

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    I’m having fun with my HRM. :wink: Always wondered if the “cleaning, light to moderate effort” listed under exercise was valid. So, I left my HRM on while I tidied the kitchen, made lunches, mixed muffins and processed a couple of loads of laundry. It kept beeping to tell me I was not in “the zone” and I got hustling around the kitchen so fast I had to change from my slippers to my running shoes! Lo and behold, I did burn 75 calories in 30 minutes, about what MFP estimates. Not something I’ll count, though, it’s all part of an average day for me. But fun!

    My turn for homework tears tonight. :cry: J’boy has missed a lot of school in the last two weeks, what with dental surgery and visits to the orthodontist. So he’s behind in math and has a mid-term tomorrow. Math - the one topic I can’t do more than offer moral support for. Poor kid. He’s got dysgraphia (that’s the opposite of dyslexia, he can read like a hot dam but he can’t write) and he uses the computer for most of his school. It’s not possible in math, though. He’s done his best, and that’s all I ask. Hope the teacher shows a bit of mercy.

    About oats – I eat Rogers Porridge Oats every day – that could be a Canadian thing. It’s a blend with oats, oat bran, wheat bran and flax seed. I add a ¼ cup of frozen blueberries, ½ a banana finely chopped, a big pinch of cinnamon and 1 T of walnut pieces. Microwave & stir. The banana kind of melts into the mix and I think it’s yummy. :heart: Keeps me going ‘til recess!

    Sissygok: Florida, Washington DC, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame or Vegas :love: …what fun planning trips is. I spend three years organizing our one year off and loved every page of every website and guide book that got us there and home again. Keep us posted on how you decide to celebrate.

    Audible.com – me too! I don’t think I could manage the minutes on the treadmill without it. I have the same problem though, I miss half the book the first time I listen to it because I’m distracted by something. That means I really get my monies worth because I can listen to each one three or four times!

    Kleinbuenstor: Your daily 5 miles? Wow!

    Chiclet: Thanks for sharing your romantic story :heart: and for your kind words about teaching. I am lucky to work in a time and place where the teachers’ focus is on the child, and we are encouraged to apply ideas from new research about brain development and teaching in our classrooms. I don’t think I could have been a teacher in the “olden days” as you describe it, and I am sorry that school is still such a hellish time for so many children. :brokenheart:

    Congratulations and welcome to Olivia Jeanette Roberts! :flowerforyou:

    Speaking of mothers, and role models, my Mum is 83 and still swims lengths at the local pool every morning she’s home (they travel a lot). The Recreation Center management gave her a life-time pass when she turned 65. I doubt if they realized she’d still be swimming for free almost 20 years later! :happy:

    Thanks for sharing that bit about your baking pans and ingredients, Barbie, I might just follow your lead.

    Hello Carol the NorthwestLady, welcome on board.

    Hasta pronto, :yawn:

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Genealace.... I know that I have been referring to the 17 Day Diet because I have been working at losing and felt stuck. I heard about it on MFP and got the book out of the library first. I tried it and I felt it helped me 'get unstuck". My pattern is really slow and I am finally understanding that. Finding what works for you is the key...we all know there is no magic program! There are a lot of resources online about this diet. There is a community group on Facebook that is pretty active, with lots of resources and answers to specific questions. The Doctors TV show has a website with a forum for questions and recipes. I googled and got quite a few resources. I am not sure about the allergies and substitutions but I think there is probably a place you can get that answer. There is a 17 day diet group on MFP also. I hope this helps.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Cindy - I don't know if I gave a wrong impression about DBF. He is certainly not home, far from it. He was moved today to a less intensive care part of the Intensive Care Unit and is still on a breathing tube and various other wires and tubes going in to him. His life is still very fragile. It will be a long time before he is home. After he finishes with the Heart Institute ICU, he will then probably go into a Critical care unit for a few days. Then he may be transferred to a regular ward, then he'll be transferred back to the hospital where he was for his knee replacement. Then at some point he may go to rehabilitation and then he will go to a retirement home for 3 or more weeks of convalesence and then, if he is able, will go home. If not, he will have to make a decision on where he wants to live.

    I don't know how long he will be in rehab - I think the Heart Institute (which is one of the best) has a rehab program of 3 months, but it isn't all 'live-in'. And he has to have rehab for his knee surgery. So all in all I think he may be away from home for a couple of months or perhaps more. I really don't know at the moment.

