January-Day by Day Challenge--OPEN TO ALL!!!



  • sgreg2090
    1/9/12 Results

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water - Yes
    2. Stay around calorie goal - Not so much, about 150 over
    3. Do Laundry so work out gear is clean (forgot to do that this weekend). - Yes

    Not going to the gym today because will be joining a group session on Saturday. So this is my down day.

    1/10/12 Goals

    1. Stay under calorie goal
    2. Start tying off friends quilt so I can get it to her
    3. Practise using my new sewing machine
  • franniek34
    franniek34 Posts: 77 Member

    1. 8 glasses of water
    2. Stay under calories
    3. Work out with Wii Active

    Yesterday was a total bust -- didn't meet any of my goals. And, had I done my workout, I would have been under calories.

    1/10/12 Goals
    1. Honestly Log Everything
    2. Drink my water
    3. At least 30 Minutes of Exercise
  • seasontk
    seasontk Posts: 18 Member
    I love this idea! I am a working mom/wife. No health issues, other than being very overweight. Hoping to start this year off by being healthier.

    1/10/2012 goals:

    1. Drink 80 oz. of water
    2. workout for 30 minutes
    3. log everything i eat
    4. put away laundry
  • seasontk
    seasontk Posts: 18 Member
    I love this idea! I am a working mom/wife. No health issues, other than being very overweight. Hoping to start this year off by being healthier.

    1/10/2011 goals:

    1. Drink 80 oz. of water
    2. workout for 30 minutes
    3. log everything i eat
    4. put away laundry
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Tuesday

    Continue to journal honestly did
    Drink my water and green tea and not drink coffee did
    Follow my diet plan did
    Get to the gym. didn't get there

    today was crazy at work. I worked until 7:15 pm, was supposed to be done at 5pm. So dinner was late, then I had to stop at the store for more bananas and strawberries. Way to worn out to go to the gym... and my back is still hurting really bad. Exercise would probably help so my top priority for tomorrow will be exercise. Good news. I did not stress eat. I sniffed my roses.
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Wednesday

    going to the gym
    drinking 8 glasses of water or green tea (no coffee)
    no stress eating
    journaling my food honestly
    paint my nails

    Hope everyone is having a good night.
  • Martha_VH
    Martha_VH Posts: 386 Member
    I want to be in this group!
    Goals for Wednesday:

    1. Stick to my 1200-1300 for the last day before I can bump back to 1600.
    2. Get some of my work done for my home business.
    3. Sleep in!
    4. Clean one room in the house.
  • 20Renee12
    Hi, I'm Renee

    My Goal IS To Drink More Water ....
    Walk Every Day ... { 2 Times A Day } If Possible
    Walk A Little Farther Each Day ....
    and Use The Stairs If Weather Is Bad ... { Winter Time }
    Track My Food In-Take ...
  • blcotton
    I am glad I went on my profile page and looked at recent forums! I don't know how I forgot I joined this group. I feel bad for not logging my goals since the 4th but starting again today. So, my goals for tomorrow, Jan. 11th are :

    1. finish all of my chapter 1 work for my art history class.
    2. drink more water!
    3. look up healthy recipes for low-calorie desserts
    4. have a good day at work and get my new cartilage earring changed so it won't be swollen so bad and hurt!
  • Roguecircuit75
    Roguecircuit75 Posts: 11 Member
    1. Log everything I eat
    2. Run 2 miles on treadmill when I get home from work
    3. Drink lots of water

    OK - those were my goals for yesterday - yay!!! And when I ran my 2 miles I did it in 25 minutes - that's a speed record for me and I'm so excited! Met my goals - and it feels great :)

    On another topic - do folks on mfp generally eat their cardio calories? I'm just wondering? I eat some of them, but I'm not seeing the numbers on the scale. . .

    THanks so much - and good luck with your goals today!

    Mine are:
    1. Log log log everything I eat
    2. Try to eat under 1500 calories today just to see if I can do it
    3. Drink lots of water

    Have a good day!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,629 Member
    Tuesday, January 10
    1. Water- 10-12 glasses (you would think this would go without saying by now)- Done
    2. Wii for 30 minutes-- Nope
    3. Finish paper work and write order for work. Only worked in back yesterday, so have to catch up again up front! wrote order
    4. Do something unexpected for one person today!- I made conversation with a cute couple, who just seemed to want to talk, even though the back of my brain was going( I have things I am trying to do!)

