40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Birthday is awesome, so far! Did scheduled-cardio this morn. Am at son's basketball game (I hope we win, but we're losing by 1 in 3rd quarter), and i'm off to daughter's hockey game right away.

    Nice restaurant with hubby tonight. Then a little gambling at the casino before we sleep in a lovely hotel.


    Don't forget to set your clocks back tonight!
  • 1968samuel
    1968samuel Posts: 176 Member
    Happy happy birthday Beeps!

    Caramelgyrlk - Great workout and sounds like loads of fun!!

    Got through Halloween just slightly over my calorie goal which is totally fine with me! Should have some decent workouts this weekend.

    So glad to get an extra hour back tonight!
  • solobiker
    Doing great here. I rode my spin bike for 45 min and did several sprints in the middle. I then wrnt out snd raked for a couple of hours before the snow hits on Monday. I jope to get in a weight workout too.
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    Happy Birthday Beeps!

    Working today and starting new diet. funny how full you can feel on so little! lol Eating right is all it takes. And dealing with pcos, hypothyroidism and insulin resistance!

    Lack of sugar is not going to bother me. Getting what I need in the fruit I eat. It's the carbs! lol I am certainly eating more veggies than I have ..... ever I think!

    time for a walk! take care cool kids! Have a super weekend!
  • pizzmor
    Hey all. I am 42, but it's just a number. :-)
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    HELLO HELLO HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: Been MIA for a couple of days, busy busy busy. Havent even logged in my foods. :noway: I feel and look lean but my skin is not looking too good. Any suggestions? It is always something!!!! I did Bikram yesterday, lifted today. I have my grandbaby tonight until tomorrow but need to work on some Zumba choreography for Monday.

    Beeps, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have lots of fun with your hubby and hope you win lots of money at the casino. I agree with sdereski that you definitely don't look like you have 32% fat in your body. I haven't looked into that but I am glad that you have accepted it and will be working on a system to lower it!!!

    Welcome to all the newcomers!!!! :drinker:

    Have a great evening!!! :flowerforyou:
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Happy birthday Beeps! Happy to hear you are enjoying it!

    Internet has been down most of the weekend. I get so frustrated. Have been communicating with the provider, but it's been a battle. Can't wait until I have another service provider option! Ugh!

    I have worked out the past two days and eaten relatively clean, but have not logged a thing due to lack of internet.

    Good start today. Haven't worked out yet, but it's on the agenda.

    Have a great day all. Sun is shining here...clear, but crisp out there. The lake is nice and calm...am sure the gales will start soon.
  • acoustictones
    So here's myupdate and/or progress so far...

    First week of September vs. Today:
    Weight: 172 vs. 159
    Body fat %: 32 vs. 24
    Waistline inches: 39 vs. 35


    Additional goals - Fitness:
    Ability to do 50 push-ups, 50 dips and 20 pull-ups
    Sub 6 minute mile
    sub 20 minute 5k

    So the progress has been decent, and just working towards feeling, looking and performing better.

    Best of luck to all of you as well :)

  • simsburyjet
    simsburyjet Posts: 999 Member
    56 even cooler than 40s

    BAM! Sims I totally agree after looking at your pics! Awesome job getting in and keeping yourself in such super shape!

    Thanks you 40s are so young and beautiful. 56 and hanging on.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Happy Monday Cool Kids!

    David - those are fantastic results thus far! Wow! Keep up that great work. I need some of your energy to kick my *kitten* into gear.

    sims - welcome. I agree, the 50's are pretty cool as well. 53 and hanging on...for dear life at time. :tongue:

    Good weekend. Got some workouts in, yard work done, relatively clean eating and a dinner out on Saturday with friends (yeah, had some wine)

    Good start this morning - got up and did some exercise to start the day off right. Then.... an unexpected meeting with my DIL and beautiful granddaughter on my way to work. Got a kiss and smile from my little girl. Made my heart smile. :heart:
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    Good morning cool kids!

    Hope you all had a great weekend!

    I reset my weight! though I did loose a couple lbs over the weekend! Yay! lol

    So excited to get to see my mom and grandmother. Have not seen them in 2 yrs! whew!

    I will be very busy this week and have to work again this weekend.

    I am going to restart my BBL and continue my hikes thru this diet change!

    You all look great!

    Keep rocking it hard! xoxo

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Hi all!

    I've started my "systems" approach to my fitness/nutrition-lifestyle!

    For today, I am going to drink 12 glasses of water (minimum) and stop drinking by 6 pm. I am going to go to the gym and do a lifting session. If/when I feel "evening munchies", I will simply exit the room I am in and move to my bedroom (where "triggers" or "visual cues" just don't exist!).
  • KatrinaGrey
    KatrinaGrey Posts: 101 Member
    Good morning all! I'm a 42 year old mom of one. Tired of being the fat mom at school events! I've restarted a few weeks and am feeling better already.

    I've also started to just go to my bedroom at night to get away from the kitchen - it has helped!
  • 1968samuel
    1968samuel Posts: 176 Member
    We're off daylight savings here. It's nice to get that extra hour of sleep but boy does it get dark early!

    David - Great progress! You're obviously doing the work!

    Sims - You are a true role model. :flowerforyou:

    Princess - Congratulations on the drop!

    Got a couple of runs and a swim in this weekend. Did my lifting too. I'm thinking today may be a rest day for me.

    Have a great rest of the day!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    HAPPY MONDAY!!!! :drinker: :drinker: My day started great with a very early Bikram Yoga session (5:45am) I normally do Bikram on Fri mornings but I am going out of town on Wed to celebrate my birthday!! I will be 50 on Monday! Going on a cruise with hubby out of Puerto Rico. I am almost done packing. I teach Zumba tonight and a lifting session tomorrow. I still plan to workout during my vacation and eat well most of the time. I am hoping to continue IF but I know that will be hard since my husband doesnt do it and will want to go eat breakfast when we get up. I can sit with a cup of coffee and watch him and everybody else eat but I know I will have to hear him complain about it. :noway: :laugh:

    Sdereski, dont you love being a Grandma. My granddaughter told me she was going to miss me when I told her I was going out of town. She is so sweet. I kept her with me this weekend. I love hugging her and kissing her.

    David, excellent job!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    Sims, you look great!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Katrina, welcome!! good strategy! Keep it up, dont give up!! :flowerforyou:

    Beeps, you are very determined when you set your goals. I know you will accomplish them in no time.

    Have an excellent day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    Friggin Monday again... YAY!! =)

    Beeps, hope you had a fabulous night out! Your systems seem to be in check, love it!!

    princessofredrock - when you are eating healthy, unprocessed crap, it's amazing how much food you get to eat, isn't it!! not to mention the reduction of the belly. =) Enjoy your visit with your Mom and Grandmother!!

    David - WOOHOOO!! that's an impressive loss of body fat!! how are you calculating it? Great goals inded... we all need to write some down and pin them where we can regularly see them.

    alf - turning 50?? no way :wink: your upcoming trip to celebrate sounds divine!

    I had an awesome workout on Saturday - some cardio kickboxing followed by hill sprints.. wicked one!! I am part of a challenge group and this week, I have been challenged to do 3 of Fitness Blender's 1000 calorie full body workouts, which #1 is today after work so I didn't do any lifting this morning.

    Have a fantastic Monday kids!!
  • perfect_storm
    perfect_storm Posts: 326 Member
    Happy Monday everyone ! I lost 1.6 lbs this week! Yay! Working hard but still having motivational issues. But I am pushing through them.
  • acoustictones
    I've been using the OMRON HBF-516. I love that scale. Tell's me my body fat and muscle % (which are both more important to me than my actual weight). They're not cheap, but I really wanted something that would do more than just tell me my weight. Was a good investment for me. Keeps me properly motivated :-) I check it first thing when I wake up every morning just to make sure that I'm staying on track, and then log my results every Monday morning.
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    whoops, double post.... (see below)
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    Hey cool kids! So many birthdays, and so many awesome sounding celebrations!

    So yesterday I was looking at sports bras online, and then came back to MFP. Soon enough an REI ad shows up showing three items vertically: a sports bra, the item linked below, and another sports bra. While it does bear a certain resemblance to something Madonna might have worn back in the day, I don't think it would provide particularly good support during a HIIT class....
