The rudest thing anyone said to you about your weight?



  • flyawaybyebye
    At Christmas this year, my cousin told me I look like a bag of bones. I thought that was pretty rude.
  • ibelieveinlove7
    ibelieveinlove7 Posts: 27 Member
    The lady at dunkin' donuts offered to give me extra donuts because she thought i was pregnant. she kept saying "baby? baby?" to me.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Some random dude yelled at me in a Wal-Mart parking lot one night a few years ago: "Hey, want another biscuit?!"

  • Butterflytatt
    My ex told me " no one will ever want you because I gained alot of weight after having our son", been told others guys " why cant you look like that" referring to a models body picture, people have thought I was pregnant - when I wasnt!
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    When i was about 15-16 this girl i hadnt seen in awhile, who was a year older than me, came up to me and my best friend and started talking to us....all of a sudden she punched me right in the stomach :sad: ...i stood there shocked for a moment when my friend asked "what you do that for!" ..her responce? "Well i just wanted to know if fat people got hurt when you punched them in their stomachs...i mean im skinny so if she punched me- or sat on me - i would break ...but she is soo fat i doubt it hurt her" ....i didnt know what hurt more...being punched or her comment :grumble: ...but luckily my friend's older brother saw and chased that girl down the street with a hockey stick :drinker:
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    The rudest thing a person said to me was " are you pregnant" A cousin of my husbands asked me that!! Well Im 56 yrs old it would be a sort of a miracle being I had a hyste:drinker: rectomy and she knew it, the thing that kills me is shes fat too..well after that I started dieting and I lost my weight, she is still ignorant and you cant lose an attitude!!!! the joke is on her!!! she did me a favor!!!!!:bigsmile:

    I have had so many people who would ask are you pregnant too and i just smile and walk away.. Few of them dont even ask, they just assume and base their conversation on this assumption.. But it really hurts and start thinking do i look so bad...
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    At my last job, one of my co-workers suggested gastric bypass surgery.
  • happymiche
    happymiche Posts: 164 Member
    I had lost about 30 lbs. I made a big salad in the cafeteria at work. The lady that was ringing up my purchase said, "YOU, have a salad?" I was ticked. I wanted to yell and say, "Hey, I've lost 30 lbs."
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    At my last job, one of my co-workers suggested gastric bypass surgery.

    I'm the kind of smart *kitten* that would retort with "I will when you get facial reconstructive surgery".

    If they come back with "I don't need facial reconstructive surgery" then I'd threaten them with physical violence :D

    I kid I kid ...
  • rthompson81
    rthompson81 Posts: 305 Member
    When I lived in Venezuela I was at a bar with friends and headed to the bathroom, beer in hand. A random stranger stopped me and asked me if I was pregnant, and shouldn't I not be drinking. I said a few choice words to him, and then when I got back to my friends, I asked them if I looked pregnant. Yeah, 2-3 months, was their answer! I was appalled!. (Although I did learn that girls only wear dresses when they are pregnant... that helped.) Plus, Venezuelans love to call me "gordita" and "gorda", all in a caring way, I was assured. And all of this when I didn't think I was overweight at all. I am 5'5'' and probably weighed 130 at the time, maybe 135.
  • mdorisi
    mdorisi Posts: 69 Member
    I got a watch as a gift and it didn't fit, so I went in to get an extra link added to it. The girl behind the counter was like "we don't have extra links because we make our watches to fit normal people."
    She's lucky I didn't follw her home lol
  • bllowry
    bllowry Posts: 239 Member
    I went to bridal shower a few weeks ago and discovered my eldest niece was expecting her fourth child and was having a nice chat with her. She knows I'm losing weight and asked me how it was going, so I told her I've lost 42 pounds. The woman next to her made the comment that losing pregnancy weight was the hardest and asked me how old my baby was now. I told her he was 34 on his last birthday....:huh:

    Then my younger and toxic sister made the comment that 'your earlobes do looked thinner'; and they wonder why I don't make the 300 mile trip more often :mad:
  • KellieNause
    About three years ago (at my heaviest weight in my life) I was at my fathers family Christmas party. My aunt came up to me as I was making my plate for dinner, and criticized every single thing I put on my plate. She said, "Ya know Kellie Jo, you ought not to eat this stuff and try to lose some weight, instead. You never know when you might get married. It'll take you at least a year to look good enough for a wedding dress."