    So yesterday didn't quite go as planned. I did end up exercising- I had to organize attic at work, take down boxes of invoices and put more up there. About 45 mins of moving boxes and climbing the ladder. I can forgive myself the no Wii. I did get orders done for work, but not the rest of paperwork.Everyone is back to work today, so paperwork is it!

    Welcome to all the new folks! Love the goals! Keep it up!

    pmjsmom-prayers and hugs!

    Wednesday January 11
    1. Water (10-12 glasses)
    2. Finish up paper work at work
    3. At least 30 minutes of some form of exercise!!!
    4. Keep up with better eating!

    Have a wonderful day!
  • sgreg2090
    1/10/12 Goals

    1. Stay under calorie goal - Yes
    2. Start tying off friends quilt so I can get it to her - Yes
    3. Practise using my new sewing machine - No

    1/11/12 Goals

    1. Stay under calorie goal
    2. Get all 8 cups of water in today
    3. work more on quilt
  • llingriff77
    1 - Log everything i eat or drink.
    2 - Go running for at least 30 mins
    3 - Drink more water
  • hunnyspice
    hunnyspice Posts: 80 Member
    Hi, I'm Sheila. I saw this and thought it was a great idea. I'm 27 y/o, single, and currently unemployed but desperately looking.

    My goals for today are:
    1. Stay within my calories
    2. Do 50 crunches
    3. Drink all my water
  • RhondaLeeRoss
    Hey there!
    First off, this is an awesome idea!!!! And I would LOVE to be a part of it!
    My name is Rhonda. I am a 40 (YIKES) year old happily married mother of 2 (a son 17 and a daughter 22). I work full-time for a treatment foster-care organization and I have a side job selling Lia Sophia jewellery. I am currently doing the Turbo Fire workout series and LOVING IT! My biggest problem is......I'm not a healthy eater. Wish I could find that magic switch to set me straight!
    My goals for today:
    1. Complete my workout (done)
    2. Not eat any chocolate today
    3. Drink 8 glasses of water
    Thanks for listening (reading)
    Have a WONDERFUL day!
  • kittybitz79
    Yesterday's goals
    I kept within my calories, logged everything and drank 8 glasses of water. But the other two just didn't happen. It was a bad day at work and when I got home I had no energy to go for a walk. So lets try for them again today.

    Today's Goals
    1. Log everything.
    2. Stay within my calories.
    3. Drink at least 8 glasses of water.
    4. Go for a walk today either at lunch or after work.
    5. Have a good day at work.
  • Ashleysouther
    Ashleysouther Posts: 1 Member
    Hi my name is Ash, I have never been a small lady but since having three kids things have gotten out of control. It is time to stop using but I had kids as a crutch and get off my tushy! I have NEVER stuck with anything, so I am hoping like crazy it clicks this time.
  • jam3114
    jam3114 Posts: 250 Member
    Ok I managed 2 out of 5 yesterday (embarassed to say I still need to wash the floors :blushing: )

    Today I'm sticking with
    1. Log Everything
    2. Stay within calories
    3. Wash the floors
    4. Try new exercise
    5. Get out for a walk
    6. Drink Water
  • Posey117
    Doing good 10 days into 2012 goals. Logging all food, drinking water, only a couple diet sodas for the year!
    Today I will:

    Exercise - done! hope to get more later!
    Stay within calories and record every morsel entering my ex-pie hole!
    Drink 10 waters
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Goals for Monday were:

    1. try to catch up with my challenges (miles!!)
    2. keep my house clean & get a hold of laundry
    3. Get a to-do list going as far as tying up loose ends: Christmas bins, garage dump-run, exercise, etc.

    I completed 2 of these goals but the loose end list is on going.

    Goals for Today are:
    1. get a great hike in this morning.
    2. small clean up at my house until I get a call to help mom move.
    3. buy some shoes for my poor son who keeps telling me he needs shoes.