Write to the person that annoyed you today!



  • CatchThatKitten
    Dear Practically Everyone who Walks Into My Bank,

    I appreciate your business, more than you know. But if you're not on the person's account, don't ask for the person's account info! It's not yours! And when I tell you I can't give it to you, don't give me **** about it! And while you're at it, yes you do need to fill out a DEPOSIT SLIP to make a DEPOSIT. Fully. In its entirety. Yes, that means your full name. And address. And amount you're depositing. No, you can't abbreviate your city name- don't be lazy! And business owners, for Heaven's Sake, don't wait until Friday and deposit 80 frikin' bags into our night drop! We have **** to do in the morning, people, and especially after the weekend. Be considerate!!!


    Your Friendly Neighborhood Teller

    :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

    well put! bravo!!!!!

    do you work at wells fargo?

    Lol, no...Bank of America.
  • mskatec22
    mskatec22 Posts: 138 Member
    I like this idea...a good way to vent anomously and not hurt anyone's feelings :)

    Dear professional who annoyed me today,
    When your mouth is as big as yours is and you have to talk so closely to others...you should consider whitening those choopers. Also, I didn't like they way you referred to other people as second rate, B class people. Your manner was completely unprofessional and not at all humorous which I think you intended it to be.
    Thank you,
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Dear annoying relative,

    Just because you are ****ing idiotic and don't have self convictions and your friends manipulate you, which in turned decided it was time for you to become Jewish doesn't f*cking mean you can come to family reunions where everyone is f%cking catholic and shove your religion down our throats. As a matter of fact, no one f%cking cares what religion you choose to practice just as long as you don't impose your views on us. Thanks for making Christmas F$CKING AWKWARD you idiotic, self serving son of a *kitten*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    [disclaimer, I have nothing against Islam, Judaism, or any other religion]
  • CatchThatKitten
    Dear Practically Everyone who Walks Into My Bank,

    I appreciate your business, more than you know. But if you're not on the person's account, don't ask for the person's account info! It's not yours! And when I tell you I can't give it to you, don't give me **** about it! And while you're at it, yes you do need to fill out a DEPOSIT SLIP to make a DEPOSIT. Fully. In its entirety. Yes, that means your full name. And address. And amount you're depositing. No, you can't abbreviate your city name- don't be lazy! And business owners, for Heaven's Sake, don't wait until Friday and deposit 80 frikin' bags into our night drop! We have **** to do in the morning, people, and especially after the weekend. Be considerate!!!


    Your Friendly Neighborhood Teller

    Dear Teller,

    I hand you money, my atm card and my id, you do the rest. That's your job and partially the reason why your bank charges such
    exorbitant fees.

    Thank you.

    Dear Disgruntled Customer,

    How hard is it to put your name and address on a piece of paper so we have a paper trail of your transactions? By all means, hand me your money and no slip- I'll just take a 25% "fee" out of it and put the rest in. I wouldn't get caught...you didn't fill out a slip and therefore have no way to prove how much you had to start with. Also, when I'm over at the end of the night, and it's because I accidentally typed the wrong amount into your account, good luck proving it.Your level of service goes up proportionally with how nice you are...so, don't be a jerk, ok? Fill out the slip. I'm fairly certain your hand won't atrophy and fall off if you do.

    Also, some of the "exorbitant fees" my bank charges are for little amenities like absolute fraud protection on your debit card, free temporary cards when you lose yours, unlimited bank statements, and reimbursement when the teller who you smart-mouthed hits you in the face. If you don't like them, why are you with the bank?


    Your Marginally Less Friendly Neighborhood Teller
  • CatchThatKitten
    Dear rude lady at work today,

    I am not going to break privacy policies to do want you want me to do and get fired. So sorry for just doing my job and "screwing the rest of the world over"
    Have a nice day ***** :)
    You must work for Comcast
    Nope I work at a bank and refused to cash a check that wasn't even made out to her

    Oh, Lord! This happens to me ALL THE TIME!
  • CatchThatKitten
    I have another...

    Dear Best Friend,

    I love you like you were my sister. You were my maid of honor in my wedding. I realize that this does not mean that you have to reciprocate the same honor to me. But FOR LOVE OF GOD, PLEASE choose someone more deserving than the other person you're trying to decide about. Putting me and her on the same level is, frankly, insulting as hell. I supported you through boarding school, opened my home to you, stood up for you when your own family turned their backs on you, gave you a free pass when the guy I liked chose you over me (thanks, by the way, for letting me know that you were already dating him when I was making a fool out of myself for him..) gave you my love and my time. I am doing your hair for your wedding, FOR FREE. Other Girl taught you to run away from your problems, drink heavily, and how to scrape your legs with sandpaper until they bled to "take the pain away". When you look at the scars on your legs, let them remind you of her and then choose someone else to be your backbone on one of the most important days of your life.


