The rudest thing anyone said to you about your weight?



  • ohnogogo
    ohnogogo Posts: 110 Member
    I was at the gym (where I worked out regularly and was in a weight loss competition) and this cocky jock type of idiot walked up to me while I was lifting weights and said, "why do you even bother, it's obviously not doing you any good -why do you waste your money coming in here?" I looked at him and laughed and said, "well I lift more weight than you do with my arms and I push more weight than you do with my legs and not only that but I work out longer than you do each time you are in here so truth be known maybe you are the one wasting your money:. I never saw him in that gym while I was working out again!

    That reminds me of two women who were in a class I used to take at my former gym. They came up to me after class once and said "could you please stay in the back row during class. You block to much of the mirror and none of us want to look at you". I quit going to that gym. The one I am at now is so much nicer, the people more encouraging and it is not filled with a bunch of women who mostly want to strut around in their work out clothes and talking to guys.
  • emmiexjay
    emmiexjay Posts: 146 Member
    4. I've had multiple doctors tell me that nothing was wrong with me and that it was my weight. When I was below what I should have weighed, the doctor told me I was fat and that's why I was having asthma problems (refused to prescribe or diagnose me). I'm also currently in a situation where I no longer go to my doctor because she doesn't look at me, just walks in, takes a look at my weight and says that I'm overweight and diabetic - thus ending up with me in the hospital because the unchecked boil on my chest finally burst and I couldn't move without pain. . . :/

    I recommend that you find a new practitioner. Geez, what a B****!!! I'm surprised she has any patients with that kind of bedside manner.

    I would if I weren't on the State's Health Plan :/ They only allow me access to doctors in the area so I have my pick between this one, the one that will keep me in her office chatting without looking at me (total wack-o) or the one that doesn't speak a word of English. . .

    I'm almost considering going to Mr. No English, actually xD

    I've been to both a No English doctor and a doctor whose english i ended up back with my childhood doctor.. it's a nightmare isn't it? I have a rare asthma problem and all they keep doing is blaming it on weight.. yet i've gone from a (UK) 28 to a 22/24 at the bottom in jeans and a (UK) 26 top to a 18! yet i have no relief! I'm fed up of it.. it's horrible when people are like this.. i hope you find someone who listens to you <3
  • becky2967
    putting anything down to being over weight, yes im biger than ideal but that doesnt mean my shin splits (sporting injury) from really pushing my exercise is cus im fat. - thanks doc! i think 4hours exercise aday would do that, weather your alittle big or not. xx
  • netty1959
    I allways remember a stick insect bodied so called friend saying to me one day "oh i need to go on a diet , i think i may have put a pound on" then looked at me and said your lucky in one way you could proberly put a stone extra on and with yer been so fat you wouldn't notice, where i notice even a pound
    I just thought you stuck up miserable cow
  • pixiesx3
    pixiesx3 Posts: 172 Member
    Oh sheesh more than one thing, as most of us have had, I am sure!

    Here's one I overheard at an eating establishment -- "She really should order a salad or something instead of _______" mmhmmmm you go there with your 200+ pound self scarfing down a huge double bacon cheeseburger with cheese fries. :grumble:

    Oh and another from my grandmother with dementia when I went to visit her in my wedding dress because she couldn't come to the wedding -- "That's a big dress!" I said, "Well yes it is. Otherwise it wouldn't fit!" :indifferent:

    And when I was in my early 20s driving down the boulevard to work one night (grew up in a seaside resort area) a group of BOYS in a car next to me drove up next to me and shouted, "Hey you fat pig! Why don't you just go wallow in the mud!" :explode:

    People can be so rude. But it is how we react to them that WE can control. For instance, you should probably not retort to any of the above comments with, "At least I can lose weight! It's harder to fix stupid." Just saying...
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Things I have learned from this thread:

    If you are fat:

    Don't date

    Don't have friends

    Pray you never get hurt in an accident because the doctors the insurance company will send you to will inevitably blame all injuries on your weight and will potentially cripple you by ignoring the real reasons you are hurt.

    Never walk on a public street.

    Never go into a mall.

    Never go into a convenience store.

    Never go into a restaurant.

    Stay far, far away from grandparents!

    Avoid family gatherings.

    Don't go into the sports store.

    Never try to exercise.

    In fact, stay locked in your house ordering pizza because everywhere you go, and no matter what you do, people will see your weight as an excuse to mistreat and abuse you.

    Wow, what a world we live in.
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    I have a friend who is about the same size as me, and she has several health issues that are completely non weight-related. Her dad, any time she brings the problems up, says "Well, if you'd lose weight, that would go away"
  • AandJsMommy
    Congratulations on your pregnancy!

    I wasn't.

    Been there! More than once. Way more than once...

    Yep this ^^^
  • neveahnadira
    My ex dumped me because I'm fat. You can imagine how it could break one's confidence and self esteem. It was the most painful one for me.

    Are you serious?? what an AssH**e!!!

    Yup, But it kinda jump started my weightloss journey. I dropped nearly half the amount of weight I want to and I ran into him recently. His reaction?? His jaws hit the floor and he said "You look really pretty". He's been texting and I is the best dish served!
    He did you a huge favor.
    Too often we kill each other with too much kindness.

    My Doctor just told me all the medications I needed or I could drop 50lbs and take no medication.
    I acted like I didn't quite know what he meant, and he blurted out "you're too fat!"

    We need more of this and less fat acceptance.

    I agree that we need less fat acceptance. I wish I had owned 1) a bathroom scales 2) a tape measure and 3) a full length mirror the whole way through college and I wouldn't have put the weight on in the first place. I never realised I was putting on weight. It took me a while to realise I was overweight and by then I was getting the rude comments.


    i disagree- this all just shows if you are rude, mean and cruel enough to a person- they might change themselves to look more pleasant to you/who ever said it. How many of these posts are people going on just fine and even happy with their day and all of a sudden someone feels is appropriate to be mean to them/ hurt thier feelings because they do not like the way they look.

    I don't call it fat acceptance. its called keep your personal opinions about a persons body to yourself.

    I agree with the above post. It's not fair to be cruel and mean to overweight people just because they do not fit into society's expectations! It's ok to have opinion but if its not positive, it's better not to be shared! Come on, people could obese for several reasons from being lazy to fatal hormone conditions. It's not fair judge anyone without knowing their story.

    I think there's two sides in this chain of quotes. One: Yes, we need to be considerate o other people's feelings, no matter the size. Don't say rude stuff. It's not "fat acceptance" it's common decency.
    Two: Doctors need to not be afraid of telling someone when they need to lose weight. Doesn't mean they have to be rude (like some of the examples on this -- wow, it's no wonder people hate their doctors!!) but it is their job to point out health risks they see - that's why we go to checkups - and I think too many of them are afraid to. They also need to help set their patients up for success by understanding weight loss or knowing who to refer patients to (because a lot of doctors are a bit dumb when it comes to helping patients with weight issues!)

    In total agreement to this above post! :)
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    My mother told me if I got any bigger then a size 16 she would not make my clothes anymore and I would have to get a job to buy my own and fat people clothes are more expensive. I was 18 . I got and job and started starving myself. :(
    When I was in my 20's and only gained a little weight back (I was a size 12) a guy I dated told me when we were breaking up I was really pretty and I could be a plus size model but to forget my dreams of straight modeling because I liked to eat too much and I was only eating one meal a day around that time. (it was all junk food)
    People are mean
    She told me that too...I never knew she said the same thing to sucked hearing that. :( except she told me I would have to wear a potato sack..cause I was 13 and too young to find a job. lol

    well at least she didn't play favorites ;-) She wanted us all to be shinny now she says my boobs are too small and I am too thin...why can't people just be happy? I am . And JohnnysWife (aka sissy) your beautiful , stunning even. That's what Andy said when he 1st met you that you were stunning and the lab coat and glasses were the sinker cause nobody but really hot girls look good in that. Just saying :-):flowerforyou:
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Things I have learned from this thread:

    If you are fat:

    Don't date

    Don't have friends

    Pray you never get hurt in an accident because the doctors the insurance company will send you to will inevitably blame all injuries on your weight and will potentially cripple you by ignoring the real reasons you are hurt.

