What odd thing has your pet done?



  • MarkB90
    MarkB90 Posts: 12
    My pet fish once jumped out of his water cup (I was doing a water change in the main tank). I just heard a plop sound while I was watching tv and I checked it out and he was on the floor.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Let's see. Well my chorkie (half yorkie, half chihuahua) Kimmy, she has this stuffed pink puppy that she's had since she was roughly this big |
    | (actual size) anyway, we have 4 cats, and I guess she hangs out with them too much because now she kneads at it when she's falling asleep like a kitten does to its momma. It's too cute. She's also very spoiled and refuses to eat a treat if you do not crush it into teensy little pieces for her. But if mommy drops a big old hunk of say, chicken or beef she's trying to cook, best believe she scoops that right up!

    I also used to have a retarded cat, Matcat. That's not meant to be offensive, he is literally retarded. Anyway, he's a ragdoll, also known as a "puppy cat." Almost never meows, and follows me around the house like a puppy. That cat will follow me in a circle for hours on end. Literally.

    Had a tabby, Snook, that loves to eat my used qtips :sick:

    Then there's my mom's mini pinscher, Ziggy. He eats her elastic hair ties, but he doesn't chew them up. He swallows them in one long piece. Then when he goes to uh, get rid of it, it doesn't all come out. He bucks around the house like a horse with his tail on fire until someone can catch him and uh, pull it out :noway:
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I've caught my cat rubbing her butt on my carpet, I was shocked cuz I've never seen that before

    Lost a nice rug that way -.-
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    my pug mix has to suck on my thumb when we are watching tv. my thumb, no one elses, and my thumb has to be upside down. she doesnt care which thumb it is, depends on which dog makes it on my lap first as we have a daschund mix also that has to be on my lap at the same time. i have tried repeatedly for the past six months to wean her of this habit as it is kind of annoying when you want to watch a movie that you have to pay attention to and all you hear is "nyuck nycuk nyuck" (closest i could get to a suckling noise in wrtiting lol). I have put stuff on my thumb like they do when you want your kid to stop and she tastes it and then tastes it again and then decides well i would rather taste that than not suck on it at all. i try to sit on my hands and then she scratches at me until my arm is raw so i just finally decided to give up lol my 11yo son sits next to me and pulls my thumb out of her mouth and then yells at me, mom your supposed to stop that and im like she scratches me until i give it to her! lol
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    My lab mix knocks on the front door when she wants to come inside. We have one of those big old brass door knockers and she puts her paw right inside and knocks.

    She also has a fear of artichokes. Normally she loves to be in the kitchen when we're cooking, but if you take out an artichoke and start to peel/cut it, she runs out of the kitchen.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    My dog (Shetland Sheepdog) likes to lick the floor randomly also kitchen cabinets. There is nothing there he just walks up and starts licking lol too funny.

    This is hilarious. I have two male Shelties and the puppy does this ALL DAY LONG. The older one does it here and there. Funniest thing was right before I read this thread last night I was up in the kitchen and the puppy followed me. He shoved his head between the fridge and the cabinets and started licking away as nothing!

    The other thing they both do is roll around on the floor on their back grunting like little piglets. Makes me laugh every time!
  • ravenwcatz
    ravenwcatz Posts: 105 Member
    I have a 3 year old cat named Sinatra (named because of his blue eyes, though he does have a certain way with the ladies...). I swear he is a man trapped in a cat's body. He will let me kiss him right on the nose.

