Write to the person that annoyed you today!



  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    Dear Clingy "Friend",
    You are completely annoying and self-centered. I can't even stand to think about your annoying, whiny voice. I know you are completely desperate to have a family, but I don't need to hear about it all the time. You are going after guys that are ridiculously far out of your league. You are weird looking, needy, whiny and clingy. Why on earth would anyone sign up for that for a lifetime? There is also no way that you could handle having children. You are far too anal and a complete catastrophizer...you would end up in a straight jacket. Oh, and contrary to what your rich parents have told you, having a trust fund does not make you better than everyone else. I am so tired of you getting special treatment in our doctoral program because you are so annoying and whiny and so far up the faculty's butt you are about to come out the other end. Please stop comparing my actual problems to your imagined ones. Oh, and quitting your job before you got fired and living off your father doesn't make me feel sorry for you for being "unemployed". You are a troll. Please never speak to me again!

    Wow, do I feel better!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Really? Do you have to bring in all that junk when you NO my 2 week plan here? Plus it's 9:30 at night, I'm so tired of you patting your belly and saying "I need to lose weight, I'm getting fat." and then eat every time I turn around and it's not healthy food either... Ain't no one's fault but yours! Either suck it up or keep sucking it in!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    double post!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Dear Gym Stalker Freak -

    I'm not into dudes, especially extremely large, creepy dudes. I'm into my wife, who, unlike you is attractive and a woman. I do not care to re-enact any seen from Shawhank Redemption or other prison/forced romance scene or have you eyeballing me, my junk, or any part of the gym where I am working out. The only thing more repulsive than you and your constant walk-bys is the "sex club" t-shirt you wear every time you are at the gym. I don't wish you any ill, but if a dinosaur did reanimate and devour you up in one bit, I probably would not complain.

    You Don't Need To Know My Name

  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Dear best friend's mother-in-law,

    You already stole the bridal shower I was supposed to throw, and now you're mad that I am throwing her a small baby shower and gave you no prior notice. I am not sure what you think an invitation is for, but I've always known it to be a piece of paper informing you that you're invited to something. Why you thought you deserved prior notice is beyond me. She is my best friend and I am allowed to throw her a shower without your permission or involving you.

    You are not my mother, you are not her mother and I owed you nothing....you're an invited guest. So stop being rude and RSVP for the damn party that we all know you're coming to but have decided to either not RSVP or wait as long as possible so everyone knows you're stomping your feet and showing how offended you are.

    Signed, not your daughter-in-law so I don't have to kiss your butt
  • heyydanie
    heyydanie Posts: 103 Member
    I'm a nanny, so mine are going to be kid-related, hah. Sorry in advance!

    1. Dear Boss,

    I understand that you have a pretty flexible job that allows you to go into work at whatever hour you please. But please understand that if you decide to go in to work 5 hours later than you should, this means your children will want to play/hang out with you. Which results in me sitting there, on your couch, or cleaning your already clean house for 5 hours straight. If you aren't going to go into work at the normal time, let me know! I'd love to sleep in an extra hour or two. Or heck, spend those 5 hours cleaning MY not-already-clean house because by the time I'm home from work I'm just too damn tired. Also, in the event that your children come out of whatever room your in to do something else, and you hear the youngest one throwing a fit, PLEASE let me do my job! I can calm him down just as well as you can. This is what you hired me for.

    2. Dear Little Man,

    I know you're going through an awful time right now - turning 2 in a few months, and hitting those terrible twos with a vengeance. But for the love of all that's holy. Stop fighting me when I'm trying to change your crap-filled diaper. You get poop all over your parents ridiculously expensive off-white carpeting.

    3. Dear Big Sister of Little Man,


    That is all.
  • heyydanie
    heyydanie Posts: 103 Member
    I'm a nanny, so mine are going to be kid-related, hah. Sorry in advance!

