40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Good morning cool kid's !
    Life is great ! I've been getting along with my toddler for over a week now! I've been doing a major de-cluttering, organizing, and cleaning. Wow we have too much crap. LOL
    Josie finally turned a corner with her potty training and is wearing her big girl britches now. Now if I could just get her to stop trying to empty her own potty. Never seen a toddler do that before. LOL
    I am officially under my goal weight by 1 pound this morning at 154 lbs. Yeah Me !!! Can't wait till refund time to buy some new bras and pj's. My 1x pj pants are starting to fall off after they've been sitting on my hips for a while now. May need to try to tighten the elastic some how. <<< Penny Pincher.

    Kellysue- So sorry hun. I'll continue to pray for his recovery and you to have the strength you need.
    Mzklutch- Love the new picture !
    Emmalusmom- I need to work on menu planning myself. I've gotten lazy lately. I'm going to try to check out some "freezer meals" myself.
    Larro and Beeps- Yes I need to jump back on the "veggie train" myself ! Woo! woo! LOL
    mygynsac and Larro- Need to try eating more omelette's too.
    Hello Newbies ! and good luck !

    Found this picture the other day while cleaning out the basement. It had to be around my highest weight 262 lbs. and says 2008. < A halloween outfit complete with plastic mask.
    Here's one of my "hot bottle heater"....LOL
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Wow ! Just noticed the one picture and my new profile picture from Christmas day were almost taken in the same spot. May have to do a side by side later.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good Wednesday morning- I think?! It is cold and snowy here with temps falling into the single digits this afternoon and with wind chills it could be -20 to -30 BRRRR! I did some unpacking last night. The boxes are s-l-o-w-l-y disappearing! Hubby was terribly confused during the day yesterday, but seemed more lucid last night, so I am hoping things are turning around for him. Thanks all for your kind words and support. It really means a lot. I am just trying to concentrate on my eating right now and will get back to the gym soon.
    - Beeps- you are so right about sleep. I actually slept great last night. I think I was so exhausted it was easier, but also I have finally figured out how to work my heat so it's cool enough when I sleep. I prefer for it to be a bit cooler at night and just add an extra blanket if I need to and I have an old thermostat in my new house that I don't think reads accurately, so it has taken me a few weeks to figure it out!

    Welcome to all of the new folks. Hope you stick around for a while!

    Have a good day!
  • Uhfgood
    Uhfgood Posts: 128 Member
    Heh... I'm still a young guy. I don't turn 40 until August 23rd ;-)
  • nmcrosier
    nmcrosier Posts: 268 Member
    Cannon Ball! Jumping into the cool kids pool - I'll be 42 on the 24th...gosh in someways I feel better now than I did in my 30s
  • Emmalusmom
    Emmalusmom Posts: 61 Member
    Hello All you Cool Kids,

    I am so happy to report that I went to the gym again! I rode the bike to get my heart rate up and then as Beeps says, "lifted something heavy"!

    Caramel - I hope that you don't go stir-crazy being in the house for to long.

    MzKlutch - I love your new pic. And hope that you get to riding soon! I ride a 4-wheeler and my husband rides a duel sport 650. We like riding in the woods.

    Larro - Hope that you are enjoying your books. I would love to read one of yours. I love reading between 1500 to 1700 it is my favorite period. Especially if it has to do with native americans.

    KS - I am praying for you and your husband. Stay Strong. Hugs to you!

    Mygnsac - That looks like an awsome omelette. I think that you are not giving yourself enough credit on making those things. I hope that your head is feeling better. I am sure that Cisco hung with you all day, my dog will do the same.

    CG - I love how active you are. You give me hope that I can continue to step my game up.

    Kate - Finding that picture should remind you of how far you have come. I am so proud of you for reaching your goal! I will get there oneday too! Way to go Josie on the potty training. I do remember how hard that was for my kids. My granddaughter has been potty trained for about 6 months now. I didn't think that it was ever going to happen.

    Amyrllin1 - You have have to tell all about getting back to the gym. I hope that you are on cloud 9!

    Sdereski - Best of luck with your 30 day clean eating and workout challenge. I know that you can do it.

    Beeps - I am still around. I just had fallen off the wagon. I was still reading but, had nothing good to report so I stayed silent. Besides I am not much of a blogger. But I am back at it again. This time I am "lifting heavy things". I seem to like this more than just riding the bike or walking. Not that I am not going to continue to do those things but add a little something else helps.

    I hope that everyone has an awesome day!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Morning all!

    Glad to see the return of "friends"! :)

    Got my lifting done.

