I was 'on programme' more or less up till Christmas Eve night, and was back on in calorie terms by the 28th. I don't believe I overate at a rate of 6000 calories per day during that phase, so I know it's not 'real' weight. I may have gained a little, but the bulk of that is water. And I gained it because I drank a fair bit of alcohol, and I ate too much refined food (fats and sugars, in particular).

    Give me a week or two and it will be gone.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I lost half a pound since last week because I ate whatever I wanted for 2 days, not 30.

    Of course if I had stepped on the scale every day I'm sure I would have seen several pounds of fluctuations, but in the end it doesn't matter.
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    I gained a bit during the holidays, beacuse I ate whatever I wanted and as much of it as I wanted.