40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    sdereski - read that article, how wonderful it was and how lucky were you to call her friend :smile: Fasting day? Do you do 24hr fasting or what do you do?

    Happy lifting Beeps!

    caramel - love that saying ' pain is weakness leaving your body' =)

    welcome kristin and warpet :flowerforyou: and I agree with you, this IS the best decade of my LIFE!!

    KellySue - hope you are feeling better

    I had a business trip yesterday but had my snacks packed with me so I didn't sucumb to the fast food attack that the others did! Did #2 of 3 of the 1000 cal workout last night and got in my lifting this morning and will get out for a run after work too.

    Enjoy your 'the day before FRIDAY'!! =)
  • Starting my new routine for November this week (like to mix it up and keep things interesting).

    I was running 5-6, sometimes 7 days a week (I like running), but am now devoting Mon, Wed & Friday to Strength training, and then cardio on Tues, Thurs and Saturday (mixing it up with some running, HIIT workouts & jump rope). Just wanting to throw my body some curve balls and have fun :)

    I have been doing strength workouts, but was just fitting them in here and there. They are now a full part of my workout schedule. It should be fun to see how the change affects my numbers over the next month compared to the last two months.

    So my progress thus far has been as follows - First week of September verses first week of November:

    Height: 5'7"
    Age: 42
    Weight: 172 to 157.5 - Goal of 155
    Waistline: 39 to 35 - Goal of 32
    Body fat %: 32 to 24 - Goal of 10
    Muscle %: ?? to 36.4 - Goal 40-44+ (Still figuring this one out)
    Running: Couldn't jog a full 1-2 miles without walking at least half of it, but now able to run at a real nice pace (between 7-8 MPH) for 60 minutes on the treadmill, with incline intervals, without any walking. Huge performance difference for me.

    So not where I want to be, but the progress is there, and muscle % has been increasing as well. I'm primarily tracking my body fat, muscle % and waistline for my primary progress and goals. I have been using the OMRON HBF-516 scale, and it's been a god send so that I'm not just focusing on my weight.

    What I've done so far to get results:

    1) Drink a gallon of water per day and take a multivitamin
    2) Eat clean and stay away from the "great white hazards" (processed foods, wht flour, sugars, etc. - non-whole grain)
    3) Track what I eat here. It has done a lot to help me understand how things really add up
    4) Exercise. Tons of running and eliptical work, push-ups, body-weight squats, dips, some basic weights, etc.
    5) Go to bed a bit earlier to ensure I'm getting at least 6-7 hours of sleep per night (would like more, but it just doesn't happen)

    I hope some of that helps update where I'm at. I love hearing how everyone else is doing. Keep up the good work!!!
  • I was so hungry today.,,and I still am. Maybe I need to increase my calories that I consume a day. I usually have 1200-1400. Sometimes less sometimes more depending upon what my activity level was for the day. I am a cardio junkie..trying to limit it to 5 days a week. I also do weight workouts and body weight workouts.. Hope everyone is doing well.
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    acoustic - fantastic goals!! the increase in strength training is really going to get you there. and awesome running gains, when did you start?
    Now that winter is coming, I am going to switch gears from running focus to strength focus by going from 3 day full body to 5 day splits. I'll sprinkle in some HIIT after my weights and probably still bang out a long run on Saturday on the treadmill if the weather is too bad.

    solo - If you are truly hungry, then eat!! sometimes your body just needs a 'refeed' day where you eat at TDEE, typically, every 10 - 12 days.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Apparently I am even older today than when i last posted.
  • Whatabroad, thanks for the insight.. I may try that. I do feel like I was truly hungry because I drank a bunch of water, still hungry even after waiting 30 min. Had an apple and a few almonds....still hungry. I eat fairly "clean". I don't care for chips, fried foods or cookies.

    We are almost to Friday!! Woot woot.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi Cool Kids,

    Kelly Sue - sure glad you are feeling better.

    acoustic - you have made fantastic gains thus far! Am anxious to see how the strength training changes things up.

    I was so hungry today - I think of as a result of my cleanse day yesterday. Did a 24 hour cleanse / fast and ran in there.

    Lifted today! :happy:
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    TGIF cool kids! New diet is going well so far! Staying at our favorite hotel with great restaurant tonight for work tomorrow! So I am opting for a partial fast so I can eat a big juicy steak tonight! lol

    Vaction starts sun! I will try to add new pics as we go or you will see them after, but you will certainly hear about our adventures!

    Been doing just the BBL Sculpt, High n tight and tummy tuck. then a hike and some lifting inbetween!

    Take care and have a great weekend! ; )
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    sdereski - a cleanse and a run sounds H-A-R-D to me! Congrats!

    princessofred - yum on the steak!

    I did bring my stuff to go lift, but I might not make it. If I do go, I have promised myself I can ease-off, a bit, on the weights....my glutes are still smarting from Wednesday - and I've been up since 3 am, so I am T-I-R-E-D, going in.

    Anyway, long weekend for me - I hope I catch up on some rest....I feel like I've been complaining of "tired" for A LONG TIME!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Friday all! Today was clean-up day after our performance last night. It's always a lot of work- moving furniture, vacuuming, sweeping, etc. I definitely end up pretty hot and sweaty after! Today was also a Jake day! My little monkey is now climbing on everything. Forget about walking- he's just going to start swinging from the furniture :laugh:

    Princess- have fun this weekend and on your vacation!

    Beeps- I know the T-I-R-E-D feeling. That was me most of the week!

