The rudest thing anyone said to you about your weight?



  • writer13
    What a freaking jerk!
  • sunraze
    sunraze Posts: 115
    "Oh I didnt recognize you, I met you at your Dad's funeral and you were fat then. "

    Some random friend of my Mom's. Hell yeah I was fat, I was going through a divorce with two parents who had cancer and needed driving to treatment and help every minute of every day. I had forgotten all about it until I just saw your question in this post.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    these are all very sad to read. i've had my moments too. I had a kid tell me I shouldn't eat a Reese's Cup, that it would make me fat. but i'm glad we're all here trying to do something about our weight, instead of focusing on the negative!
  • phatty41
    phatty41 Posts: 26 Member
    people are so evil. Not just about weight issues, but just anything they see about you that they dont like. What kills me is when people are so cruel about things that some people cannot help! Ugh! Dont get me started.
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    I saw this many times in Nashville. A guy who is chubby or fat would be just standing there an then a women in her 20s-early 30s would walk by him and then the guy would just say "hi" and the girl would say "ugh, gross, youre "fat" and walk away. I would see this every week.
  • beyg
    beyg Posts: 212 Member
    Im sad to hear that. They should be helping you find tools not giving (BAD) advised.
    I went to a psychiatrist about some severe depression I was having, and I told her I wanted a weight neutral drug if she was going to prescribe one because a drug that made me gain weight would just depress me more. She told me, "Then go get bariatric surgery, and you won't be depressed anymore." Seriously? >.<

    that's horrible and the sad part is there is a lot of doctors that are like that. Every time I ended up in the hospital for mental illness the doctors would always be focused on my weight instead of why I was actually in the hospital. I still haven't found a good doctor who wont focus on what i'm there for.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    I saw this many times in Nashville. A guy who is chubby or fat would be just standing there an then a women in her 20s-early 30s would walk by him and then the guy would just say "hi" and the girl would say "ugh, gross, youre "fat" and walk away. I would see this every week.

    This happened to me a couple weeks ago in the gym:

    Me: {walking up to pretty girl sitting on a machine} hey how's it going
    Her: **** off
    Me: alright then.
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    An (ex) boyfriend said, "So and so and his girlfriend asked us out for a meal" "That will be nice" I replied. He then said "But I told them we were busy" "Why?" says I.

    "Because his girlfriend is really slim and attractive and I didn't think you woul be comfortable as you have been complaining you feel ugly because you are so fat"

    He was soooooooo out of there.:mad:

    I swear some men are just stupid!
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    An (ex) boyfriend said, "So and so and his girlfriend asked us out for a meal" "That will be nice" I replied. He then said "But I told them we were busy" "Why?" says I.

    "Because his girlfriend is really slim and attractive and I didn't think you woul be comfortable as you have been complaining you feel ugly because you are so fat"

    He was soooooooo out of there.:mad:

    I swear some men are just stupid!
  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    My Grandfather told me at a family reunion, "You know your cousin Misty is the pretty one, you're the smart one." Four years later, I lost a lot of weight and he said, "I didn't think you would be pretty while growing up, but your darn right pretty now." He was so darn proud of me when I was one of my first of his Grandchildren to get pregnant after getting married first. LOL
  • Hola723
    Hola723 Posts: 159 Member
    My ex dumped me because I'm fat. You can imagine how it could break one's confidence and self esteem. It was the most painful one for me.

    Are you serious?? what an AssH**e!!!

    Yup, But it kinda jump started my weightloss journey. I dropped nearly half the amount of weight I want to and I ran into him recently. His reaction?? His jaws hit the floor and he said "You look really pretty". He's been texting and I is the best dish served!

    That is the best feeling EVER!
  • abfit4life
    abfit4life Posts: 220 Member
    At least when you were pregnant you didnt have someone say that you didnt look pregnant. Mind you at the time I was like 7-8 monthes pregnant and weighed 290+.

