I feel shallow for this question but....



  • kk0223
    kk0223 Posts: 179
    I got with my other half thinking opposites attract... and it was great and I really love him to bits but we are nearly three years in and if I am honest cracks are beginning to show.
    We dont share a common interest so we do so much separately he wants to excel in his sailing, where as I want to excel and work..... So I work long hours work days and he spends all his weekends on a lake.

    It gets hard so please make sure its what you want. If you are willing to compromise then go for it, if not then you may need to rethink xxx

    Thanks. :) I really think it's best if I just stay friends with him and not let anything else happen.

    I am sorry for your situation about cracks beginning to show. I hope it all works out for the best!
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Just talk to him about it. Tell him you like him, but you would like to know if he has any ambitions.
  • kk0223
    kk0223 Posts: 179
    Just talk to him about it. Tell him you like him, but you would like to know if he has any ambitions.

    We did talk. I made the decision to just be friends cause he isn't ready for committment and isn't sure if he ever will be. I WILL NOT wait on a man again. Been there, done that, got the divorce to prove it. :)
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Just talk to him about it. Tell him you like him, but you would like to know if he has any ambitions.

    We did talk. I made the decision to just be friends cause he isn't ready for committment and isn't sure if he ever will be. I WILL NOT wait on a man again. Been there, done that, got the divorce to prove it. :)

    Kudos for making a decision and sticking with it!