    Have a daughter home ill....but I am skipping out for a hair appointment. Yesterday I worked all day, had date night with hubby, and today is managin the home front.

  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Happy Hump Day Cool Kids!
    I'm embarrased to report how badly I've done this week. Not a single day this week have I managed to stick to my calorie limit. I do great all day, have 500 - 800 calories left when I get home, and still manage to go over. Gah! :s . I just feel so hungry all day. Maybe I'm not eating the right kinds of nutrients to support the level of cycling I'm doing. Have been avoiding carbs. Tonight's another opportunity, and challenge, and I'm on it!

    Mz, so excited to hear about Blu Ivy! I hope you'll post a pic. Also glad to hear you're getting some good sleep! It truly makes such a difference.

    Kate, I had a picture of you in one of those "Life is Good" tee shirts! So uplifting to read your post so full of happiness and optimism. So proud of you!

    KS, glad you're on the sleep train too! :) It sounds like you're maintaining a balance and staying focused, which is amazing and inspiring considering all of the curve balls you've been thrown this year.

    nladopolous, love the "cannon ball" LOL.
    Welcome to all the newbies. Hope you stay and swim. The water's great!

    E's mom, look at you go! And going heavy! How cool.

    Beeps, sorry about your daughter, but how lovely to have a date night with hubby! Hold down the fort today, and then I'll be looking for a lifting report!

    Larro, hot tubs are proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!

    Hello to everyone else! :flowerforyou:
  • RWonka5
    RWonka5 Posts: 3 Member
    I'd like to join.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Afternoon Cool Kids.

    Glad to see so many folks posting. Yesterday I was able to do the graveyard cleanup and the tub. I'm having a slow cleaning day here. {I read until 0300 again, and kind of slept in} Only on my third load of laundry so far. But I do have my cardio and breakfast behind me.

    My boss just called, and I have to go into work sometime today. When I left work Monday night there wasn't anything on the schedule until next Monday night. Now I have to do a set up today for a training meeting tomorrow, office relief for my boss due to the cold weather forecast, do the cleanup for the meeting tomorrow and now there is a party for Saturday. I would rather work than not, so I'm glad something came up.

    E's Mom, if you really want to suffer though some of my writing, I did post my first story on the Naval Fiction Board @ NavWeapons.com. Just do a Google search for Third Boy, Chapter One, Larro Darro, and go from there. It needs a rewrite very badly, which I work on in my mind all the time, I just don't get around to doing it on the keyboard. I regret posting it now. If I ever get up the courage to e-publish, I will have to go back and try to delete it. But once something is online, it is there forever.

    Well I had better get busy if I'm going to finish the cleaning and get to work too. Hope everyone is having a good day,

  • Sylvarose
    Sylvarose Posts: 70 Member
    So surreal visit (but good!!!) to the Y last night. At first I couldn't find a spot even in overflow. However, didn't have to wait too long before someone did pull out of an overflow spot. However, it was farther away than I normally park. Still, I bucked up, grabbed my bag and headed for the door. As I was walking I passed a random woman who made eye contact with me, gave me a fist pump and said, "Good for you!" Then while I was doing my water aerobics I ended up sharing a lane with an undercover lifeguard who was part of a staged "drowning" drill they conducted. All in all positive experience where I got 30 minutes of aerobics in..plus adventure and random excitement!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Curious, consider it a "win" if you are only 100-200 over....xmas break, I was easily 500-1,000 over EveRy SinGlE DaY!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    What is your story about, larrodarro? Some navy adventure?
  • Emmalusmom
    Emmalusmom Posts: 61 Member
    Larro - I just read chapter one and it is really good. It made me want to read more. Let me know if you ever decide to post chapter 2
  • donnablaze
    I am 43 and want to join. New to the site.
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    Squats and power cleans yest (47 YO)
  • hawksvixxen
    hawksvixxen Posts: 54 Member
    We gotta stick together - all us cool kids. ;)

    46er here - Started Focus T25 on Monday, teach Zumba 4 x week - gotta hit it hard between now and mid-February.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all, am home under the weather today, but I did manage to get my strength workout in is afternoon. Another good eating day yesterday. So far, so good today as well.
  • empire722002
    Hi everyone would like to join the group. I've been a yo yo dieter for so many years and now for the last time want to shift the excess weight once and for all.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    What is your story about, larrodarro? Some navy adventure?

    It is about three boys who go on a barge up the Ems River from Emden East Frisia {present day Germany} in 1717. It is a kind of business/adventure story.