So why are you fat??



  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 295 Member
    When I had to start working fulltime 8 years ago I went down from exercising 3 hours a day 6 days a week to nothing. I ended up with alot of stress and would just come home from work and sit on the couch and drink wine and beer - rarely eat dinner etc.
    So, I quit work - got my s&^t in a sock and now my days are back to taking care of myself rather than having to sit in front of a computer all day turning into a zombie!!
    Food was never much of an issue for me - although being vegetarian, I did identify a few area's I was going wrong with - such as eating too much cheese in one sitting etc & used to drink ALOT of fruit juice.
  • Jujubie
    Jujubie Posts: 130 Member
    I eat really fast. Often, I'd take a second plate to have something to do while the others at the table were still working on the first one.
  • beingfancy
    i feel the reason why im fat is due to the love of bread, pasta, and no exercising at all. i dont eat sweets very often, and i cant stand cane sugar. so please any advise for that.:flowerforyou:13971606.png
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  • ajanmillie
    ajanmillie Posts: 241 Member
    laziness, binge eating, too much fast food, greed, lack of exercise. :(
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    1. happy relationship. I no longer feel/felt the need to look great and impress. I am comfortable.
    2. sedentary lifetsyle, desk job
    3. toddler. (I got married in 2008, pregnant a month later, and now a 2 and a half year old.
    4. once work is done and the little one is in bed-more sitting. and snacking. I DESERVE it, it is my only "me time" (this WAS my thinking!)
    5. lazy
    6. husband with the metabolism of a 13 year old boy. He is 6'4" and weighs about 165-170lbs. he eats, all day long. he eats junk. he prefers a wife who will eat maccaroni and cheese with him at midnight than a stick think lady who eats like a bird. Hey, works for me, i love food! I have now realized that doesnt work for me and there needs to be a happy medium though!

    I guess thats a good enough list for me:) I think #5 is the true root of it all, but the other pieces are factors too.
  • alvinkunju
    Depression is my reason.. overate to cope with it.. and now I have to get back down!!!
  • darsh11
    I am fat because my entire adult life I made excuses and used my Thyroid condition as a scapegoat for the endless amount of bad food I consumed. After shedding 65 lbs of the 100 that I need to lose I can honestly say that the only way to live is to exercise and eat as healthy as possible.
  • catfish9
    catfish9 Posts: 138
    My mother had every delivery place in a 10-mile radius programmed into the phone and bought soda five cases at a time. I became an emotional eater and got very, very lazy.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I was fat, because of my gluttony and greed coupled with laziness and an undisciplined life style.

    Same as most.

    An there lies the answer to the problem if anybody's honest enough to admit that.

    I lost almost 70lbs, reduced 18% body fat and went from 46" pants down to 34 size pants.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Food tastes good.
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    Always was "fit" until I got pregnant at 20 and my now husband got deployed to Iraq shortly after until she was 2 months old. He came home, got married moved outta state. Totally shocked me from going from a "kid" to a parent/wife and away from own parents to a military lifestyle...
    Never left the house or worked out....Got tired of my husband hinting I was "heavy" so I joined a gym and got diagnosed with a mood disorder (meds started).

    A year later I lost 40lbs and my husband left again for Japan (for a year)... Visited him in Japan and was really thin came home and felt good and started to not watch what I ate so much and my meds changed causing the side effect of weight gain. Just couldnt stop the gaining or get back on track.

    I stopped all meds due to weight gain and wanting to get pregnant again. So now I'm dealing with depression and stress again alone with no meds... So the weight comes on and stays on.

    but those are all excuses!! NEVER should of let myself gain back 20 lbs.... it stops now for me...and us all. :)

    Good Luck All and Happy New Year.
  • cherridawnn
    I was taught by my parents that being thin was the only key to being attractive. My mom put me on my first diet at about 11 years old. I started on a cycle of dieting and binge eating that lasted over 20 years, that leads to a cycle of switching between hating yourself and not caring. A couple years ago, with encouragement from a friend, I started trying to love myself enough to take care of myself.....and was able to lose 68 lbs. However, ran into a major road block and fell off track for the last 7-8 months and gained some back. I am back now to lose those lbs and finish my trek to a healthy weight.
  • Amanda0325
    Amanda0325 Posts: 245 Member
    I'm not fat.. just not happy where my weight is.. i work a desk job and pretty much continued to eat whatever i want... o and BEER.. love it.. and not the light stuff... make it amber, dark, smokey.. i don't care Im drinking thouse droughts and ipa and stouts.. <3 lol..
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm not fat right now, but when I gain weight it's always because I don't exercise regularly. If I exercise regularly, as I've been doing for the past year, I maintain a healthy weight. If I don't exercise regularly, as in the year previous, I gain.
  • melissammundy
    Milk? Pregnant with my son that was the only thing that calmed my terrible heart burn! I was drinking a gallon every 2-3 days.

    Oh yeah and the baby I had growing inside me didn't help much either LOL.
  • d_Bmfp
    d_Bmfp Posts: 2 Member
    more calories in then calories expended
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I'M NOT FAT.

    I'm actually a healthy weight.

    Some people use this site to just lose a few lbs. In my case, I'm in a healthy range both before and after using MFP. I just wanted to get back to my 2008 weight.

    Not everyone on here is overweight.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I'm not fat.. just not happy where my weight is.. i work a desk job and pretty much continued to eat whatever i want... o and BEER.. love it.. and not the light stuff... make it amber, dark, smokey.. i don't care Im drinking thouse droughts and ipa and stouts.. <3 lol..

    Actually dark beer like stouts has less calories. Guinness is considered low calorie. Do your beer research, it's how they are made.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    because. I WAS LAZY.

    this ^ and I love food...all the unhealthy foods. But I've taught myself to love being active and love the healthy foods.
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    Im not and dont think I ever was, I just had a bit of padding, now I am healthy :D