January-Day by Day Challenge--OPEN TO ALL!!!



  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Saturday

    Since I am posting my goals late, my goals got changed due to the snow/ice storm we got last night.
    I had to cancel my chiropractor and massage appointment.....sigh.... I did reschedule for next weekend....

    shoveled snow and ice off cars and driveway already done, 1 hr of shoveling
    work overtime on a special project for work
    journal my food honestly.... I think by putting this in writing every day, I do it.
    drink water and green tea
    relax this evening and pamper myself with a long hot shower and painting my nails

    Have a great weekend everyone....be safe if you go driving in the snow/ice mess.
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    So my goal for today...and this weekend since I have to work all weekend. Is the same as the past few days.

    1. Stay below my calorie range
    2. Drink WATER!
    3. No JUNK food.

    If anyone has any healthy suggestions to curb a sweet tooth I would greatly appreciate it. My downfall is chocolate at night!

    I can so relate to chocolate.... I cannot have it in the house. It is a trigger food for me. Replace chocolate with fresh fruit , it has about the same amount of sugar. I also had to increase my protein. Also if you drink water, it will help flush things out. Hope it helps. I do believe that sometimes a girl just needs her chocolate....if you do, go for dark chocolate, it has less sugar.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I'm back! We lost power for a few days because of bad snow and ice storms. Hopefully it will stay on. there are lots of tree branches falling still!

    I did okay over the past few days but did not get much walking in. We were all kind of camped in the living room where there is a fireplace!

    I am just going to start from today and get back on track.

    Goals for January 21:
    1.Stay in my calorie range--HEALTHY CHOICES!
    2. Drink water!
    3. Get the kitchen cleaned up.

    I will try to get a workout in but there's a lot of food to go through and I may as well clean the refrigerator while it is (mostly) empty!

    I'll try to get back later.
  • Kelwalks4
    Kelwalks4 Posts: 56 Member
    When I am really craving chocolate, I have mini bars of dark, barely sweetened chocolate. I let it melt in my mouth until it's gone. It satisfies my craving, but I don't like it enough to have to have more. Dove Dark works and so does Hershey's mini. They are only about 40 cal and dark chocolate (in moderation) actually has some healthy benefits like antioxidants.:happy:
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member

    Friday, January 20
    1. Water 10-12 done
    2. Calories- Been up since 4 with more ice on the way, so this may be a challenge-done
    3. 20 minutes of extra movement today!- not sure I did or not. Tried. But not feeling well, hard to concentrate....

    If I DENY myself something I will eat an extra 500 calories trying to satisfy the urge, then end up eating the original want anyway. Moderation is key even with chocolate. Dark chocolate and Dove I agree are the best at satisfying!

    Feeling better today, but tired! 4AM in a plow truck and ice sucks!

    Goals today Saturday January 21
    1. Water (10-12)
    2. Stay in calories range
    3. Laundry
    4. Walking video or zumba for 20 minutes.

    Stay safe!
  • Kelwalks4
    Kelwalks4 Posts: 56 Member

    Friday, January 20
    1. Water 10-12 done
    2. Calories- Been up since 4 with more ice on the way, so this may be a challenge-done
    3. 20 minutes of extra movement today!- not sure I did or not. Tried. But not feeling well, hard to concentrate....

    If I DENY myself something I will eat an extra 500 calories trying to satisfy the urge, then end up eating the original want anyway. Moderation is key even with chocolate. Dark chocolate and Dove I agree are the best at satisfying!

    Feeling better today, but tired! 4AM in a plow truck and ice sucks!

    Goals today Saturday January 21
    1. Water (10-12)
    2. Stay in calories range
    3. Laundry
    4. Walking video or zumba for 20 minutes.

    Stay safe!
  • Kelwalks4
    Kelwalks4 Posts: 56 Member
    OOPS! Not sure how to work the quote option!

    Moderation is excellent, in all things. But I really set myself up for failure if I think I can be moderate with some of my favorite foods. It increases my cravings if I try to have a little, like half a donut or one chocolate chip cookie... it is better if I don't have any. I don't think everyone has my issues, though. I have been in a meeting with thin people and they have just a little here and there. I obsess and bargain with myself the whole meeting. "If I just have one, I can work it off. Should I split with someone? Everyone knows I am on a diet, what will they think? Etc." I have decided that if I am going to cheat, it needs to be near the end, there isn't much left and I will be leaving soon. Buying one mini-pack of something is a good way for me to be moderate.

    On my food list I had 2 days this week that I caved in. Once to homemade chocolate drizzled caramel corn (700 calories!). And once to 8 Nutter Butter cookies (I had just planned on 2).

    I am really craving strawberries right now though.. with non-fat cottage cheese and a little cinnamon. YUM! Only 100 calories!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Goals for Friday were:
    1. clean botton floor of my house only.
    2. prepare for my girl's 13th birthday party. (cook, decorate, etc)
    3. take the time to be patient tonight & be thankful that i have a great kid (s)

    I accomplished all 3 of these goals.

    Goals for Today are:
    1. burn 1000 calories even if I don't log food.
    2. make sure my Senior has what he needs for his Winter Ball.
    3. Make today an "appreciation day" as I may have lost a cousin, my daughter is turning 13, my son is going to a ball & I survived a meeting w/a pitbull this morning!!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    OOPS! Not sure how to work the quote option!

    I am really craving strawberries right now though.. with non-fat cottage cheese and a little cinnamon. YUM! Only 100 calories!

    Hit the quote button, then you can delete any unwanted from between the two Quotes, just don't delete those quotes. You will get the hang of it!