    Because apparently, being thin and engaged is what will define my value as a human.
    At the time of her saying this, I was receiving treatment for exhibiting EDNOS behaviors.

    I haven't spoken to her since.

    Also, my boyfriend is dead freaking sexy. I hope that gives her hell.
  • ShalisaClam
    I have both laughed and cried reading ALL 14 pages of this topic...and found myself nodding my head more than once. I sympathize with each and every one of you that has had horrible things said/done to them. People ARE rude, and there's nothing that can change that. Be kind to yourselves... you've gone through enough.

    And with that:

    1) Members of my family telling me that I will never find anyone to love me since I was fat (I was about 8 or 9 years old)
    2) Ramdom people yelling things at me on the street
    3) A girlfriend telling me in grammar school that fat people are smarter....and you're really smart
    4) A boy I liked asked me out and when I said yes he told he he would never go out with a fatass like me. His friends were waiting around the corner, and they were all laughing, and then one punched me in the stomach so he could see what it felt like (apparently, he thought it was 'like punching a bowl of jelly")
    5) And most recently, although it was not said *directly* to me.... "We need more of this and less fat acceptance." It was in a previous post here, and I am not looking to start a fight or more of a debate. I found it offensive because I am not asking you to accept my fat - that is you judging me on what you see, and not what you know about me. I am a wonderful, kind, loving person. I have a handsome husband who loves me for who I am. This is not 'fat acceptance"; it's HUMAN acceptance.

    There's so much more. Thanks for reading, and posting. Good luck to everyone on their journey.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I hate when people tell me I need to "eat a burger or two" when the people saying this looks like they have had too many.. sounds mean of me but that's what I am thinking LOL :)
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Today in the car my husband and I were chatting and he bought me a bike a few years ago, and I was at my heaviest 250lbs, my bike had a 200lbs weight limit on it. He asked me if I remembered when he asked me how much I weighed every time the tire went flat. I started thinking, back then I did not know my weight and never thought I was 250lbs.

    This thread got me thinking about a lot of other things done or said. My mom who is also not thin, and even making these comments was bigger then me, has made comments like "You have a pretty face, just need to work on the rest of you." My mom is pretty blunt always has been, I know I get my bluntness from her. I replied back "Yeah mom, you also have a pretty face, but since I look like you I guess so right? You also need to work on the rest of you because you are no longer 20 years old and 110lbs." My mom and I get alone great, and she's been very supportive of my weight loss, and shes even now saying she wants to do it. I know my mom was probably kidding then, but it did strike a nerve.

    When I was pregnant with my daughter I was dropping weight, I had Gestational Diabetes and it was caught in the first trimester. I ended up losing 70lbs in my pregnancy. My cousin called me and we were chatting, she asked me how my pregnancy was going. She new I was losing weight. She asked me "How much weight have you lost?" I told her at the time "50lbs" she said "WHAT? OMG it's no wonder you are on bed rest, what are you doing? Starving yourself? You shouldn't be so damn selfish and eat woman, that baby needs her nutrition, people like you make me sick, and should not be allowed to have kids."

    Honestly I know that was not a fat remark, but I think that one hurt the worse. My doctor was praising me and she knows it, and she is also a big girl so she was probably jealous I was losing in my pregnancy. I went off on her but I don't remember everything said. I just know that our friendship hasn't been the same since.
  • bigtwagner
    not so much about my weight but my running time. I was at a sporting goods store today. Some how the clerk asked me about running next weekend at WDW. I'm running a half and full marathon. She asked what my time is. I said hoping for under 3 hrs for the half and 5 hrs for the full. She said "OH that's slow". Really lady! I stop and take pictures with characters plus I run for fun. I'm aiming to finish not worried about my time. At least I try and how many people run 39.2 miles in 2 days? Plus my body has never been the same since I got cancer. Still burns me 6 hrs later that she said that!
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    My mom would always tell me to suck my fat in when we took pictures and whatnot. Not as horrible as some of you guys had to endure though! :(
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I've gotten that I'm fat and ugly....I already had no confidence.. And still don't... But I'm working on it...
  • MLAnniRoc
    --- An ex boyfriend once told me that the benefit of me being so fat was my big boobs.
    --- An ex-friend (who weighed at least 100 pounds more than me) told me that no matter how much weight I lost, I would always be the fat little ugly girl who nobody notices.

    There have been much worse ones but these two are EXes for a reason.
    I've been trying to get my self-esteem back ever since.