Who's this Fitness_Chick



  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    Well, in a way, it's nice. Ce_fit did something great. He started another FC fan club. I love her posts to everyone. Always kind. Never a mean word or even tone. Always supportive. And I especially love the sayings she has surrounding her tickers. Very wise and insightful.

    I truly believe that controversies, disagreements, misunderstandings will always be part of MFP unfortunately some may not follow MFP rules posted about forum decorum. Having said that, none of us are perfect. We're all human beings who make mistakes. The best we can do is forgive, yet not condone, and move on. We're all just trying our very best in life. And we all make mistakes intentionally or unintentionally. Forgiveness, compassion, empathy, camaraderie, sincere contritions and apologies, and goodwill towards all here on MFP is an ideal we all strive for here on MFP as we all do in our every day life too.

    I mean, we're all here to fight the battle of the bulge. Let's not fight each other too. It's pointless and counterproductive, and unnecessary. We're all here to motivate, support, and encourage each other in our common goal of fitness and healthy weight loss. Everything else is non sense. So, pls people, don't go there. Stick to the program.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Well, in a way, it's nice. Ce_fit did something great. He started another FC fan club. I love her posts to everyone. Always kind. Never a mean word or even tone. Always supportive. And I especially love the sayings she has surrounding her tickers. Very wise and insightful.

    I truly believe that controversies, disagreements, misunderstandings will always be part of MFP unfortunately some may not follow MFP rules posted about forum decorum. Having said that, none of us are perfect. We're all human beings who make mistakes. The best we can do is forgive, yet not condone, and move on. We're all just trying our very best in life. And we all make mistakes intentionally or unintentionally. Forgiveness, compassion, empathy, camaraderie, sincere contritions and apologies, and goodwill towards all here on MFP is an ideal we all strive for here on MFP as we all do in our every day life too.

    I mean, we're all here to fight the battle of the bulge. Let's not fight each other too. It's pointless and counterproductive, and unnecessary. We're all here to motivate, support, and encourage each other in our common goal of fitness and healthy weight loss. Everything else is non sense. So, pls people, don't go there. Stick to the program.

    Well said!
  • finallyproud
    finallyproud Posts: 154 Member
    I am so sorry FC. Hearing that ppl have been ugly to you really breaks my heart :brokenheart: You are the kindest, most supportive person. :love: I haven't been on here very long, but I know I can always look for your advise when I have no clue which direction to turn. Plus you always have the best recipes :wink: We get judged by ppl enough in our every day lives, this is the last place we should have to worry about what ppl think. I always felt this was the only place I didn't have to feel ashamed about who I am, and now that I know someone on here made someone else feel bad that really urks me:mad: Especially when it was you who got hurt, because honestly you are my biggest inspiration :love: I have much love for you FC, don't let them take your happiness their not worth it!
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    People who try to hurt others only hurt themselves.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I changed it for a couple reasons...one of the main ones is I was receivnig some very negative, very unkind :cry: remarks on having weighed so much in the first place, then some ppl were asking if I was bogus and only came on this site to show off my weightloss and if I had made it up:noway: , ah why would anyone join a fitness site if they weren't serious about it? Those comments had me bewildered big time....:frown: .

    I could never see myself saying such cruel things to folks that are on a sight like this, we all work so hard whether we have 9 lbs. to lose or 300lbs...there's simply no place for cruelty here on MFP, I don't think anyone of us deserves that... I cheer folks on because I'm proud of them for working hard toward their goals.:drinker: :bigsmile:

    So I changed it:blushing: ...and backed off the boards a bit hoping maybe that would save me the some of the negative attention... :ohwell:

    This made me cry. :sad:
    I am sick of cruel people.

    Elizabeth, you are beautiful, wonderful, a TRUE TREASURE to MFP.

    I am so angry that I cannot say anything further. :explode: :explode: :explode:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Well I don't even know where to start....you all are simply a treasure to me!!:cry::flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: I am so blessed to have so many supportive friends here ....leaves me a bit speechless except to say THANK YOU for being by my side always & cheering me on, it means more than any of you could possibly imagine!

