January-Day by Day Challenge--OPEN TO ALL!!!



  • paulcer
    paulcer Posts: 167 Member
    Wow, Great idea, I really enjoyed reading everyone's challenges, struggles and successes.

    My name is Paula, I'm 47, newly divorced (sigh) and have just moved to Florida from California. Often, alcohol is my challenge, ( I can't be the only one) even if I don't drink much, it makes me eat too much and then makes me puffy.

    My challenges for today are:

    1. Call my mom, I have some stuff to deal with there.
    2. No alcohol.
    3. burn at least 300 extra calories.

    1. Called my mom, we had a nice chat. She's doing well.
    2. had no alcohol
    3. burned more than 500 cals on a bike ride. Woot!
    4. Sad my 49ers lost the Game

    It was a good day, see you tomorrow!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    Goals today Saturday January 21
    1. Water (10-12)-did
    2. Stay in calories range-think I did
    3. Laundry-yes
    4. Walking video or zumba for 20 minutes.yes

    So Saturday was a success I reckon.

    Didn't get goals posted yesterday. Had planned on a simple dust/vacuum of house....one thing led to another and ended up with a deep clean! All the knick nacks moved and dusted, all the sills, baseboards, even washed the walls! So much for a relaxing Sunday!!!! :wink:

    Not feeling really well today, this cold is knocking me, just like the rest of you! Goals are

    Monday, January 23
    1. Water (10-12)
    2. Calories -stay within 100 either way
    3. Dance for 20 minutes!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    lstnlondry- Sorry about your cousin. Hugs for you! Glad it was a good weekend.

    Rosey- I wasn't planning on deep cleaning, it just happened! I need to shampoo carpets. That is for another weekend!

    Have a great day ladies!
  • paulcer
    paulcer Posts: 167 Member

    1. Do two hours of paperwork. Moving across country and starting a new life has caused me to get behind.
    2. Make backup of DVD for new computer. My husband used to do this computer stuff for me. :-/
    3. No alcohol, makes me puffy.

    There are so many things on my to do list, it really helps to break it down and focus.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Goals for Saturday were:
    1. burn 1000 calories_WITHOUT skipping housecleaning!!
    2. bake a delicious turkey and re-enact Thanksgiving!!
    3. go shopping for a spectacular outfit to wear next month at my son's banquet.

    I accomplished 2 of these goals. Even thought I "shopped" I didn't really buy.

    Goals for Today are:
    1. burn 1000 calories_WITHOUT skipping housecleaning!! (trying again)
    2. decide to take my dog in the rain or not and be confident. ( I have guilt, long story)
    3. make my dream happen: make up, hair & surprise dinner for my daughter.
  • Stinkerbelle84
    Goals for Monday, January 23:

    1.) Drink 10-12 cups of water (4 down so far)
    2.) Fit in a 45 minute work-out
    3.) Work 3.0 hours of overtime at the office
    4.) Remember to water my flowerbed (maybe if it is a goal, I will remember to do it)!

    This weekend was a success. I stayed super busy, so I didn't have time to post. I did set goals for myself though.
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    Goals for January 23rd:

    1. drink a gallon of water
    2. burn at least 500 calories for today
    3. laundry (bleh)
    4. definitely stay within my calorie range ( the weekend was NOT good :grumble: )
  • minussam
    minussam Posts: 127 Member
    What a great idea. Small little goals work better for me as I found out:

    I'm 33, work full time and have a 3 year old son. Stil trying to fit back in my pre-pregnancy clothes. I don't care so much for the number but want to feel good, like what I see in the mirror and wear my old clothes again. And to have more energy....
    My goals for today
    1. drink water even though I forgot my water bottle
    2. only yoghurt for my pm snack as I forgot my fruit and veggies, too
    3. clean up laundry and do more laundry
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for January 22:
    1. HEALTHY CHOICES!!! and stay in my calorie range.--Yes.
    2. 30 minutes workout (at least)--No.
    3. Drink water!--Yes.

    We still had one guest yesterday but otherwise it was a quiet day. I did not get a workout done, though.

    Goals for January 23:
    1. HEALTHY CHOICES!!! and stay in my calorie range.
    2. 4 mile walking workout--3 done, need 1 more mile!
    3. Drink water!
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Monday .

    Hoping I feel better.... still sick.... I feel chilly, achy and am all congested
    Journal my food honestly done
    drink water and green tea done

    If I feel better.....I want to get some exercise in. not happening,

    Hope no one else has this bug/virus thing.