    Your Feeling-Very-Slighted Ex-Roommate
  • bpurc22
    bpurc22 Posts: 180 Member
    Dear Nick. I am an understanding person- more so than most girls you will meet. However, when you TEXT to tell me that you don't think we will work out because you are not in love with me after 4 or 5 dates, I have to say....I find you a bit....hmm...insane. Not to mention you going on about our relationship when we, again, have gone on 4 or 5 dates. Please clue me into when we started a relationship? I thought we were just getting to know one another...Apparently I missed something. Seriously, I feel like the pants are reversed when you look at gender stereotypes after that. Thanks for doing me a favor. Bye, bye!

    Seriously...who in the world expects to be in love that quick?

    OMG...I got a similar text from a guy a few years back...that we wouldn't "work out" after like, two dates. Seriously? What was there to "work out?" eek.

    To add to it, he is bummed over the decision because he really, really likes me a lot, he "really wants to love me." Again....wtf?? I don't know how I meet these people!

    To be fair..this kid seems like a creep and this whole situation seems insane. But, 4-5 dates (not "dates" in my case) is what it took for me to really KNOW...if you see what I'm saying...there's something I can't describe but can only attempt to that I feel after a few weeks or so, where I'm not going to tell her anything crazy but I know I want to spend as much time as humanly possible with her in the near future of my life.

    Dear wisdom teeth,

    Please stop giving me problems, it's been a week. My jaw hurts, my face hurts, I'm still swollen, and I'm hoping to God upstairs I don't have an infection or anything.

  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    Dear Lady With Posterior Stick Placement Syndrome

    I realize that you have a disorder that causes your perspective on everyone and everything thing outside of your own family to be dismal. It is not hard to imagine, based on how you treat others, how miserable you feel. After doing some reflecting on your condition and how you might alleviate your symptoms (chronic gossip, criticism, whining, complaining, etc) I realized there is a quick solution to your agony and the similar sensation you cause others.

    This quick article from WebMD should explain it all.

    Condition: Posterior Stick Placement Syndrome
    Causes: Unknown
    Treatment: 1. Remove the stick from your butt

    Hopefully you following this regimen will make you feel better. I know it will help me.



    I see you've met my mother-in-law...small world!
  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    Dear Practically Everyone who Walks Into My Bank,

    I appreciate your business, more than you know. But if you're not on the person's account, don't ask for the person's account info! It's not yours! And when I tell you I can't give it to you, don't give me **** about it! And while you're at it, yes you do need to fill out a DEPOSIT SLIP to make a DEPOSIT. Fully. In its entirety. Yes, that means your full name. And address. And amount you're depositing. No, you can't abbreviate your city name- don't be lazy! And business owners, for Heaven's Sake, don't wait until Friday and deposit 80 frikin' bags into our night drop! We have **** to do in the morning, people, and especially after the weekend. Be considerate!!!


    Your Friendly Neighborhood Teller

    Dear Teller,

    I hand you money, my atm card and my id, you do the rest. That's your job and partially the reason why your bank charges such
    exorbitant fees.

    Thank you.

    Dear Disgruntled Customer,

    How hard is it to put your name and address on a piece of paper so we have a paper trail of your transactions? By all means, hand me your money and no slip- I'll just take a 25% "fee" out of it and put the rest in. I wouldn't get caught...you didn't fill out a slip and therefore have no way to prove how much you had to start with. Also, when I'm over at the end of the night, and it's because I accidentally typed the wrong amount into your account, good luck proving it.Your level of service goes up proportionally with how nice you are...so, don't be a jerk, ok? Fill out the slip. I'm fairly certain your hand won't atrophy and fall off if you do.

    Also, some of the "exorbitant fees" my bank charges are for little amenities like absolute fraud protection on your debit card, free temporary cards when you lose yours, unlimited bank statements, and reimbursement when the teller who you smart-mouthed hits you in the face. If you don't like them, why are you with the bank?


    Your Marginally Less Friendly Neighborhood Teller

    sometimes i get the urge to sell their acct numbers... but then my conscious kicks. in. damn!
  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    Dear rude lady at work today,

    I am not going to break privacy policies to do want you want me to do and get fired. So sorry for just doing my job and "screwing the rest of the world over"
    Have a nice day ***** :)
    You must work for Comcast
    Nope I work at a bank and refused to cash a check that wasn't even made out to her

    Oh, Lord! This happens to me ALL THE TIME!

    girl, i feel for you workin at boa... i work across the street and ppl come in a bitc* about boa alllll the time, STFU!

    my other half is spent listening to retards say "i miss wachovia, they cared!"

    NO they didnt care, they went out of business for letting you dip$hits get your way all day, every day.

    "what happend to the neighborhood bank?" i set that *kitten* on fire!!! this is wells.... its the mortgage giant, not the "neighborhood bank" that serves free donuts to the homeless.
  • RahBuhBuh
    RahBuhBuh Posts: 585 Member
    Dear Lady With Posterior Stick Placement Syndrome

    I realize that you have a disorder that causes your perspective on everyone and everything thing outside of your own family to be dismal. It is not hard to imagine, based on how you treat others, how miserable you feel. After doing some reflecting on your condition and how you might alleviate your symptoms (chronic gossip, criticism, whining, complaining, etc) I realized there is a quick solution to your agony and the similar sensation you cause others.