    HOWEVER, the strange thing about him is that he continually tries to impress me with feats of strength. He does pull-ups on my windowsill. It's like he's training to join the Marine corps.
  • jbosey
    jbosey Posts: 119 Member
    One of my horses spoke to me the other day.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    my taxes...
  • Cr8tive_Ingenuity
    My cat Chloe grew a pair when he was six months old..Until then I swear he was a female. I dont know weird trick he played on me, but I still call him Chloe till this day..Now he revenges me at night by attacking my feet then running away cuz he thinks my hands are attack weapons, so he stays clear away from my hands unless hes hungry and its his last resort for attention
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I used to have a cat that would sit on the bed and eat potato chips with me. We lived in an apartment on the second floor and you know how kitties like to bring you their kill? Well he would bring us steak bones and chicken nuggets from the apartment dumpster. The strangest thing he did though was to stick his head in the pool. Our apartment manager was walking by the pool area and saw him laying with his body on the side of the pool and his head under water. She thought "Oh great! He's dead and I'm going to have to tell them!" but as she approached he pulled his head out of the water, looked at her and ran off. We never did figure out what he might have been doing. :D I loved that cat.
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    My dog only comes to me... no matter who it was who called her. The kids could call her from the other end of the house, and she will get up and come to me.
  • Hollie_downunder
    3 of my beloved tropical fish died, and we buried them in the garden

    My dog then decided to dig them up and eat them... so i guess they live on in him (for a short time at least!) haha
  • rainbobrite929
    I have a russian blue that plays fetch. Honestly, you throw something like a hair tie or a straw, she will trot her fat self off and bring it back. She has also fetched a wrapped condom before. :blushing:

    Cat #1 "Daisy": Will only drink water out of a circular GLASS bowl that she spins with one paw and THEN ... drinks out of it.
    Cat #2 "Ruby": Will only drink water from faucets ... her favorite is the bath tub faucet.
    Cat #3 "Chula": Will only drink water from the dog's water bowl (on the floor) and will only drink by putting her right paw in the water and then licking the liquid off the paw.

    My dog watches all this going on and will pick up the cats by the scruff of the neck and drop them in his water dish (It's quite large because he's a boxer).

    Thinking about it ... I have strange animals!!
  • rainbobrite929
    Oh my cat "Ruby" isn't the brightest animal so when she's "lost" (read: in another room and can't find her sister "Chula" or me) she screams bloody murder until someone says "Ruby you aren't lost ... we're out here!"
  • bandie320
    bandie320 Posts: 8 Member
    My dog is a rescue and she has some separation anxiety. One night we were heading towards the back door about to go out for a while and she dropped onto her side with legs sticking up and quivered. We were panicking thinking she was having some sort of fit so we picked her up and took into our bed to check her over. She wouldn't stop quivering so I put her jacket on her and we covered her up and patted her for a while. She stopped quivering after about ten minutes but wouldn't move or lift up her head and I was about to call the emergency vet but after about half an hour she came good again. We played with her a while and she was back to normal running around and jumping so we went to leave again and she did the same quivering thing. We realised then that she was faking it and just went out anyway. She did the exact same thing for the next three days whenever we went out but we just ignored it and left then she just stopped doing it. She's pretty smart cause she had us fooled the first time.
  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member
    I find it strange the things my cat finds to play with...even if we buy her cat toys she prefers bread ties milk cap rings used dryer sheets & the tiny bouncy balls u get from the quarter machines... & when she's done playing with her found treasure she "hides" it by putting it in her water bowl..every time! Or maybe its coincidence since all the playing made her thirsty n she drops it there?? I still think she's hoarding it! Lol
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    My cat Boodle used to work out with me. She'd watch me do a DVD and leap up in the air spread-eagled when I was doing star jumps and stretch out on the floor with me when I was doing yoga!

    She also used to wake me up by lying on my chest in bed and "stroking" me under the chin with her paw.

    I lost my cats in my divorce. I miss them :sad:
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    Our old Labrador, Sam, used to go mad for bananas - if you gave him one he'd peel it, eat the flesh and give you back the skin. Loved him to bits despite the fact he chewed everything in sight.
  • LooseWheel
    LooseWheel Posts: 211 Member
    my cat has a drinking problem...

    she refuses to drink water out of a bowl on the floor. the only way she'll drink it is if we fill up a cup AND THEN put it in the bathtub. then she'll jump into the bathtub and drink out of the cup.

    Our cat is just as fussy. Will lick the bath tub after we get out of the shower. Water bowl next to his food but he has been caught drinking out of the toilet bowl after freshly flushed!! It aint the dog doing it, we keep busting him after I found cat foot prints on the bowl and seat. Keeping the lid shut now!