    Sally, thanks for the info on the 17 day diet. I'm not really in to 'specialy' diets because they don't work continuously and it means that you are always trying to juggle things if you go out to eat. I try to watch more what I'm eating of 'normal' meals that I can continue doing over the long term. So many people had been writing about it, I thought I'd look at the book. I'll check out the group on MFP. Thanks
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Congratulations to the new grandmothers! It's the best ever role xx
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Cindy - I don't know if I gave a wrong impression about DBF. He is certainly not home, far from it. He was moved today to a less intensive care part of the Intensive Care Unit and is still on a breathing tube and various other wires and tubes going in to him. His life is still very fragile. It will be a long time before he is home. After he finishes with the Heart Institute ICU, he will then probably go into a Critical care unit for a few days. Then he may be transferred to a regular ward, then he'll be transferred back to the hospital where he was for his knee replacement. Then at some point he may go to rehabilitation and then he will go to a retirement home for 3 or more weeks of convalesence and then, if he is able, will go home. If not, he will have to make a decision on where he wants to live.

    I don't know how long he will be in rehab - I think the Heart Institute (which is one of the best) has a rehab program of 3 months, but it isn't all 'live-in'. And he has to have rehab for his knee surgery. So all in all I think he may be away from home for a couple of months or perhaps more. I really don't know at the moment.

    sorry about DBF...hoping for a speedy recovery...take care of yourself as well:flowerforyou:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning ladies....

    yesterday was a weight training day and am a bit sore(love that feeling):love: ....had a good day with foods, logging and workouts...still working on the paper clean up and back a good dent....i am off to spinning class and home again to continue the paper clean up...hope you all have a great day:flowerforyou:
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    I weighed in at the same weight as last Tuesday this morning. Damn. :grumble:

    Must count my other blessings: :flowerforyou: energy, strength, cheerfulness, the fact it's much easier to get out of bed in the morning and let's not forget those skinny jeans.

    Today's a workout day (I alternate workout days and walking days), watch out Rec Centre, here I come! :explode:

    Have a great day, dear ladies. :drinker:

  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Olivia Jeannette Roberts 7lbs 10oz, 20.5 inches long and mother and she are doing well. All I can say is Wow! I feel so much unfamiliar emotion.

    Congratulations!! What a beautiful name.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Congrataulations to the new grandmothers. I envy you.

    I am down 1.4 this week and my BMI is down .2 as well. Small steps but in the right direction.

    I called the nurse for an update on DBF. She said there is basically no change. He had been quite agitated wanting to turn and move and he grabbed her arm so they have increased his sedation for the time being and they did have to restrain him, although the restraints have now been taken off.

    She told me yesterday that he had gained 12 kgs but it was all fluid which is why he was so puffy. They started him with some diuretics and he has lost 5-6 kgs already.

    Yesterday afternoon when I was there, I was kicked out because they were going to get him up sitting on the side of the bed. She said it went really well with him doing most of the work. His level of sedation must have been reduced because when I was there he didn’t respond at all, whereas he usually nods, shakes or frowns if you ask him a question.

    I’ll go up a little later this morning because I’m teaching this afternoon.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    My two biggest problems right now are the lack of money to buy healthy food until the end of the month and having a cold house and a cold office space. I know I eat more when I am cold thinking it will warm me up, but it doesn't.

    We pay off my daughter's hip surgery in March. Almost exactly two years after she had it. Our health plan would not cover the ONLY surgeon in the country who could do the surgery. Then we have to start paying off my son's hospital bills from last year. Still we should have a little relief come April.


    PS: I wear ski socks and layers at work as it is and I am still cold. I do hate office buildings.
  • BetteLovr
    BetteLovr Posts: 15 Member
    Hello all.. my name is Teri and I am 51 yrs young.. I am getting a bit frustrated on this journey since I have only lost 1.2 in the last two wks. In 2004 I tried WW and did very well. It tru;y seems like my age and the ailments/aches that come with it are getting in my way.. Hope you guys are not feeling the same way.

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning!

    Salad Sistas continuing on this week -- making sure to include at least one large salad a day. The low-fat blue cheese dressing from sparkspeople.com has been such a nice change, I'll have to make another batch. I've also been making spinach salad dressing with olive oil, rice vinegar, drop of Dijon and a tablespoon of huckleberry jam. Ohhhh yeah, it's deeeelish. We pick huckleberries every summer up in the mountains, and I make jars of jam to give as gifts over the holidays. Talk about adding a little taste of summer to a winter's day salad -- mmmm-hmmm!

