40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    Went in to my doctor this morning to retest cholesterol and thyroid. He seemed surprised I'd lost another 10 pounds since May (why, I am not sure. He also cautioned that heavy weights could make me bulky, and that I should stick with low weights/high reps for "toning".

    No, not the bulky!!

    I like him as a doctor, but I may get my fitness advice elsewhere...
  • solobiker
    Sounds like everyone had a great weekend. My Saturday was great and full of all sorts of activities. As for Sunday, I woke up with a stomach ach and dizziness. Rested most of the day then decided to check my BP. It was up 30 points on both sides. Not sure what that was about. I still was not feeling great this morning so when I got to work I had a CNA friend of mine take it and it was still high. Not as high as last night which is a good thing. I figured I might have been dehydrated so I drank a bunch of water and it is slowly getting back to normal.

    Happy Monday all!!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Sounds like everyone had a great weekend. My Saturday was great and full of all sorts of activities. As for Sunday, I woke up with a stomach ach and dizziness. Rested most of the day then decided to check my BP. It was up 30 points on both sides. Not sure what that was about. I still was not feeling great this morning so when I got to work I had a CNA friend of mine take it and it was still high. Not as high as last night which is a good thing. I figured I might have been dehydrated so I drank a bunch of water and it is slowly getting back to normal.

    Happy Monday all!!

    wow! Kinda scary. I did not know that dehydation could cause such an increase in BP. Hmmm, will have to keep that in mind.
    Happy to hear it is returning to normal for you.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    How come you posters come to mfp but don't put a picture up in your avatars?????????????????
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    My "systems" approach is going very well, I think!! I have NOT (yet!) developed PERMANENT habits, but I am:

    1. tracking, daily, the habits I am trying to form;
    2. seeing a *visual* representation of any "streaks" that are being created by good habits;
    3. knowing that I tend to WANT to keep "streaks" going....so, when I break them, so be it, but I have to get RIGHT back to 'streak-building' on the next day!

    Some of my streaks that have been good:

    a) in bed by 10 pm....that one I've been nearly 100% on. Mind you, even though I went to bed at 10 pm last night, I maybe got 1- or 2- hours of sleep....so, LAST night was terrible. Most nights, though, I've been able to get 8 hours - that's a +!

    b) if I brush my teeth right after supper, I literally don't eat another bite. If I don't brush my teeth, I'll be pantry-raiding 60- to 90- minutes later. True story. So, "brushing my teeth right after supper" is a HUGE win .... if I remember to do it!

    Some of my streaks need more work:

    c) getting all my protein in....so, to work on GETTING BETTER at this streak, for this week, I am going to ONLY ingest protein until I've made up my daily amount - then I can indulge in other food types (all within my alotted calories, of course).

    d) eating my alotted calories....for some reason, I'm coming in WAY under and then the next day WAY over. Am trying to work on being a little more "consistent" because I don't think my body likes the low, low's or the high, high's.
  • solobiker
    How come you posters come to mfp but don't put a picture up in your avatars?????????????????

    I honestly never thought about it and I did not think it would be that big of a deal. I will have to find one and try to figure how to put it in. I
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Beeps, I like some of your systems.
    I really need to get to bed earlier...I don't get enough sleep.
    Going to start brushing my teeth right after dinner. I tend to graze all evening long as well.

    Dragged my butt out of bed this morning and drove into town for a workout class. Almost changed my mind. Actually did crawl back into bed, but knew I would kick myself later on. Class was good. 30 min of HIIT. I know it will be more difficult for me to get there as winter sets in.
    The down side is, I have to be especially organized and pack all my stuff the night before as I live a little too far away to go back home to get ready for work. That is the part that really sucks. O well, small sacrafice if it helps me get a good workout in.
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member

    Dragged my butt out of bed this morning and drove into town for a workout class. Almost changed my mind. Actually did crawl back into bed, but knew I would kick myself later on. Class was good. 30 min of HIIT. I know it will be more difficult for me to get there as winter sets in.
    The down side is, I have to be especially organized and pack all my stuff the night before as I live a little too far away to go back home to get ready for work. That is the part that really sucks. O well, small sacrafice if it helps me get a good workout in.

    I hear ya! This is how I spend part of Tuesday and Thursday evenings so I can do early classes Weds and Fri.
    It is getting harder and harder to drag myself to the subway in the dark but I am determined to keep it up.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    The down side is, I have to be especially organized and pack all my stuff the night before as I live a little too far away to go back home to get ready for work. That is the part that really sucks. O well, small sacrafice if it helps me get a good workout in.