    1. Dear Boss,

    I understand that you have a pretty flexible job that allows you to go into work at whatever hour you please. But please understand that if you decide to go in to work 5 hours later than you should, this means your children will want to play/hang out with you. Which results in me sitting there, on your couch, or cleaning your already clean house for 5 hours straight. If you aren't going to go into work at the normal time, let me know! I'd love to sleep in an extra hour or two. Or heck, spend those 5 hours cleaning MY not-already-clean house because by the time I'm home from work I'm just too damn tired. Also, in the event that your children come out of whatever room your in to do something else, and you hear the youngest one throwing a fit, PLEASE let me do my job! I can calm him down just as well as you can. This is what you hired me for.

    2. Dear Little Man,

    I know you're going through an awful time right now - turning 2 in a few months, and hitting those terrible twos with a vengeance. But for the love of all that's holy. Stop fighting me when I'm trying to change your crap-filled diaper. You get poop all over your parents ridiculously expensive off-white carpeting.

    3. Dear Big Sister of Little Man,


    That is all.
  • MrsDrake678
    MrsDrake678 Posts: 90 Member
    Dear husband:

    STOP being so got damn negative about everything. You have a wife who loves you, 2 beautiful boys, you own your home and have a job...what the hell is so bad about your life? Put your big boy pants on and STFU! It's literally sucking the joy right out of my life. I barely want to answer the phone when you call and I dread listening to what you are gonna complain about next.

    your super annoyed wife!
  • Tamstar1985
    Tamstar1985 Posts: 334 Member
    dear, dear mother in law of mine:

    1) your cooking makes me nauseous. i do not want to eat vegetables swimming in half a cup of oil.

    2) i am never going to be a cute asian girl, so stop trying to dress me like one. i do not like rhinestones and teddy bears all over my outfits.

    3) when and if i have children is none of your business. that is between me and the hubs.

    4) your hair and makeup are about 40 years outdated. your hair looks like a bird's nest and you makeup ages you by about ten years. also. tattooed on surprised-eyebrows... not cool.

    aahhhhh, i feel much better :D
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    Dear Bald, Philm hacking, CoWorker,

    I really do not need to hear you whine all day about how much work you have to do and how much things have changed and how little the boss cares... I have my own problems and you don't see me bothering you with mine. ALSO, when you come into my cubicle and see me on the phone on a personal call, don't plop your big butt in my chair to wait for me to get off the phone because you want to use my phone for a call, because you can't hear on yours out on the floor. When you see I'm on the phone back the F out of my cubicle and get lost, because the world does not revolve around you. Also don't put your grimey little shoes up on my desk to retie your shoes, this is disgusting and I then have to wipe down the desk with disinfectant, you inconsiderant, snobby, egotistical, whiney *kitten* lil creep. Do the whole department a favor and retire.

    Fed Up CoWorker
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Dear women at work,

    Yes, I understand that sometimes the bathroom smells unpleasant. I wouldn't necessarily want to spend any extra time in there at those times. But, it is a bathroom. You're not expected to eat in there, nor hang out. At least when it smells like....wait for it....a bathroom, one can breathe through their mouth, do their business and get out. But when you spray the **** out of it with that nasty spray, it still smells like a bathroom, only now it also smells like old lady perfume that you can taste. The smell, unlike the bathroom smell, also creeps down the hallway 10 yards from the bathroom itself. Please take your spray and shove it.

    Signed, the person that gets headaches from your stupid spray.
  • Surfergurl29
    Dear Self,

    Way to go ordering and devouring raviolis and garlic bread for dinner. You totally blew your calorie count for the day. Your lack of self control is pathetic and you are never going to reach your goal with moves like this. Do you want to be the fat *kitten* at your sister's wedding? Do you want to have sausage arms hanging out as you walk down the aisle in front of your entire family? Stop being weak and making excuses, get serious and lose this weight!

    Seriously...this post made my day....thanks for posting...I laughed so hard I nearly cracked a rib :)
  • jmaniex
    Dr. Coworker

    My job is my job and your job is your job. Please do your job so that I dont have to figure out how to finish your job in order to do my job.

    Enough said. :)
  • lupa01
    lupa01 Posts: 162 Member
    Dear Elderly Lady that Works Across the Hall:

    Stop undressing me with your eyes.


  • _GingerSnap_
    _GingerSnap_ Posts: 339 Member
    8 have been holding this in since before Xmas, so sorry in advance!