    Never walk on a public street.

    Never go into a mall.

    Never go into a convenience store.

    Never go into a restaurant.

    Stay far, far away from grandparents!

    Avoid family gatherings.

    Don't go into the sports store.

    Never try to exercise.

    In fact, stay locked in your house ordering pizza because everywhere you go, and no matter what you do, people will see your weight as an excuse to mistreat and abuse you.

    Wow, what a world we live in.
    You must glean the good from the bad.
    Some of this applies to people but not all. If I were single, I would not even consider dating until I was in peak condition.

    I'd want to attract the best, youngest and most beautiful lady possible.
    And in the dating process assess "personality" - lol

    I think the bottom line is we all are here for a reason, and that is the reality of a whole world cut off from us because of our obesity. Again, we're not here to put on fat but take it off.

    And I HATE that the world is so cruel.
  • GaiaGirl1992
    GaiaGirl1992 Posts: 459 Member
    My parents roll their eyes whenever I eat dad calls me 'moose' as a joke......I grew up with that so it doesn't bother me anymore....much...
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    I went to an orthopedic doctor for my knee pain. The little man (he was about five inches shorter than my 5'6") said to come back when I was as thin as I could be and then he would look at my knee.

    My friend had the same issue. She's a small frame for the weight she was. After she did lose the weight (bypass surgery) she's a lot better. Still did the surgery, but not on both knees like they had planned. Sometimes the facts are cruel, but our bodies are not made to support the extra weight.

    Oh yeah, and I was once told by a driver that I had not seen for a couple years. He says to me, "Wow, you've really put on weight since I seen you!" My reply was, "Yeah I did, and I noticed you've lost alot of hair as well!" (After he slammed out the door, I went in the bathroom & cried!)
  • ohmywhy02
    When i was about 15-16 this girl i hadnt seen in awhile, who was a year older than me, came up to me and my best friend and started talking to us....all of a sudden she punched me right in the stomach :sad: ...i stood there shocked for a moment when my friend asked "what you do that for!" ..her responce? "Well i just wanted to know if fat people got hurt when you punched them in their stomachs...i mean im skinny so if she punched me- or sat on me - i would break ...but she is soo fat i doubt it hurt her" ....i didnt know what hurt more...being punched or her comment :grumble: ...but luckily my friend's older brother saw and chased that girl down the street with a hockey stick :drinker:

    SHE PUNCHED YOU!?!?!?! That is horrible!! I hope you never saw her again!!! Im glad your friend's brother was nice enough to stick up for you ...but why didnt your friend?? (hehe i laughed at the hockey stick part)
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    When i was about 15-16 this girl i hadnt seen in awhile, who was a year older than me, came up to me and my best friend and started talking to us....all of a sudden she punched me right in the stomach :sad: ...i stood there shocked for a moment when my friend asked "what you do that for!" ..her responce? "Well i just wanted to know if fat people got hurt when you punched them in their stomachs...i mean im skinny so if she punched me- or sat on me - i would break ...but she is soo fat i doubt it hurt her" ....i didnt know what hurt more...being punched or her comment :grumble: ...but luckily my friend's older brother saw and chased that girl down the street with a hockey stick :drinker:

    SHE PUNCHED YOU!?!?!?! That is horrible!! I hope you never saw her again!!! Im glad your friend's brother was nice enough to stick up for you ...but why didnt your friend?? (hehe i laughed at the hockey stick part)

    Yeah she punched me :grumble: but no i havent seen her since and im glad....i'd feel the need to punch her ...and at the time my friend was only 13 maybe so she didnt really know what was going on...

    Besides that one of the worst comments i got was: "You remind me of a beached whale" ...i got this from TWO boyfriends and one of my friend's boyfriends v.v
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Things I have learned from this thread:

    If you are fat:

    Don't date

    Don't have friends

    Pray you never get hurt in an accident because the doctors the insurance company will send you to will inevitably blame all injuries on your weight and will potentially cripple you by ignoring the real reasons you are hurt.

    Never walk on a public street.

    Never go into a mall.

    Never go into a convenience store.

    Never go into a restaurant.

    Stay far, far away from grandparents!

    Avoid family gatherings.

    Don't go into the sports store.

    Never try to exercise.

    In fact, stay locked in your house ordering pizza because everywhere you go, and no matter what you do, people will see your weight as an excuse to mistreat and abuse you.

    Wow, what a world we live in.
    You must glean the good from the bad.
    Some of this applies to people but not all. If I were single, I would not even consider dating until I was in peak condition.

    I'd want to attract the best, youngest and most beautiful lady possible.
    And in the dating process assess "personality" - lol

    I think the bottom line is we all are here for a reason, and that is the reality of a whole world cut off from us because of our obesity. Again, we're not here to put on fat but take it off.

    And I HATE that the world is so cruel.

    I disagree with your priority list. The last thing I want is a pretty 18 year old guy with no sense!

    I have no intention of dating until I'm happy with myself, but I sure as heck wouldn't date a guy who would yell rude things out the window at fat people. What kind of loser does that?

    As for cruel people, to be honest, my biggest regret is that I can't legally do anything to them and they're not quite worth the hassle of sitting in a police interrogation room lying my head off.

    Almost worth it. But not quite!
  • geqari
    I wanted to be in ballet when I was around 8-9 years old and I mentioned it while we were on the weekly scheduled visit to my father's parents house. My Grandmonther responds with "your too fat to be a ballerina". The kids at school had always teased me about my weight, but I had never heard it said by my family until that day. Its amazing how some little words can affect a child. I can still remember what chair I was sitting in, what color the shirt was that my Grandmother was wearing and so on. Reality, I was fat. I grew up in the house that deep fried everything,fed the children adult super sized portions, and thought when the dr. said their child was in the 95% for weight that meant they got an A! Those words affected me for years. I struggled with my weight my whole life and to this day have struggles and continue to log my calories. I eventually decided those words would no longer hold a negative cloud over my head, I would use them as positive motivation. My children only know fruit as a snack, have never drank a soda, and love to walk 5ks. When my twin daughters looked at me and said "we want to be ballerinas".....I signed them up right away and watched through my video camera as two healthy smiling girls twirled with ribbons. My first born twin, who looks just like me, turns and smiles through the glass while skipping around the studio, and I realize, I finally got to dance :-)
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    I've had a few people ask me if I'm sick, since i've lost weight. Rude!!
    I learned that I had been the subject of factory-floor discussion on this very subject. "how has she lost all that weight? She must be ill"

  • NicoWoodruff
    NicoWoodruff Posts: 369 Member
    I'm another that the worst thing was said by my Mom.. when I was a teen.

    I wasn't even heavy, maybe 120 lbs at the time and fairly fit from swimming and she said:

    "I was a lot skinnier at your age." And she was quite heavy at the time she said this. I should have just rolled my eyes but I was at that awkward self conscious age and I felt devastated and angry.

    How awful it is when Mothers are that petty.
  • bflicker11
    At my heaviest I was 233.5. I don't recall anyone saying anything rude, at least not to my face. I got down to 160 and was feeling pretty happy when a guy I was dating said, "You aren't fat, just flabby." Um, OKAY!!! We were at the gym and I was weight training so I am trying to tone up. BUT what he said was the truth while I was shocked that he said it, I know it's true.