    This is me on Sunday and Wednesday evenings. I definitely don't have time to go home after my workout, so it's clothes, breakfast and lunch to get ready the night before. I have to say that I find that even though it's a pain, I have started doing it on days that I don't go to the gym because it gives me extra time in the morning! Who knew!

    Today was aerobic/resistance bands day. Good 45min workout. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. Hopefully he will be pleased!

    Also a Jake day- he stood up all by himself in the middle of the room today and stayed there for about 5 seconds. I think I scared him when I started clapping and saying hurray! Lol!

    Have a great day!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    I was "6-for-6" on my habit-tracker for November 18th!


    I *did* sleep last night. A solid 7 or maybe 7.5 hours - so I'm feeling more "chipper", today!

    I do tend to do "better", performance-wise, the last 2 weeks of the month, because I *know* my month-end-photos and measurements are due and therefore, I seem to be able to HUP-TO just fine.

    (Tells you how MUCH "accountability" really does factor into my own personal habits.....)
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good morning all,

    Busy, busy, long day yesterday.

    Did a triathlon of sorts - HIIT class in a.m.; 4.5 mile run after work and then curled last night for 90 minutes. Was finally home and in bed by 11:00 p.m. and slept like a baby. Don't think I moved until 5 a.m.
    Was back at class this morning. This time it was HIIT dance! Fun workout. :happy:

    Really, Really need to get more water in. My calf was cramping a couple of times I went to deliver my rock. Now, that has never happened before.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good Morning All! Rest day for me. I did have a Dr. appt this morning. Now his scale is always about 5lbs higher than mine and I am still not on friendly terms with my new scale as it is about 3lbs higher than my old one, but the good news is that I have finally hit a weight below 200 on my Dr's scale- it said I weighed 198 this morning. I did a little happy dance! Anyhoo, he is pleased with my weight loss and I had to have some blood work today which I should have the results for maybe Friday or early next week depending on when he gets to review them. Hoping for good numbers all around!

    Tomorrow is a gym day- lifting here I come!! Friday I will get some aerobics in before Jake comes and Saturday we are off to Buffalo. I am meeting my daughter at the hotel where she will be getting ready. I am so looking forward to it. I probably will not be counting too many calories that day, but it's all good!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    sdereski - you are ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice all that activity going on!

    KellySue - what a wonderful feeling to be under 200!! Good job - GREAT job, actually!! Very nicely done.

    It is -27 degrees out here, today. Yes, I'll go to the gym to lift at lunch, and I might squeeze in a jacuzzi soak right afterward!! Then I'll race back to work and I'm working at least 1- or 2- hours past normal today, anyway...
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member

    It is -27 degrees out here, today. Yes, I'll go to the gym to lift at lunch, and I might squeeze in a jacuzzi soak right afterward!! Then I'll race back to work and I'm working at least 1- or 2- hours past normal today, anyway...


    NO!!! Please, please, I am NOT ready for the bone chilling cold yet. UGH!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Kelly Sue - Fantastic job getting under that 200 mark! :drinker:
  • Chain_Ring
    Chain_Ring Posts: 753 Member
    Not quite sure how I landed here but nonetheless, here I am. 40 is the new 20 right? ;-)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    40 being the new 40 is still SUPER-AWESOME!
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    I am 47. In earth age only. I am in very good shape, don't drink, smoke or eat ret red meat. I act and feel 25. ok I act 15, lol..but not at work.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Kelly Sue - Fantastic job getting under that 200 mark! :drinker:

    Thanks! I actually have been for a couple of months on my scales at home, but now I am officially at the doctor's office as well! WooHoo!
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member

    Beeps - awesome on the habit tracker!! lol, we all need to follow your lead on this. =) and ummm -27?! where the heck do you live? I thought our -14 was cold this morning.

    sdereski - action packed days... good thing all this taking care of our health makes it easier to keep up!

    KellySue!! Awesome to be 'legit' =)

    Pedal_Pusher - you got it! some days I even feel in the mid teens =)

    BigCed - we are only as old as we feel, right? as long as acting 15 doesn't lead to any illegal activity, it's all good!!

    Got my lifting in this morning, Sexy Shoulders and they were exhausted by the end. I am working on that nice rounded look to show off in a strapless dress for a banquet in January. A nice walk after work will finish off my day me thinks =)

    Have a good one everyone!