    Dear teenage daughter: I love you more than life itself but at some point you will realize you NEED to stop biting the hand that feeds you before it turns into a fist. No I will not pay for your license or get you a car because quite frankly you don't deserve it. Your grades and attitude are horrible, you talk to your sister like she's a second class citizen and act like I owe you something. So to segway into the next.......

    Dear husband: stop with the enabling behaviour. And no I'm not just "imagining" it when others notice how you don't handle the bad behaviour. So unless you want to have a really hot ex wife who throws you and your almost 18 yr old out of the house, get your **** together.

    That's better, thanks!
  • LFDBabs
    LFDBabs Posts: 297 Member
    The girl you constantly piss off when your penis thinks for you.

    OMG! I should have signed mine this way. Hey Earon!!! What she said!! lmao!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Dear Anesthesiologist,

    It was super cool when you didn't listen to me. I know how my veins work, especially during pregnancy. I didn't tell you that my upper arm was the only place you could get an IV in me comfortably and easily because I didn't know what I was talking about. I told you that to save yourself some time and more importantly, to save myself stress and pain while in labor. So thanks for not listening, for making my cry hysterically and for causing me pain. My wrists are killing me and are horrendously bruised, which makes caring for a newborn that much easier. My thumb honestly feels like it's broken because it's so badly bruised from the IV that was placed underneath it. Today, you were worse than giving birth naturally (which felt like I was on fire and being torn in half). Congratulations.


    A Third-Time Mama Who Knows Her Own Body

    (P.S. A sincere thank you goes out to my nurse who removed said IV as soon as possible!)

    (P.P.S. To the nurses/phlebotomists who have told me to simply tell my next nurse where to place my IV, I wish that actually worked...However, medical professionals generally treat patients like idiots.)
  • heyydanie
    heyydanie Posts: 103 Member
    Dear husband:

    STOP being so got damn negative about everything. You have a wife who loves you, 2 beautiful boys, you own your home and have a job...what the hell is so bad about your life? Put your big boy pants on and STFU! It's literally sucking the joy right out of my life. I barely want to answer the phone when you call and I dread listening to what you are gonna complain about next.

    your super annoyed wife!

    I know exactly how you feel.
  • sschmidt928
    sschmidt928 Posts: 39 Member
    Dear Other Military Wives:
    I don't care if your husband was gone for 46 months while you were pregnant with your 6th baby, starting your home-based business, homeschooling the kids of your whole block, and re-establishing the economy of a third world country. My issues are JUST as valid as yours, my life is JUST as difficult, and it is NOT ok to talk down to me just cause I'm having a tough time with my husband being gone for the holidays. And all of our birthdays. And Thanksgiving with his parents. (Which is another note...)
    Get off your high horse and leave me be.
  • lydiasullivan
    Dear catty coworker

    every day, for 2 years, youve refused to return the basic, professional courtesy that ive offered you. It drives me crazy that others cant see you for what you are: so incredibly false!! you laugh and smile but your comments are always catty and usually are a thinly veiled insult. You undermine my ideas at meetings even to the point of seeming desperate. you make comments about my boobs to others and seem insulted that you can see my bra: DD boobs come with 2 options, wear high collared, fuddy duddy clothes that sometimes make them seem even bigger and rounder, or wear a V neck. I choose option 2, so stop calling attention to my boobs because I certainly dont! I know your getting older, you have no kids, your severely overweight, divorced, still working in a restaurant. but those things are not my fault. I am a young, attractive, cabaple and fit person and this seems to COMPLETELY piss you off. youre crazy! fI have nothing to do with your problems whatsoever. You spread fake rumors that i was sleeping around just months before my WEDDING, you dumb cow. you sabotaged a job opportunity by speaking with people that dont concern you about matters that are not your business. (which by the way, was SO unprofessional and made you seem pathetic)
    I never have done or said anything to intentionally show you up, or discedit you, or make you feel bad, or anything. and even with the treatment you give me, I still dont. I just dont know how to be as manipulative and mean and petty as you.

    you are a sad, lazy, and easily threatened little person, and I am sick of you! Please F off and leave me alone and if you must speak with me just say what you must say with no undertones or hidden implications and then leave! let me do my job in peace I dont interfere with you do return the favor!