    This quick article from WebMD should explain it all.

    Condition: Posterior Stick Placement Syndrome
    Causes: Unknown
    Treatment: 1. Remove the stick from your butt

    Hopefully you following this regimen will make you feel better. I know it will help me.



    I see you've met my mother-in-law...small world!

    If that is your mother-in-law, OH how I feel for you.
  • snowfox92
    snowfox92 Posts: 100 Member
    Dear Guy That Can't Drive,
    Today is my birthday and I would appreciate it if you would stop at the posted stop sign and not try and bash in the side of my car. In fact, even if it WEREN'T my birthday, it would be appreciated. I could have died if I weren't so defensive of a driver. And FYI, a ski mask and a thick fluffy winter jacket mixed in a car while speeding down the road in a 25 zone makes you look like a serial killer.
  • coatsie79
    coatsie79 Posts: 187 Member
    Dear Nextdoor Neighbour,

    I know the wind blew over your shed on Tuesday, knocking over our bins at the back and blocking our gate from opening. I also know you pushed your shed back upright, but still had the nerve to leave it leaning dangerously against our bins because the base is all rotten and has no support. Can I then ask you WHY you haven't yet moved your shed to a safer place knowing full well how windy it is at the moment? The wind blew it over AGAIN last night, so the bins are again blocking our gate from opening properly so I had to climb over the wall to even get out of my own back yard.

    Can you please get someone to take the stupid shed down as it's dangerous and I don't want it knocking over our bins and blocking us in!!! MOVE IT!!

  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    Dear Lazy Shopper,
    I really appreciate the way you ALWAYS unload the shopping cart and LEAVE IT RIGHT WHERE YOU UNLOADED IT! Because of your selfishness everyone else must get out and move it so that they can park there. This is especially fun if its raining! There is also the probability that it may roll down the hill and dent someones elses brand new car that they worked so very hard to purchase. But you do not care at all. If someones cart rolled into your junker you would never know it because of the way you treat not only other peoples belongings but yours as well. You are such a selfish person that you cannot walk the 100 feet to the shopping cart corral and leave your cart where it is supposed to be left. Just imagine if EVERYONE left their cart where they unloaded it, then YOU would not have a place to park your piece of crap auto. The whole world does NOT revolve around you! The walk would really do you some good and may help eleviate the mega calories from the super size bags of potato chips, the cases of full calorie cokes and the sacks of candy bars you purchased with the food stamps obtained from the taxpayers. The only thing that is more pathetic than yourself is the way you justify this action by claiming you are helping the store provide work for some kid. Guess what...he or she would have this job without your stupidity.

    I despise this - ultimate all about me laziness!!!
  • DarkAngel525
    Dear Mom,

    I understand I'm 28 and I shouldn't ever need to borrow money, but it's the first time in FOREVER, and I just simply made an auto-pay error in my banking account. It's $40 and you act like I'm inconveniencing you to no end. I do quite a lot to make you happier and healthier and I'd appreciate you not making me feel like a complete loser because I dare make a mistake.

    Love, Your Daughter

    PS - - I love you more than anything, just had to get this off my chest
  • Krushchev
    Krushchev Posts: 180 Member
    Dear Mom,

    I understand I'm 28 and I shouldn't ever need to borrow money, but it's the first time in FOREVER, and I just simply made an auto-pay error in my banking account. It's $40 and you act like I'm inconveniencing you to no end. I do quite a lot to make you happier and healthier and I'd appreciate you not making me feel like a complete loser because I dare make a mistake.

    Love, Your Daughter

    PS - - I love you more than anything, just had to get this off my chest

    Ugh, same thing.
    Dear Mom:
    I understand that I am 27 & should never have to borrow money, but I'm not really borrowing it, I just want to know when you will give me my money back. I hate that every time you're broke, it's my problem. I understand that you are letting me stay with you, but I pay rent & bills & do all the cooking-- sorry you've lost weight since I moved in, btw, I know your doctor was -super- upset. It would be really nice to actually be able to -save- to move back out.
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    this thread rocks...lol.... totally needed on a stressful day!
  • Moofey2
    Moofey2 Posts: 327 Member
    I am some responses about my threads like telling me I should stop along with some people complaining at me(I really do not care to much haha). I don't think I will be stopping anytime soon!
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    Dear Husband,

    Please explain to me why when I was doing dishes this morning I noticed LIVE CRICKETS on the shelf above the sink! I HATE BUGS. YOU KNOW THIS. And what in the hell made you think that leaving them in my KITCHEN was appropriate?! If you can't figure out the proper place to put their food, I'm going to introduce your frogs to Craigs List.

    Uber Pissed Wife

    I feel like I just watched "Deliverance"
  • gorgeouss9
    Dear Kid Brother,
    Must you fall asleep watching tv and keeping the light open so that my birdies are awake ALL NIGHT!!! I kept waking up (intermittently) to the sound of my birds chirping and the sound of the tv. I was too tired to get up and go downstairs to make a scene - until 5am. Poor birdies, I wonder if they are sleeping during the day to make up for the long night ?!?!