Do you feel sexy?



  • KitTheRoadie
    KitTheRoadie Posts: 641 Member
    I feel sexy and it's looking after my body and health that make me feel that way! Oh and the way my wife looks at my body, makes it all worth while! :O)
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    I think sexy is a state of mind.
    a confidence. self-assurance.

    for the longest time I felt sexy and carried myself with poise and confidence.
    these past few months i put on a few pounds and feel totally un-sexy. I know it's in my head, because everyone close to me keeps telling me how great I look, but I wont feel that confidence until I get those pounds back off...

    :drinker: here's to sexy!
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Only when I'm naked flexing in the mirror.......or drunk
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I feel sexy when I'm working out HARD and the sweat is dripping off me and I catch sight of myself in the gym mirrors and see the definition in my arms as they're pumping me on to finish my sprint intervals on the treadmill.

    Sexy isn't how anyone else makes me feel, it's what I earned.
  • maritenour
    maritenour Posts: 107 Member
    I feel sexy when I wear boots! haha
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    Only when I'm naked flexing in the mirror.......or drunk

    yes, drunk! that is when I am my sexiest!
  • coloradocami
    coloradocami Posts: 368 Member
    I feel very sexy! It has little to do with your physical appearance...feeling sexy makes you sexy!:tongue:
  • lonewolf620
    I feel confident so I feel sexy. . . confidence is sexy :happy:
  • RyanDanielle5101
    Yes I sure do!! Especially after a good workout:)

    I catch myself looking in the mirror when I'm working out and I get a huge smile on my face, it feels good to be sexy!!
  • krist3ng
    krist3ng Posts: 259 Member


    I feel about the polar opposite, awful and gross.
  • ogosun
    ogosun Posts: 175 Member
    When i get to my goal weight then i will feel sexy, otherwise not at the moment....:ohwell:
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    This thread saddens me. EVERY woman should feel sexy EVERYDAY!!

    It is not a weight or a look it is something that you have on the inside and it spills over and cant be contained. I wake up every morning and put on something that smells amazing(lotion or perfume or both). Then I put on awesome matching bra and panties. I love underclothes. I collect them like most women collect shoes. I always make sure they match each other and usually my outfit too. I love push up bras, they make me feel like I can conquer the world. If you dont have great underclothes invest in some sexy ones and see how that changes your attitude!! They dont have to be expensive, just fun. I even have sexy "that time of the month"
    undies. I refuse to ever wear granny drawers, or nude colored bras or anything white. I have thight high stockings, my fav place to wear them is to church! I love high heels even tho I am 5'11"

    I have been overweight, underweight, have horrible skin, babyfat, been married, divorced, dated and am currently single and no one, I REPEAT - NO ONE, can ever take my sexy from me. I have mojo baby, and I have swagga. Everyone who sees me know so and that just how I like it. Never let anyone, thing or circumstance take ur sexy from you. use 2012 to BRING SEXY BACK and u will be the happiest you have ever been...

    Winking at u already...

    I totally agree with you that 'sexy' is an attitude. But, Madison Avenue messes with that, by making you think you need all the trappings of 'sexy': the lacy underwear, proper push-up bras, perfume, clothing, heels, makeup, etc. And most of us buy it hook, line and sinker. Most men I have talked to about this say that vibrant good health and fitness is the ultimate 'sexy.' Maybe some of them can add to this discussion.
  • strohst
    strohst Posts: 146 Member
    NO I DON'T FEEL SEXY!! My guy wants to see me in clothes that fit and sexy night gowns but the truth is I can't !!!! I don't find myself sexy at all! If i don't feel this way how can he see me sexy .... I have a huge issue with my belly.... from having 2 kids and gaining a lot of weight to me it's just plain nasty ..... :sad:

    Any advise to get to feel sexy would be nice....
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I totally agree with you that 'sexy' is an attitude. But, Madison Avenue messes with that, by making you think you need all the trappings of 'sexy': the lacy underwear, proper push-up bras, perfume, clothing, heels, makeup, etc. And most of us buy it hook, line and sinker. Most men I have talked to about this say that vibrant good health and fitness is the ultimate 'sexy.' Maybe some of them can add to this discussion.
    My wife is just not attracted to unfit guys, and it has nothing to do with Madison Avenue.
    Likewise, if she were to get fat, I just would not find that sexy but hideous - even in the dark.

    This whole "fat acceptance" mentality is disturbing.
    I am so very thankful my wife did not spin a tale and just gave it to me straight.
    "You're FAT! That's ugly to me..."

    And if the roles were reversed, I'd have nipped the weight gain off in the bud or divorced. When people change their body composition through poor choices, love does not suddenly transcend physical lust. That's just reality which is why married guys peep at porn, then bring home flowers to the "little" woman who knows in her heart that obesity is sexy.

    I was under the absurd notion that I was "carrying the weight well" - :laugh: :laugh:
    Anyway, none of us are here to gain fat, so let's admit the truth, work on the goals that will make us look good, feel great and live long.

    If obesity were beautiful, we'd have a whole community devoted to making fit people fat.
    People all over America would be making new year resolutions to gain 20 lbs of fat by summer to look fabulous on the beach!

    Are you getting my drift yet?
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I feel sexy when I dance and really lose myself in the music, on days when I feel really physically strong, when I catch my husband looking at me, and occasionally get I get dressed up.
  • silverfox678
    silverfox678 Posts: 84 Member
    Sure do feel sexy!!!
  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    When I can close my mind off and not worry about what others think... when I can just let loose and dance the way I feel... get the abs working and posture up and proud... I can feel sexy. Too bad I can't feel sexy around other people, tho...
  • Sixalicious
    Sixalicious Posts: 283 Member
    I have felt Sexy Before the weight and after losing it....Being sexy is definitely not an outer appearance...ITs about the confidence, attitude, and intelligence....I know thats what attract me to others...Its the sexiest Look I know! The outer appearance is just a added bonus....

    ^^^This says it all.^^^
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    NO I DON'T FEEL SEXY!! My guy wants to see me in clothes that fit and sexy night gowns but the truth is I can't !!!! I don't find myself sexy at all! If i don't feel this way how can he see me sexy .... I have a huge issue with my belly.... from having 2 kids and gaining a lot of weight to me it's just plain nasty ..... :sad:

    Any advise to get to feel sexy would be nice....
    Keep working on your goals and in time you'll feel sexy and it'll be real.

    My wife has had 5 of my kids, and she went through the same struggles.
    For months I was not allowed to see or touch her flabby belly. She was that ashamed.

    And just like you, she joined MFP and got to work.
    Today, her tummy is perfect and at age 45, she could wear a thong and look good.

    Peak fitness is sexy but it doesn't happen by accident.
    You can do this.

    Good luck!
  • twynzmom
    twynzmom Posts: 172
    I'm feeling sexier!