40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    WhataBroad, I live in the great far north. Well, not really. The great mid-to-far-north, lol. IT IS COLD TODAY! Mind you the sun is shining and it is keeping my S.A.D at bay!

    I think I can shave off 2 more lbs in 2013. That is GOOD NEWS!

    I have managed to push-off ALL BLOAT. That is GOOD NEWS!

    I am NOT going to bloat up, anymore....because then I just spin my wheels trying to MOVE off BLOAT, instead of MOVING off BODYFAT. D-U-M-B.

    My habit-tracker is working very well and rewarding me with GROWING STREAKS!!! I'm chasing "gold stars" like I did when I was in kindergarten.

  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    Beeps, I knew you were badass, but seriously, if I lived somewhere it was -27 degrees, I would have zero motivation to actually lose weight. I think I would just crawl under the covers and hibernate for the winter.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good morning all! Made it to the gym nice and early and got in some lifting and a bit of cardio too. I will have to say though, I did not sleep well last night and now I am dragging! BLAH!:yawn: I hate feeling this way especially when I have such a busy day. Three meetings on top of my regular work. No meetings tomorrow though so I will have to try to catch up a bit then.

    Have a great day all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    RM10003 - I really do hate that it is THIS cold for THIS many months of the year....but, in trade, it is sunny nearly every single day - and the SUN, 100% motivates me! I can take the cold if the sun is out....it's why I don't like more "temperate" climates - they often come with PLENTY o' cloud and gray, which sets my S.A.D. aflare!! Can't move to BC....what else is there?? Might as well stay put in AB - the economy ROCKS and I hate BC politics, anyway!


    KellySue - I HATE it when I don't get enough rest....it just KILLS me. I have been very fortunate this week (although Sunday night I did not sleep except for 1 hour)...

    I have a luncheon today - so no gym - which is fine, it wasn't on the menu, anyway.

    Oh, and my "weigh-in" days have switched to Fridays because that is when my "accountability partner" wants to have them. I am doing VERY well with my "system" of:

    1. only weighing one time per week;
    2. which used to be on Wednesdays, but will now be on Fridays.

    Even though, this week, I'll end up with 2 weigh-ins, that wasn't my CHOICE, so I am keeping my STREAK ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Oh, and my "weigh-in" days have switched to Fridays because that is when my "accountability partner" wants to have them. I am doing VERY well with my "system" of:

    1. only weighing one time per week;
    2. which used to be on Wednesdays, but will now be on Fridays.

    Even though, this week, I'll end up with 2 weigh-ins, that wasn't my CHOICE, so I am keeping my STREAK ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!

    Beeps- great to hear you are doing so well with keeping your streak going!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    The "weigh only once per week" streak isn't that long, though (not yet!) - because you only get to click it one time per week. so, maybe it is at, what, 3 stars???

    But, the "daily" habits!! those ones build STREAKS really quickly!!! (Obviously - you can have 7 stars if you have a perfect week!)

    I think my "longest" streak is actually my "be in bed by 10 pm" streak....I think I'm on 10 days-in-a-row right now!!

  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    Why don't new posters come back again? we just aren't interesting enough?? Goodness knows we are awesome enough!!

    Beeps - hey, hey on BC... the only province that gives BC a run for it's money on beauty is New Brunswick me thinks!! and we have no where near the political issues other provinces have, *coughOntariocough*
    Great job on the weigh in streak as well! Keep the systems in check and your 2013 goals should be a reality! I love the 'gold stars' idea too. Do you actually have a chart up somewhere or is it just a visual?

    I really need to get to bed earlier but I find when I do, I am awake around 3am. I don't have a hard time going back to sleep but it seems to set off a pattern of light sleep thereafter and every little noise wakes me up.

    I had early morning meeting so I did my cardio first thing and will get my lifting in after work... it's leg day!! YAY =)
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    I'm 44, how do I sign up?

    No signing up- just jump in!!! Welcome!

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    By the way, how hard do i have to jump in this thread. What do you think this is, a fitness site? Oh wait! Don't answer that. :-)
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Welcome to the new cool kids....Pedal Pusher, BigCed and Stoshew. Hope to see you back again.