    Made a batch of low-fat blueberry muffins using unsweetened applesauce and non-fat yogurt instead of oil. I double or triple the amount of berries called for in the recipe, the muffins are just outta this world. I'll see if I can find the recipe if anyone's interested. Frozen berries work just fine.

    As usual I ate a little too much over the weekend -- and the scale of course went the wrong way. I was super-good yesterday, however, and plan to stay on track this week in order to kiss another pound goodbye. It's the 1500 numbers that kill me, even when I burn calories like crazy. The 1200's are where I belong for regular weight loss.

    Happy Tuesday, let's plan those salads.
    :^) jb
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hi everyone, I so love this group and hearing about everyone's challenges. You encourage me! I'm going to do the Salad Sistas - I really love salads and veggies in general make up a big portion of my food anyway, so why not! Do I need to do anything in particualr to "join"

    I was down a pound, but the scale this morning says I'm up that same pound. I ate steak last night and that seems to be what happens. I only have it occassionally as a treat. I know it will come right off anyway.

    Gym tonight. I committed to myself to get there 2x each week and do the 30 minute circuit! I've since added more core exercise and also abductor and adductor machines - I'm so tired of flabby thighs!

    Jeannie I just want to add my here here. I hate being cold, and I always seem to eat more when I am. Guess I subconciously feel as you do that if I eat I'll be warmer!

    Terri, the older I am the slower I lose weight. But I have to admit that I'd become a serious couch potato and had not done any real exercise for far too many years! I'm working on reversing that and I really hope that will do the trick!

    So glad to be here with you all!

    Happy Tuesday!!
  • shmogo9
    shmogo9 Posts: 31 Member
    Good Morning All - just wanted to pop-in and wish everybody a good day!

    :bigsmile: BethB :bigsmile:
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Hello all.. my name is Teri and I am 51 yrs young.. I am getting a bit frustrated on this journey since I have only lost 1.2 in the last two wks. In 2004 I tried WW and did very well. It tru;y seems like my age and the ailments/aches that come with it are getting in my way.. Hope you guys are not feeling the same way.


    Hi Terri. Welcome. It's still is a loss!! Try to focus on the process as helping you become more and more healthy. I am 50 years young and feel like I've been hit with an aging bat this year. Strongly suspect hormone havoc. That being said, I am feeling better with focusing on nutrition instead of just counting calories. I tried WW a couple of years ago and wasn't sucessful. I'm waiting until I hit the 3 week mark to remeasure and maybe weigh myself. I got on the scales a couple of days ater staring here and had GAINED. I decided to try to ignore the scale for a few weeks and just focus on building great habits. Know I will be crying in February if I still haven't lost. LOL.. Ok, maybe not laughing. Good luck!
  • mixdouble
    mixdouble Posts: 41 Member
    Hello all.. my name is Teri and I am 51 yrs young.. I am getting a bit frustrated on this journey since I have only lost 1.2 in the last two wks. In 2004 I tried WW and did very well. It tru;y seems like my age and the ailments/aches that come with it are getting in my way.. Hope you guys are not feeling the same way.

    Hey Terri,
    I've done WW as well. Now my budget won't allow, but I think this can work just as well. The trick is to keep up the daily food and exercise logs. Don't worry about the pounds...they will go away slowly. Mainly focus on taking good care of yourself, both physically and mentally. If you can find a physical activity that really makes you happy, all the better. I find that just getting out doors, even in bad weather, improves my mood and makes me want to "be good".
    Hang in there kiddo!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    Having written earlier on that being a grandmother is the best, I've suddenly realised why so many people have 'joked' about wishing they could have skipped having children and gone straight to grandkids. My DD#2, who I have always been closest to is shutting me down and out. She is at a crisis in her life and I really want to help her, but she doesn't want my help (not that I could do much for her). The short version of the story is that her and SIL have been married for 11 years and have spent all of that time trying to get pregnant. They have spent thousands and thousands of pounds on IVF treatment - eight rounds in total - all unsuccessful and they have finally decided that it's just not going to happen. So, my daughter has decided to throw herself into her career, move to Germany and separate from her husband.