    Strawberries sound wonderful!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member

    3. Make today an "appreciation day" as I may have lost a cousin, my daughter is turning 13, my son is going to a ball & I survived a meeting w/a pitbull this morning!!

    I am assuming you are okay after meeting the pitbull! Hugs about cousin! OMG a 13 year old girl! I don't miss those days! ;) I think appreciation day is wonderful idea!
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Saturday

    Since I am posting my goals late, my goals got changed due to the snow/ice storm we got last night.
    I had to cancel my chiropractor and massage appointment.....sigh.... I did reschedule for next weekend....

    shoveled snow and ice off cars and driveway ... already done, 1 hr of shoveling
    work overtime on a special project for work.... done...worked 3 1/2 hours....yay overtime $$
    journal my food honestly.... I think by putting this in writing every day, I do it. ... done
    drink water and green tea...... done
    relax this evening and pamper myself with a long hot shower and painting my nails..... time to relaxright now watching some junk reality tv...

    Have a great weekend everyone....be safe if you go driving in the snow/ice mess.

    Today was a really good day. I feel like I accomplished a lot.
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Sunday

    Clean the house...going to try for upstairs and downstairs, but I will be happy if I get the downstairs done, including shampooing the rugs.
    Journal my food honestly
    Drink water and green tea
    Exercise....might pull out a Richard Simmons tape..... luv Richard !

    Have a great night everyone. In DE, our snow has turned completely to ice, the temperature is going really low tonight.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Goals for Saturday were:
    1. burn 1000 calories even if I don't log food.
    2. make sure my Senior has what he needs for his Winter Ball.
    3. Make today an "appreciation day" as I may have lost a cousin, my daughter is turning 13, my son is going to a ball & I survived a meeting w/a pitbull this morning!!

    I accomplished all 3 of these goals. HAPPILY!!

    Goals for Today are:
    1. burn 1000 calories_WITHOUT skipping housecleaning!!
    2. bake a delicious turkey and re-enact Thanksgiving!!
    3. go shopping for a spectacular outfit to wear next month at my son's banquet.

    May you all have a super Sunday filled with warmth & comfort while being nice & loving yourself !!! (mushy, I know)
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member

    3. Make today an "appreciation day" as I may have lost a cousin, my daughter is turning 13, my son is going to a ball & I survived a meeting w/a pitbull this morning!!

    I am assuming you are okay after meeting the pitbull! Hugs about cousin! OMG a 13 year old girl! I don't miss those days! ;) I think appreciation day is wonderful idea!

    Meeting with the pitpull w/my anxious & scared dog was like being in an ocean with a great white shark. (Or the scene on the movie Alien when his face is next to Sijourney Weaver's!) Neither dog even growled and a kind man called the police & held the dog-who turned out to be nice.
    My cousin ended up passing away, my daughter stayed on the couch & waited for an invitation from her friends to take her out but it never came, and my son looked amazing, mostly because he picked out his own outfit so that meant he wanted to look his best.
    It's important to take a day off and appreciate things because life is fast forward in my house. Now today I pay the price and clean my house that looks like an episode of Hoarders.
  • chubbyvixen
    I am starting fresh today for a healthier me. My new motto.. Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

    Goals for today:

    1. Log what I eat (making sure to stay with in portions)
    2. get outside and do something productive
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for January 21:
    1.Stay in my calorie range--HEALTHY CHOICES!--No.
    2. Drink water!--Yes.
    3. Get the kitchen cleaned up.--yes.

    I will try to get a workout in but there's a lot of food to go through and I may as well clean the refrigerator while it is (mostly) empty!

    I'll try to get back later.

    We went grocery shopping to restock. The roads weren't bad but some of the drivers were! It took FOREVER! I plan on a workout today.

    Goals for January 22:
    1. HEALTHY CHOICES!!! and stay in my calorie range.
    2. 30 minutes workout (at least)
    3. Drink water!
  • paulcer
    paulcer Posts: 167 Member
    Wow, Great idea, I really enjoyed reading everyone's challenges, struggles and successes.

    My name is Paula, I'm 47, newly divorced (sigh) and have just moved to Florida from California. Often, alcohol is my challenge, ( I can't be the only one) even if I don't drink much, it makes me eat too much and then makes me puffy.

    My challenges for today are:

    1. Call my mom, I have some stuff to deal with there.
    2. No alcohol.
    3. burn at least 300 extra calories.
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Sunday

    Clean the house...going to try for upstairs and downstairs, but I will be happy if I get the downstairs done, including shampooing the rugs. didn't happen
    Journal my food honestly done
    Drink water and green tea done
    Exercise....might pull out a Richard Simmons tape..... luv Richard ! didnt' happen

    Have a great night everyone. In DE, our snow has turned completely to ice, the temperature is going really low tonight.

    I woke up this morning feeling all stiff, achy and congested. I felt light headed all day, basically just took it easy and watched Law and Order Marathon. I am hoping this is just a 24 hour bug, gonna go to bed early tonight.
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Monday

    Hoping I feel better....
    Journal my food honestly
    drink water and green tea

    If I feel better.....I want to get some exercise in.

    Hope no one else has this bug/virus thing.
  • paulcer
    paulcer Posts: 167 Member
    Wow, Great idea, I really enjoyed reading everyone's challenges, struggles and successes.

    My name is Paula, I'm 47, newly divorced (sigh) and have just moved to Florida from California. Often, alcohol is my challenge, ( I can't be the only one) even if I don't drink much, it makes me eat too much and then makes me puffy.

    My challenges for today are:

    1. Call my mom, I have some stuff to deal with there.
    2. No alcohol.
    3. burn at least 300 extra calories.