40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    Hey kids!

    Thank you to everyone for the encouraging words!

    solobiker - I hear you about the foot and ankle pain, my left knee gives me grief if I do too many HIIT sessions in the week... funny, I trained and ran a half marathon with no issues! lol

    Beeps - that sounds absolutely beautiful! and huge bummer about not getting in your lifting. Hope you are able to find the time later on.

    sdereski - Ft. St. John... brrrrrr. Ontario to BC is a huge distance but in this day there are many ways to stay connected, unfortunately virtual instead of physical but at least you'll be able to see each other regularly through Skype or similar program. In your case, I hope they reconsider unless it is a substancial offer that they just can't refuse.

    This morning's lifting session was shoulders and I am pounding the pavement after work... we've had beautiful weather these last fews days and I know that's going to change soon so I am getting outside as much as possible! =)
  • 1968samuel
    1968samuel Posts: 176 Member
    Beeps - I hate when my workday explodes and my workout plans get canceled. Hate it, hate it, hate it! :angry:

    WhatABroad - Great profile picture!

    Work has been very stressful for me this week, so my workouts have been a little limited. I have gotten a couple of runs in and tomorrow I'm swimming and hitting the weights! No matter what!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    ...a drive by "hello"....
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    *waves as Beeps drives by*

    1968samuel - thanks! I was feeling especially pumped up from my work out and everyone was asking me to update a pic of me getting my swole on!! lol

    I got in a 3miler after work yesterday and did a kickass, literally!!, glute and hamstring session this morning. Hill sprints after work!
  • solobiker
    Got in a nice 60 min aerobic with some HIIT mixed in. Felt great despite not sleeping well all week. I keep waking up at midnight and can not fall back to sleep. I may go for a walk later. Work has been busy at well. Have a great day/night all.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hey kids,

    another really long day yesterday. It was a good one though. Attended a workshop about Harm Reduction. It was SO interesting!

    Got a 5 mile run in as well - in the rain, but thankfully, it wasn't too cold. Had time to have a quick shower and protien shake and was out the door for bridge, Had some very interesting hands which made for a fun night.

    Had my eyes checked yesterday. Haven't had an eye appointment in YEARS. Can't remember when the last time was 10-15 years agao??? Anyway, have healthy eyes, just aging ones. Doc recommended invisible bifocals. :noway: Have great vision when it comes to distance, just can't see much up close. :tongue:

    We are all wearing purple today at work - in support of ending Violence against women. I don't own much purple so am wearing a running shirt and running shoes. Thankfully, it is also jean day, so the outfit works. :laugh:

    Mild again today. :happy:
    Busy weekend in town. Concert tonight as well as our Christmas By Hand Festival. Time to get some Christmas shopping done!
    80's dance tomorrow night. Of course we are going to "dress up". :laugh:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Look at all the great fitness pursuits going on in here! I'm totally jealous!

    But, today, for sure, I get to go to the gym....so, that will help all the stress that is coursing through my body! Tonight I have to prep - I"m teaching a 3-hour course, tomorrow!

    Frankly, I will be VERY glad when tomorrow comes-and-goes....I teach this one class once-per-year and it stresses the CRAP outta me every single time!
  • solobiker
    All is good here. I took a much needed day off from work today. Got up fairly early and did a 45 min weight workout in the basement. I am going to have to get some heavier weights pretty soon. :-) I was going to do another HIIT but I don't want to do them back to back days. I tend to get over zealous and up paying for it in the end. My body is older then my mind. :-) I will most likely walk to the grocery store and I spent about 2hours raking leaves.

    As for tomorrow I am thinking a nice long hike or a run...time will tell. Have a great weekend everyone.

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Friday All! Busy Busy day here today! We are performing the musical that we have been working on for the last 6 months tonight. I am a "Nervous Nelly" for all of my performers, but I know they will do well. Of course I had a ton of my own paperwork to do before show time and it has been crazy to say the least. I unfortunately did not get a work out in today, but will be there tomorrow morning.
    I am hoping to get in as many workouts in as possible for the next week as it helps to reduce my stress level and since my daughter is getting married a week from Saturday and is in Germany for work until Wednesday, I am on pins and needles!

    I have to say my life is never dull!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    KellySue, I workout, 100%, to reduce stress and sleep better. Period.

    Everything else that *might* come as a result of working out is strictly a side-line benefit....not the MAIN REASON I do it!

    (I also exercise to expand my lungs so that asthma doesn't kill me really young.)

    Can't wait to hear about the wedding...what are you wearing - pictures, please!
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    TGIF, cool kids!

    KellySue, sounds like things are a bit overwhelming, but wonderful! Definitely let us see pics of what you wear for the wedding.

    Beeps, good luck with your class tomorrow!