    It's really difficult to watch someone else's life fall apart - especially when you love them so much. My DH and I love our SIL so much too - he's like an extra son and I feel desperately sorry for him. He just has to go along with what my DD decides.

    For the first time in two years I have felt like eating the refrigerator today! My old demon comfort eating is trying to raise it's fat, ugly head. I will beat it though. My intentions are a stompy walk in the rain; a hot bath and a cuddle with my DH who makes my life so much better.

    Love to you all.
    Amanda x
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member

    Olivia Jeannette Roberts. My baby made a beautiful baby:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • mynyddisamrs
    Hello ...again...everbody!!

    :sad: 've been AWOL and it shows!!
    So here I am ... back in the fold,...
    Feeling fat...and guilty!
    Feeling fat and Old!
    Why I strayed from the proven path?
    ....Heaven knows!

    :flowerforyou: Jackie
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone and thank you so much for all the kind words and cheers.

    Next step is to make a slow, careful transition into maintenance. I have no idea what my maintenance calories should be but I'll bet they're lower than the calculators say. We'll see. Meanwhile, it is frightening to try to up my calories - the fear of regain is a little lurking monster.

    I am upping the calories slowly as I'd like to lose just a few more pounds to give myself a cushion. No set number, just a touch under my goal.

    Also thanks for all the info on heart rate monitors. My birthday is coming up, maybe that's the time! And for all the tips on add-ins for steel cut oats. I think they're going to become a real staple for me. I love all the food ideas I pick up on this thread. I've also just started eating Greek Yogurt. Can't do the plain, don't like the carbs in the flavored so I took an idea someone posted and I mix in thawed frozen fruit. Just wonderful!

    Mary - those mug muffins look marvelous (say that 3 times fast).

    Genealace - continuing to keep you and especially your DBF in my thoughts and prayers. Sorry that you're having to deal with furnace nightmares at the same time.

    Welcome normajeanmobe, NorthwestLady, BetteLovr - I just joined this informal group this month and everyone has been so wonderful and welcoming. Just jump in, try to read the last 24-hours posts most days and reply when you can. You'll feel right at home soon.

    Tiarapants - Twins on a sugar rush. Yikes! Sorry DD2 and SIL are struggling. You're right, you can't help her if she doesn't want help but I know it must be hard to watch. I know she must be hurting.

    Mixdouble - Sending out prayers for a good diagnosis for your Mom. Sounds like a grand weekend otherwise.

    Cathys01 - I hear ya! Seems like every time I look on here we've added a page. Still trying to learn names and faces. Hope it has at least been a good kind of busy.

    kleinbuenstor -15 miles! You must be close to or at your 100 mile goal for January.

    Laura80111 - Hope the audit went smoothly. Keeping fingers crossed for a granddaughter for you one day!

    Cindyw7 - Hooray for size 14 jeans! Just a teeny bit jealous about the cruise - where are you cruising to?

    barbiecat - Love this: “No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everyone on the couch.” I have a cat that loves to help me exercise when I do floor work. Hard to do crunches with a cat on your chest, in case you didn't know. If I lock her in another room she just howls - she won't tolerate being in any room but the one I'm in when I'm home.

    mazaron - If you want to give your HRM further testing for validation, please feel free to come clean my house as well! :laugh: I think your add-ins would work equally well with steel cut oats. Hope J'boy did OK on his test.

    jam0525 - Isn't it frustrating how hard it is to shop healthy? I'm determined, but it's a struggle sometimes.

    Chiclet - I can almost see you dreamy-eyed about your guy through the internet after reading that post. I'm excited for you.

    SallyCC - I had to give up the gym for financial reasons (hubby is unemployed) so I spent one month's membership on some DVDs that will last much longer. I already had several Walk At Home DVDs so with a little "Workouts" iPhone App that I have that walks you through some basic strengthening I figure I can make do at home. And it's so much easier for me to motivate myself to get up and do that than to get up and drive to the gym.

    exermom - can you recommend a step DVD? Also, where did you get your step?

    jb2011 - I'd love that muffin recipe!

    Suelegal - congrats on the determination to get to the gym. Not only is it important on its own, but I've noticed when I'm committed to exercise it helps me stay committed to my eating plan (don't want to waste all that effort, I guess).

    OK, enough of this novelette! Hope it's a great day for everyone.