    I also had a patient say that my husband must really love me because I was so fat.(mind you she was confused, but still)

    When I was pregnant with my first child I was publishing an A&E weekly in the DC area, and working as an adjunct professor, teaching 2 classes. When I finally informed my journalism students that I was going on maternity leave they didn't believe me. They hadn't realized I was pregnant. Their collective shock confused me at first and then I was unbelievable sad and hurt. I was about 250 at the time (I would get heavier). So much for their power of observation. There were clearly no budding investigative journalist in that bunch.

    A childhood memory has stuck with me for over 35 years. I was about 10 when moved into a new neighborhood in Toronto. I was walking to the park excited to find other kids to play with when a kid playing on the street yelled out "brown cow." I stopped and asked her what she said and she had the nerve to repeat it. So I punched her a couple times and ran home. Weeks later she saw me at the park but she ran this time. Why does that memory still stick and make my heart race?
  • ohnogogo
    ohnogogo Posts: 110 Member
    A few years ago I was flying to Florida from California. Flight one to Dallas was uneventful. The flight from Dallas to Orlando started off bad but ended up great.

    I was one of the first to board and was already in my window seat when a man who was in the middle seat came to the row, looked me up and down and then walked away. He comes back with the flight attendant and she says "I am sorry sir, I do not see what is wrong" and the guy says "you have to move me, I will not tolerate being squished next to a fat person the entire flight". Now I was heavy, maybe 220 at the time but I fit in my seat and was not hanging over by any stretch of the imagination. I just looked up at the attendant and said "feel free to move me, I won't sit next to an *kitten* the whole time", grabbed my stuff and stood up.

    I got seated in first class.
  • Ashley121205
    Ashley121205 Posts: 131 Member
    When I had started losing weight and has lost about 20 pounds my husband and I ran into this girl I went to school with. We used to be very close so we were catching up and I told her I had 4 daughters. She says " Oh are you having a 5th ?" and she's looking at my stomach. And needless to say this was coming from a woman who at that time was a good 125 pounds heavier than me !!! Can we say b**** ? Anyways, 65 pounds lost later I'm within 9 pounds from being at a normal weight... I recently saw the woman I went to school with on the news. She had been arrested and lost custody or her kids :( Sad, but I'm glad I didn't lash out at her because she obviously has issues.
  • akb2006
    akb2006 Posts: 198 Member
    I had to have my gallbladder removed when I was pregnant with my son and about a week after I had surgery I was at work (I was a nanny for 2 physicans) and the "father" was at the table and he goes eating stuff like that is why you got gallstones in the first place not to mention shouldn't you try not to gain too much more weight. Ugh it makes me steam just thinking about it. I was pregnant and if I want to have coco puffs freakin a I'm going to have ceral!
  • ohnogogo
    ohnogogo Posts: 110 Member
    not so much about my weight but my running time. I was at a sporting goods store today. Some how the clerk asked me about running next weekend at WDW. I'm running a half and full marathon. She asked what my time is. I said hoping for under 3 hrs for the half and 5 hrs for the full. She said "OH that's slow". Really lady! I stop and take pictures with characters plus I run for fun. I'm aiming to finish not worried about my time. At least I try and how many people run 39.2 miles in 2 days? Plus my body has never been the same since I got cancer. Still burns me 6 hrs later that she said that!

    Oooh, you are running in the WDW Marathon. I am jealous! That is one of my long term goals. Right now I am just trying to work myself up to being able to do the 5k at Epcot this fall.

    Don't let that dipstick clerk at the store bother you. Being able to actually complete a marathon is awesome - who give a rip how long it takes you!!
  • lydiasullivan
    We've all gotten the looks, the stares, heard the whispers behind our backs. But what was the rudest thing anyone ever said to your face about your weight? Mostly interested in what strangers have said... we all know our loved ones can be the most cruel at times, no matter how well intended.

    I worked customer service and an Asian gentleman frequented our place and was always polite and quiet. After many visits, one day he said, "Where you find pants so big?"