    I've been away a few weekends lately and letting myself eat whatever I want, and sure enough I can see it on the scale and on my belly. Time to crack down again for a bit until Thanksgiving--it'll be a full weekend of eating events with the in-laws so I need to go into it in fighting shape! Made it to my HIIT class this morning. The teacher has been mixing things up a bit more lately which is great, but unfortunately the studio was so freaking hot.... kinda drained my energy. And then at lunchtime I discovered I'd forgot to bring part of my lunch--the horror! ;) Fortunately had enough healthy snacks planned to get me through the day.

    After a week of cold here in NYC it's supposed to be back up in the 60s for the weekend, and I'm looking forward to warming up a bit! Have a great weekend, everyone.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hi all! Last night went well overall! My guys did great and got lots of compliments from the audience. I did as well on my weight loss. Many people that attended were family members and staff from other parts of our agency that I don't see every day. Itvwas a good evening all around.

    Beeps- I bought a very pretty dress! It's a deep blue-green color. The top part is sequined and it draws to one side across the mid section to hide my still chubby belly! I will post pics after next weekend.

    I made to the gym today for a great workout, then went to the Mennonite market with my hubby for some fruit and stuff. We got some lunch and came home.
  • 1968samuel
    1968samuel Posts: 176 Member
    KellySue - Very nice to get recognition on the weight loss! Post pictures from the wedding soon!

    solobiker - Sounds like you've been getting your strength training in! Great job!

    My mom just retired from her job as a Barnes and Noble manager and we're having her retirement party tonight. Looking forward to cake!! I love cake, it's my big weakness. I made sure to save up calories to enjoy!

    Next week I'm treating my mom to a couple of nights in the Rocky Mountains at a bed and breakfast. She's trying to walk more, (go mom!) so I hope the weather holds up for a nice hike.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
  • solobiker
    1968samuel, have a great time up in the mountains. I love the Rockies!! I spend most of my weekends up there.

    KellySue, I am looking forward to seeing some pictures.

    As for me, we spent the day down at home vs going to the mountains because my husband just returned home after being out of town for work. I got in a nice run then spent most of the day on my feet doing some woodworking. Trying to get Christmas gifts done early so I can mail them out. Almost done!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    This weekend was good....got through my stress-riddled Saturday morning, and the rest has been SMOOTH.

    A good fast in, today. Will lift M/W/F this week, and plan on only being at 'maintenance" calories on Saturdays....all other days are "deficit" days.

  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    had a super fun weekend, but little exercise other than dancing.

    "house" concert on Friday night with my girlfriends. There was a very young, good looking young man that put the moves on me. Called me a cougar. I am no cougar, trust me. :laugh: I was not on the prowl, looking to pick up younger men. :noway: However, flattering just the same.

    Saturday night, my friends and I attended a "back to the 80's" dance. OMG! We had so much fun, just getting together to "dress up". There were so many great get ups and we danced the night away. Could not believe how quickly the night went by. Had a few drinks on Friday, and only a couple on Saturday. Drank water for the remainder of the night, and yes, still had a fantastic time!

    Sunday, was a spa day, again, with those same girlfriends and a few others. It was wonderful. One of our friends is an Esthetian by trade so she walked us through. We did our own facials, hot wax for our hands and a wonderful foot soak. Now, I ask, can it get any better?

    Food wise, did really well, other than the bit of wine I had, but then I blew the whole thing last night by having too much pizza. :tongue:

    Back at it today.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Sounds like you had a FABULOUS weekend, sdereski!! Nice!! I wish "spas" were open around here on Sunday....I would INDULGE quite regularly, I expect!

    I *would* LOVE an 80's event.....LOVE it!

    Today, I lift!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all! Last night went well overall! My guys did great and got lots of compliments from the audience. I did as well on my weight loss. Many people that attended were family members and staff from other parts of our agency that I don't see every day. Itvwas a good evening all around.

    Beeps- I bought a very pretty dress! It's a deep blue-green color. The top part is sequined and it draws to one side across the mid section to hide my still chubby belly! I will post pics after next weekend.

    I made to the gym today for a great workout, then went to the Mennonite market with my hubby for some fruit and stuff. We got some lunch and came home.

    Glad to hear the night went well! I'm sure that was a huge relief for you for it to be over.
    Your dress for the wedding does sound pretty! I had such a difficult time finding a dress for my son's wedding this past September. In the end, I went with trusty black!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    sdereski- sounds like you had a fun weekend!

    My weekend was productive. Got lots of cleaning and laundry done- WooHoo! Not that exciting but necessary.

    Lifted this moring and did some cardio as well. I am getting ready to do another 5k in December. This time I am going solo!! Should be interesting!
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member

    Beeps - sounds like a great plan and I know you'll get it done! How is the 'system' working out for you?

    sdereski - woohooo, sounds like a blast! Can't get much better than 80's music themed anything along with a spa day.

    Got my lifting in this morning and I tell ya, no fancy hair and makeup for me today. I worked my chest and arms hard this morning! We got a huge dump of snow yesterday so not sure if I am going to run after work or just a walk.

    Have an awesome Monday kids!