    I am hoping to get to the gym tomorrow morning before I go to meet with some of the women from my church. We always end up eating too much breakfast, so I figure if I work out before I will either A) feel like I don't need to eat too much or B) will have some extra calories in case I do indulge!!

    Have a good weekend!
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    TGIF and a LONG weekend!!

    Chaelaz - did you recently have a birthday or it's just been a long time since you lasted posted?

    sdereski - I agree with Beeps on the cleanse/run, lol. I guess if it's something you do often it's not a thing.

    princess - enjoy that steak! and enjoy that SUN =) BTW, what is BBL?

    Beeps - I look at a rest as my muscles installing, lol Any particular good reason for being up that early??

    I myself, enjoyed sleeping in this morning. We got a dump of snow yesterday and it was a slushy mess so I opted for the treadmill and did speed intervals after work. Going to get in #3 of 3 for the fitness challenge later today.

    ENJOY your Friday!!
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    WB- Brazil Butt Lift workouts - super fun, and it works! Though pretty much any exercise will work if you do it! lol
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    There was NO good reason for being up at 3 am.....I just lay there, awake! And now, I'm REALLY tired, skipped the gym, ate hamburger and fries....the cliff! The cliff! I can see the abyss....

    (Oh, and yes, I think TOM is rearing its ugly head....which, if nothing else, at least explains the burger/fries binge!)
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Happy Friday all,

    Kelly - Jake day sounds like heaven to a grandmother's ears. Any day with my little princess just makes the whole world look a bit brighter to me. :happy:

    Beeps - up since 3 a.m. ! ugh! I have too many nights like that, but it;s because of the "change" I'm told, It does go in cycles for me, thank goodness, otherwise I would NOT survive! Taking a rest day makes sense. No use trying to workout when the body is so tired.
    Oh and the binge - even though I am going through menopause, I still experience TOM symptoms. Double whammy! Met my girlfriends for lunch and had chinese. Tried to go easy, but there is so much damn sodium in everything - now chuggin the water to help flush it out.

    Speaking of the change / menopause, I am planning on holding a gala in our community. Going to call it "A Hot Night on the Town". An evening of learning and laughter for women and any man brave enough to attend. We are going to talk about Menopause. :laugh: :laugh: The young women that work for me are getting excited about the event. It's good for them to attend as well...this way they can learn and better prepare for what is to come in their life.

    Having my family over for dinner tomorrow. Our son has something he wants to tell us (oh-oh). Gotta sick feeling in my stomach. I think it may be that they are moving....far. :sad: :sad: I will be heartbroken...more so because it will mean my granddaughter will be so far away.
    I know he is not happy at his job and has been applying for positions out west. He said it was important and wanted to talk to us together. :noway:

    I am praying, PRAYING I will be able to handle the news.
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    Hoping the news will be better than what you think it is, sdereski, or that it turns out to have some silver lining.

    Beeps, I'm hearing you on the burger--I actually have one planned for Sunday night, think I've had it planned for weeks now (we're making a quick trip to visit friends) and I am REALLY looking forward to it. I was completely horrified when I looked up the calories for this place but.... BURGER....

    princess, have an awesome vacation!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Got in my scheduled cardio and then plunked down into an unscheduled FAST! (I just ate WAY too much Wed, Thurs, Fri and, frankly, I just didn't feel like eating. So, that's a BIG plus!

    My daughter's birthday party is tonight, so will surround myself with 8 screaming little girls....should be fun!

    2 slices of pizza plus 1 AMAZING cupcake = my food for the day!
  • 1968samuel
    1968samuel Posts: 176 Member
    sdereski - Hope the news was manageable. Family can totally stress me out at times. :ohwell:

    princess - Enjoy your vacation!

    I'm looking at my holiday schedule and it's a little crazy. I'm having to think about how to manage calories and workouts so I don't put on 10 plus pounds! I guess planning is everything.

    Have a great start to the week!
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    So far so good! On our way to Baton Rouge today! Soon to be in Fl to see my Grandma!

    Hope all is ok sdreski!

    Keep it rocking cool kids!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids! Monday again! Just seems like they happen too quickly. Made it to the gym on Saturday for some lifting and cardio and did well with the ladies for breakfast!! The rest of my weekend was spent on household chores and grocery shopping. Not all that exciting, but just as important. Today was a gym day and got in a good lifting session plus a little time on the elliptical. Gearing up for a busy week this week. The guys I work with are putting on an original musical this Friday and it's always crazy show week! Aaah!

    Have a good day all!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Happy Monday.

    Well, it was a rather quiet, lazy weekend.

    The news from my son was not so good - he has been offered a job in BC and they are seriously thinking of accepting! Personally, I don't think the job offer is that great and that they really need to weigh all the pros & cons. Yes, the money may be a bit more (again, not great), but the cost of housing is almost 5x as much as it is here. And, if they go, my DIL refuses to put our granddaughter into daycare, so she would be a stay at home mom. Right there, they are behind the eight ball. I know my son is unhappy at his current job, but this is a huge life changing decision that really needs some serious consideration. At least here, they can survive on his salary and some of her supply teaching. She has taken the year off to stay home another year with their daughter. When she does work, her mother babysits. We'll see how this plays out. Keeping my fingers crossed they look at it all objectively.

    No exercise this weekend. It was cold and snowy and I just felt like hibernating. Did manage to get outside and clean up my last big flower bed. It all looks so much better when everything is put to "bed".

    Today is Remebrance Day in Canada.
    At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, please take the time to Remember Them.