    There are more good folks than bad folks in this world and I truly believe that but there are times when wounded you wonder...but then you get lifted up by so many lovely supportive friends and you longer doubt the goodness in people!:heart::heart: :heart:

    I wish you nothing but the very best on your journeys my Friends!:smooched:

  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member

    I am PROUD of all my hard work (and that was something I was always able to say)

    Oops....I had wanted to correct something in my original post:blushing: ... I had intended to type "it was NOT something I was always proud of" in regards to the above.

    ...I question myself at times like everyone...but as time has gone on I am in a much more comfy spot...:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    that is all:tongue:

  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I'm really glad that you put your ticker back!!!:drinker: :drinker:
  • ce_fit
    ce_fit Posts: 299 Member
    Hey FC;

    I was away for the weekend and was shocked to read your reply. Your ultimate decision to put your ticker back with your statement "I am who I am ... your approval isn't needed" just seems right.

    People who are thoughtless, cruel & insensitive do not deserve the time of day. Be proud of what you have done for yourself and take pride in how you have helped so many.

    Thank-you once again. :flowerforyou:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I've been off the board for a few days and just now read this post. FC that really ticks me off to read that someone was that mean to you. :explode: OHHH it really does make me mad. :mad: You have worked so hard to get where you are now and you are such an inspiration to so many people. I'm glad you decided to put your ticker back and I really like your new ticker. You should be very, very proud of the weight you've lost. Don't let anyone tear down your self esteem or make you feel bad. You've got a whole cheering squad here on MFP to support you. Shoot, you've even got your own day -- Fitness Chick Tuesday. :happy: Keep up the good work sweetie. :flowerforyou: :heart:

  • IAM125lbs
    IAM125lbs Posts: 235 Member
    I haven't posted in awhile but I always look for your name when I come aboard because you are such a blessing to me and many others. I along with the others became so angry reading your comments but am now just glad to have you and you new awesome ticker in it's rightful place..One thing I know for sure those who have such meanness in their hearts will disappear in due time.:heart:
  • Princessme25
    :smile: Wow im kinda new here about a month so a newbie i guess. Just wanted to say congrats on the success i have about 31 to lose for my final goal. but congrats wow i know you have worked so hard.
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    You are truly an inspiration!!:flowerforyou: Your posts clearly show your knowledge, and your ticker shows your dedication!!! 20lbs or 298lbs, we alll need support, and yours is always there.:heart:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    I have weighed in on this thread several times, and so I will make this my last post. Probably. :wink:

    Just two things to say: First, I am kind of glad I was not the only one to become so angry that words failed me. :explode: Second, wtg CE-FIT!!! I am so glad you posted this. We would have never known the truth otherwise. Thanks! :smile:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I have weighed in on this thread several times, and so I will make this my last post. Probably. :wink:

    Just two things to say: First, I am kind of glad I was not the only one to become so angry that words failed me. :explode: Second, wtg CE-FIT!!! I am so glad you posted this. We would have never known the truth otherwise. Thanks! :smile:
    :smooched: You're the sweetest Kristi...
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I haven't posted in awhile but I always look for your name when I come aboard because you are such a blessing to me and many others. I along with the others became so angry reading your comments but am now just glad to have you and you new awesome ticker in it's rightful place..One thing I know for sure those who have such meanness in their hearts will disappear in due time.:heart:
    :flowerforyou: what a beautiful butterfly you are Hon just like your AV pic:heart:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Hey FC;

    I was away for the weekend and was shocked to read your reply. Your ultimate decision to put your ticker back with your statement "I am who I am ... your approval isn't needed" just seems right.

    People who are thoughtless, cruel & insensitive do not deserve the time of day. Be proud of what you have done for yourself and take pride in how you have helped so many.

    Thank-you once again. :flowerforyou:
    ce thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart for starting this thread...it gave me the shot in the arm I realized I needed to finally leave. I stayed for many reasons but I am now worn down and feel it's best for me to leave emotionally. My fitness/healthy is in a very good place and I am so close to where I want to be, I did much work before finding MFP and then I learned much from you all here. But sometimes folks try and break you and they succeed, it is sad because we are all on a journey here and each of us is only looking for support from one another. Noone needs to be torn down while they are struggling through this world. It makes no sense to me and perhaps that's because I'm not that kind of person.

    Thank you so much for boosting me up by beginning this thread:heart:

  • Akmomma07
    FC - I hardly ever post (because I don't feel like being judged... :indifferent: ) but I just wanted to tell you that I always like your posts because you are so supportive and your ticker displaying your amazing dedication always inspires me and gives me some hope and belief in myself. Which is much needed some days! :smile:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    :cry: :brokenheart: When Ghandi was assinated the following announcement was made on All-India Radio: "Friends and Comrades, the light has gone out of our lives and there is darkness everywhere" It goes on to say, "We will not run to him for advice and seek solace from him, and that is a terrible blow..."

    If Elizabeth is gone, a light has in fact gone out here at MFP.
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Hey........ So happy CeFit started this thread. Way to go, my good man--

    Elizabeth has put up with significant garbage here-- it's amazing.

    We all have joined this site for ourselves, plain and simple. We want to get healthy, feel good, look better. I didn't join for Elizabeth, CeFit, or anybody else-- I joined for three people and three people only-- me, myself and I-- :wink:

    While I here I look to have some chit-chat fun and dabble now and then in a "topic" if it presents itself, that would be fun to jump into. I get support from a lot of you, and hope now and then that I may have something to offer which may lend some glimmer of support to someone else.

    However, if that happens, that's icing on the cake. I'm here for me.

    The absolute gall of people insisting for some "proof" shown so they can "trust" that my dear friend, Miss Chick's weight loss is on the up and up is truly staggering. Where do people get off? Were no manners taught? (oops...got in trouble once by questioning someone's upbringing.....my bad)

    Anyway-- glad to see so many good ones here, free with the positive and kind words, and condemning bad behavior. Nice to see--

    :heart: to all.
    Yes it surely has been a most interesting ride, Marla has made it along with me as she's been my confidant along the peaks and valleys.... thank you Sweetie for ALWAYS sticking by my side so we could lean against one another on those harder than hard days on here.:wink:

    Thank you so much Marla once again for saying what's on your mind up above....tonight I was told I'm NUTS on here then I was told I'm bipolar, or whatever else the person said, I then chose to stop listening. From a professional nope, from a rude MFP member who for whatever reason seems to get a free ride around here... Dave198 can get by with saying anything that crosses his mind on here but yet I am the one to back down and leave. A person can only take so much before they break and I guess for me that time is now. I am very thankful for all of you that shared on this thread and I hate to leave you all but I know my fitness journey is a strong one now as I began it before MFP and continued it here on this great site, I truly do think it''s a great site but the rudeness and unkind cruel pm's and remarks certainly have no place.

    Tonight, my bad I battled back with words and I was wrong for doing that...were they true...oh sure they were but not appropriate for placement on a message board. I'm chosing to deactivate my own account because I can't be to watch myself get kicked off yet that member above allowed to stay and continue to run ppl down....something just plain isn't right about that...and if that's what's allowed to go on here then this is no longer the best place for me emotinally.

    My words are very scattered tonite as I am quite sad and my heart is broken to leave so many good ppl and all the new folks that need a warm welcome and encouragement that they too can succeed.

    I know what it felt like when I go to click on a members PM and find to my great sadness they have left., you are left with wondering why...and most times you never really do know.

    Just so you know...this is my choice in leaving as I'm sure as on other boards the rumors will begin to fly as they always do with humans:laugh:

    Take care of yourselves and always be kinder than you need to be for we never ever know what batttle another is facing at that very moment!:cry::brokenheart:

This discussion has been closed.