    Going to bed, see ya all in the morning.
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Tuesday

    journal honestly
    drink water and green tea
    take my cold meds.

    so hoping this is a 12/24 hour bug.
  • SerenityRabit
    Hi, I'm serenity, High school student, my main hobbie is sewing. Not single, but forever married to my cats. Heavily peared shape, I've excepted never fitting into a size 4.
    1. Finish Homework.
    2. Don't over eat after dinner!
    3. Go to bed at 9.
  • paulcer
    paulcer Posts: 167 Member

    1. Do two hours of paperwork. Moving across country and starting a new life has caused me to get behind.
    2. Make backup of DVD for new computer. My husband used to do this computer stuff for me. :-/
    3. No alcohol, makes me puffy.

    There are so many things on my to do list, it really helps to break it down and focus.

    I ended up doing about 6 hours of paperwork
    had one drink..not so bad
    managed to put off backing up my computer for one more day
  • minussam
    minussam Posts: 127 Member
    What a great idea. Small little goals work better for me as I found out:

    I'm 33, work full time and have a 3 year old son. Stil trying to fit back in my pre-pregnancy clothes. I don't care so much for the number but want to feel good, like what I see in the mirror and wear my old clothes again. And to have more energy....
    My goals for today
    1. drink water even though I forgot my water bottle
    2. only yoghurt for my pm snack as I forgot my fruit and veggies, too
    3. clean up laundry and do more laundry

    completed all my challenges yesterday

    For today Jan 24th:
    1. drink 2 of my water bottles - already started!
    2. 2 servings of vegetables
    3. come up with some recipes to use leftover chicken and cauliflower and cook one of them tonight!
  • Stinkerbelle84
    Goals for Monday, January 23:

    1.) Drink 10-12 cups of water (ended the day at 14)
    2.) Fit in a 45 minute work-out (check!)
    3.) Work 3.0 hours of overtime at the office (managed to squeeze in 3.5 hours)
    4.) Remember to water my flowerbed (maybe if it is a goal, I will remember to do it) IT RAINED TODAY!!!!

    Goals for Tuesday, January 24:

    1.) Drink 12-14 cups of water
    2.) 30 minute work out
    3.) Go to sleep early, because I have to be up at 2 AM tomorrow morning.
  • paulcer
    paulcer Posts: 167 Member
    Backed up my computer this morning! (Goal left over from yesterday)

    So, for Tuesday:

    1. Put dad's moth catcher together so I can send moths and make him happy.
    2. fill new pots with plants (rather than letting them die)
    3. file papers
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for January 23:
    1. HEALTHY CHOICES!!! and stay in my calorie range.Mostly, but slipped up a bit last night.
    2. 4 mile walking workout--3 done, need 1 more mile!--Took a 1+ mile walk after dinner.
    3. Drink water!--Need to do better on this.

    I let myself get too stressed yesterday and it was reflected in my eating. I did stop but I need to get back to using my stress-reliving techniques.

    Goals for January 24:
    1. HEALTHY CHOICES!!! and stay in my calorie range.
    2. 4 mile walking workout.
    3. Drink water!
  • paulcer
    paulcer Posts: 167 Member
    Backed up my computer this morning! (Goal left over from yesterday)

    So, for Tuesday:

    1. Put dad's moth catcher together so I can send moths and make him happy.
    2. fill new pots with plants (rather than letting them die)
    3. file papers

    Scratch that, I forgot that I need to go to get my car registered. Off to the DMV!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Goals for Monday were:
    1. burn 1000 calories_WITHOUT skipping housecleaning!! (trying again)
    2. decide to take my dog in the rain or not and be confident. ( I have guilt, long story)
    3. make my dream happen: make up, hair & surprise dinner for my daughter.

    I accomplished all of these goals but never cleaned my house.

    Goals for Today are:
    1. deal with my house. (Or just make peace that it's a mess.)
    2. decide to take my dog on a splendid 3 mile walk, buy her food & her treats & the pet store.
    3. get my condolense card in the mail.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    Monday, January 23
    1. Water (10-12)- Yes
    2. Calories -stay within 100 either way- Nope- dind't think choices were bad, but apparently were!
    3. Dance for 20 minutes!- bed by 7:30

    So yesterday I just felt so bad, that there was no getting heart rate up for anything. Fell asleep sitting at table after dinner :blushing: Much better today! 11 hours of sleep! Husband cleaned up dinner dishes! Great Morning!

    I hope everyone else is feeling wonderfully too!

    Tuesday, January 24
    1. Water 10-12
    2. Calorie goal +/- 100
    3. Grocery shopping

    This is going to be an awesome day!!!!!