    Hey, hey on Ontario politics! :laugh: I think the Toronto mayor has been entertaining the world with his ridiculous antics and commnets. I read an article the other day with a headline "He said WHAT?!" with all the asinine responses he has given to interview questions. :noway: The saddest part is that this idiot has a huge following. Now what does that tell you about people's mentality these days. :tongue:

    As for beautiful provinces, Quebec gets my vote. All have their uniqueness which in itself is beautiful, but I love all that Quebec has.

    No workout classes scheduled on Thursday mornings, so I got to "sleep in" which was nice. Back to it tomororw morning. My goodness my body is sore. Despite lifting and running, I ache all over. :happy: Love it!

    Cold and rainy here today. Am supposed to run, but if it is too crappy out, I may head to the gym to lift instead.

    Beeps, when you get those frigid temps out west, I know they are soon headed my way. :grumble:
    I am following a young man on FB who is running across Canada to raise money for Children's hospitals. He is currently in Saskatchewan and it has been bitter cold and snowy. Poor kid has no idea what he has gotten himself into. I wish, for his sake, it could have been a much milder fall. God Bless him though, he does what he can every day. Watch for him on the news as communities and larger cities have been doing stores about him.

    His cousin is currently paddling the Mississippi for chairity right now as well. he too has encountered some crazy, wild weather. Both inspirational, young men!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Thank you!!! So is this a Canadian thread, eh? :-)
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Thank you!!! So is this a Canadian thread, eh? :-)

    We're not all Canadian- Although I don't live too far away- Upstate New York here! Fortunately for me, it's not quite as cold as it is where some of my other friends are!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Alabama here! Came from NJ though.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Who the h*ck plans a CROSS-CANADA ANYTHING in the winter months???!?!?!?!?!

    That's just dumb.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    I haven't seen all the parts of Canada, so I cannot say which is more beautiful than which.

    I can say I found "This is That" on cbcradio this morning friggin' HILARIOUS for its spoof on a town in Montana re-naming itself "Banff, Alberta, Canada, Montana" to try and trick travelers into coming to this (fake) small-town in Montana rather than MAJESTIC BANFF!!

    I do love Banff.
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    Another "originally from NJ" person!

    Beeps, I hear you on the sun, it's one of the harder things about winter. When I lived in Tokyo I did appreciate that it was usually sunny in the winter (and rarely went below freezing). Winters in NYC aren't as cold as where you are, but they are grey, so we try to get away to somewhere sunny and warm for a bit in January.

    Today's NSV: I bought new workout pants over the weekend, and my trainer was so impressed with them that she made me walk in front of her! She also told me my legs are looking like hers--I can only wish, but I appreciated the compliment, and appreciate the compression power of my new pants....
  • chrisbecker68
    Hello. 45 YO this year. There are definitely some differences in working out and eating right than there were through my thirties. Glad to find a group in my age range.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    I haven't seen all the parts of Canada, so I cannot say which is more beautiful than which.

    I can say I found "This is That" on cbcradio this morning friggin' HILARIOUS for its spoof on a town in Montana re-naming itself "Banff, Alberta, Canada, Montana" to try and trick travelers into coming to this (fake) small-town in Montana rather than MAJESTIC BANFF!!

    I do love Banff.

    I heard that too! It was funny. Smart marketing I must say, as Banff is so beautiful and I do love it.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Who the h*ck plans a CROSS-CANADA ANYTHING in the winter months???!?!?!?!?!

    That's just dumb.

    He started in St. John, NFLD last March. I think he thought he would be done by now, but injuries have forced him to stall for longer than he had planned.
    Also, coming from away, people really have NO idea how big Canada truly is.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Welcome Chris!

    Was up and at it early again this morning. Stepped outside to a winter wonderland. It was above zero

    Did tabata this morning. Burpees, push ups, planks, jumping jacks; lunges...UGH! (in a good way) I was dripping after the 30 minutes. Was so tempted to stay in bed, but then I asked myself "what will I regret more?" so, I got my *kitten* outta bed and am so glad I did. :happy: