40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "22 Minute Hard Corps Cold Start, Cardio 1/Cardio 2 & Core 1"=Done!
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    BettyM1017 wrote: »
    gam3rguy wrote: »
    “By Odin’s beard”. :p

    Awesome pic! Scary...but awesome!!

    LOL! that was supposed to be animated. when I went to use it as my Facebook pic...it got stuck like that. :p
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Happy Monday all! Crazy, stupid busy weekend, but I managed to get it all done! Woke up this morning exhausted. lol.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,999 Member
    Martial arts and leg day DONE.

    REALLY debating hard on quitting the part time weekend gig. Never having a day off is really starting to take it's toll, and things are only getting worse there with another of the full timers looking at quitting. "Little" things like meal prep time would be great if I wasn't working 7 days a week, but trying to fit it in right now isn't impossible, but it's pretty damn difficult...
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "22 Minute Hard Corps Resistance 1 & Resistance 3"=Done!
  • BettyM1017
    BettyM1017 Posts: 616 Member
    CG Interval Week! A lot of sprint work yesterday. I'm definitely feeling it today! Hitting just rope climb/slamball/balance workout today along with a nice easy 4-mile run.
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,718 Member
    Deadlifts and lunges and pushups, oh my! Just part of the morning workout.

    And 400 feet on Jacob's Ladder. I'm going to keep doing that as a finisher until it gets easy. So forever, essentially. :D
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "22 Minute Hard Corps Cold Start, Cardio 1/Cardio 3 & Special Ops: Core"=Done!
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,665 Member
    37 min/3.3 mile tempo run. Got out there before it warmed up too much.
  • BettyM1017
    BettyM1017 Posts: 616 Member
    Another CG Interval workout. A lot of sprints, Ickey Shuffles, Jump Squats, and Mason's Miseries! No extra running for me today. Just a nice leisurely stroll through the park, throwing discs at baskets. In other words, a round of Disc Golf...which turned into a lengthy hunt for my son's disc on the 2nd hole. We searched for so long, that I racked up 3/4 mile worth of steps!! Yes, we did find his disc. And yes, we actually stayed and finished the course, lol!
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "22 Minute Hard Corps Resistance 2 & Resistance 3"=Done!
  • jenr1282
    jenr1282 Posts: 2 Member
    I don’t feel cool as my only exercise right now can be physical therapy for knee surgery.
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,665 Member
    edited May 2018
    jenr1282 wrote: »
    I don’t feel cool as my only exercise right now can be physical therapy for knee surgery.

    Cool is a state of mind. Over in the running challenge thread we are talking a lot about the concept of sisu which is a Finnish word loosely translated as grit, determination, and courage. So show some sisu in your physical therapy and you’ll be back to cool status in no time. :)

    Spent an hour at the Y this morning, rowing, strength work, foam rolling, and dodging the very chatty, diminutive, and hard-of-hearing gentleman who thought I was SO VERY TALL! HOW TALL ARE YOU? YOU’RE MUCH TALLER THAN ME! AND SO STRONG!!! MOST WONEN AREN’T THAT STRONG!

    I’m not THAT tall or that strong. There are many women who are both taller and stronger. Oh well. It was quite the experience. For both of us.
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,718 Member
    Assisted chinups and leg lifts and some single leg work this morning.

    And 450 feet climbed in about 6 minutes on Jacob's Ladder. Next goal 500 feet.
  • MJsStory
    MJsStory Posts: 160 Member
    Hi All!

    I am hoping I can join a little early... I will be 40 on the 21st. I do not relate to the younger group at all for many reasons. The main one... I have been in menopause since my late 20s!

    I am a mama to 5 kids... We have a girl 28, girl 25, boy 18, boy 15, and boy 13. Only the boys are still at home. Our 25 year got married this past year. My husband is very supportive and is trying to lose weight as well.

    I started my weight loss journey in January with the help of a new doctor who specializes in hormone imbalances. I tried for years to lose weight but have been unable to and labeled weight loss resistant. With my new doctor I have lost 18 pounds and have 96 more to go.

    I eat fairly healthy as I have a lot of food allergies. If I don’t I can’t breathe and breathing is important! Doc recommended this app and so I joined yesterday. Already I can see that my proteins need to go up and my carbs need to go down.

    I have a thyroid issue, vitamin d deficiency, PCOS, insulin resistance, vitamin b deficiency, and a few other issues. As a result I have a lower calorie need than most people. Doc has me on 1100 calories a day but I am consistently 400-450 calories below that each day. I need to figure out how to eat more as I am so full I feel like I waddle!

    I am looking for friends and motivation as I get frustrated when I see no change.

  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    __TMac__ wrote: »
    jenr1282 wrote: »
    I’m not THAT tall or that strong. There are many women who are both taller and stronger. Oh well. It was quite the experience. For both of us.

    Note to self: Don't challenge @TMac to an arm wrestling contest if you see her at the lake this summer. :)
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,665 Member
    edited May 2018
    @Djproulx — Lol! I did notice that there’s a lot of West Hill chatter this week. It may be pretty soon!

    It was hilarious because he was responding to my using 12.5lb dumbbells. Yeah. Sooo strong.
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "22 Minute Hard Corps Cold Start, Cardio 2/Cardio 3 & Special Ops: Core"=Done!