    At that time I was in about a size 18-20... I wore jeans to work, and had many different pairs. I just smiled and said, "Oh, there are LOTS of places!" lol

    in this gentlemans defense, in (many) certain cultures the topic of weight is not private or something not to be commented on. It is like any other feature of a person, like their hair color or height. I grew up in Turkey where people will openly tell loose acquaintances as well as loved ones what they should or shouldnt eat, that they should lose or gain weight, etc. It isnt considered rude, in fact oftentimes quite the opposite.. showing that you have concern for the other person in regards to their health or appearance.

    he probably meant nothing hurtful, but possibly was genuinely curious. But, he could also have just been a ****..
  • lydiasullivan
    I saw this many times in Nashville. A guy who is chubby or fat would be just standing there an then a women in her 20s-early 30s would walk by him and then the guy would just say "hi" and the girl would say "ugh, gross, youre "fat" and walk away. I would see this every week.

    This happened to me a couple weeks ago in the gym:

    Me: {walking up to pretty girl sitting on a machine} hey how's it going
    Her: **** off
    Me: alright then.

    seriously? what a Byotch. I commend you for having to balls to do what most guys dont and that is walk up to a girl and simply say hi!
    any decent girl thinks its nice and appreciates it as long as it is sincere and not coming on too strong!
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    I have a book of quotes. Here are some for you lol

    * My ex wife used to gag when having sex. And say "get it over with", then run to the toilet and throw up afterward because fat people disgusted her.

    * An ex girlfriend dumped me because she said she "deserved better than a fat guy"

    * Soccer practice at the park, I'm running with my team up front, and a college girl running at the park with her friends/team points at me and says "ew look at that guy's belly"

    * Running at the park I pass up a thin girl running, who is running like she doesn't know how to run. Her meathead athletic boyfriend turns around and sees I'm passing her and runs back to her and screams "You didn't just let that fat **** pass you!! You better get your *kitten* in gear!"

    * Running at the park I pass a guy and his little girl running. She says "Daddy why did you let the fat man pass you?" He replies "shhh honey we don't call people fat, that's rude"

    * Meeting a woman I met online, she I guess thought I was thin because I said I played soccer. I had body shots up and all but ... I guess people will thnk what they think. She walks into the indoor arena to watch my team play, sees me, and her smile disappears immediately and the face she has kind of resembles what she would look like if she saw a cockroach skitter across the floor.

    We talk a bit but I can tell she's hitting the door. She ends up saying "how can you play soccer and run with a belly like that?"

    She ended up emailing me a day later pissed that I "misrepresented myself" and that she has no desire to date "big men".

    I have about 19 quotes in my book from this year alone. The above except the ex wife and gf were from this year alone.

    The comments stopped once I dropped weight. I'm only 15 lbs overweight now and strangely enough I'm not treated as poorly now. Fancy that lol.

    People are so insensitive. Even when I was thinner I loved big men. I'm happily married to a big man and couldn't imagine my life without him. I'm glad people treat you better now.
  • AnathemaRose
    4. I've had multiple doctors tell me that nothing was wrong with me and that it was my weight. When I was below what I should have weighed, the doctor told me I was fat and that's why I was having asthma problems (refused to prescribe or diagnose me). I'm also currently in a situation where I no longer go to my doctor because she doesn't look at me, just walks in, takes a look at my weight and says that I'm overweight and diabetic - thus ending up with me in the hospital because the unchecked boil on my chest finally burst and I couldn't move without pain. . . :/

    I recommend that you find a new practitioner. Geez, what a B****!!! I'm surprised she has any patients with that kind of bedside manner.

    I would if I weren't on the State's Health Plan :/ They only allow me access to doctors in the area so I have my pick between this one, the one that will keep me in her office chatting without looking at me (total wack-o) or the one that doesn't speak a word of English. . .

    I'm almost considering going to Mr. No English, actually xD