Write to the person that annoyed you today!



  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    Dear Mother's dog -

    Why is it that every time I go on a walk you wait until I have run out of doggie bags and then wait till there are 10 people in their front yard and you decide to do your buisness right there in front of them, in their yard.

    Horribly embarassed
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Dear Captives in my basement

    Please stop chewing through the duct tape. It is really inconvenient to constantly have to buy more.

    the one who loves you above all others and will hug and squezze an play with you all days.
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    Dear Ex-BFF,

    My fiance and I are not amused with your drama. In fact, we're the bigger people because we're choosing to stay away from it. Don't act smug like you "won" anything, when in fact, we're just celebrating starting the new year without you in in. Us agreeing to be witnesses against you in your court cases surprisingly have nothing to do with you jumping off our cell phone account and leaving me with a $50 bill for that month. I honestly make enough that I could wipe my *kitten* with $50, so being out $50 to be permanently rid of you doesn't bother me. What bothers me are your lies and manipulation trying to take your ex away from his daughter just because you're pissed he moved on. Oh, and I also got a refund check in the mail for the internet we had together that more than covered the $50 bill you left me with. I guess THAT is the karma you were talking about...I came out ahead in the situation and still got to use your money to do it. =)

    - B
  • smashatoms
    smashatoms Posts: 144 Member
    Dear Coworker,
    When you say that 'everyone thinks their a designer' with acid on your tongue, I want you to examine what you do to earn your paycheck. You go online, pull photographs off the web pages of other manufacturers, paste those pictures into Excel, and email it off to China. You don't design ANYTHING! Since when are you picking up a pencil and putting it to paper?!
    And guess what, I AM a designer. I have my Bachelors in Fine Art. Outside of this desolate brick building I am a successful artist. So kiss my *kitten* you horrid ****ing ****.
  • AmberMagdalena
    AmberMagdalena Posts: 461 Member
    Left off on page three....
  • 1smemae94
    1smemae94 Posts: 365 Member
    Dear person who thinks they know everything,

    That little diet you're on where you're barely eating and you lost 5 pounds, does NOT give you the right to tell me to eat less. I don't think so, especially since when you start eating again you gain every single pound you lost plus some.

    Sincerely, me

    Dear whiny "friend",
    When you don't show up to work most the time, they aren't going to give you hours. When you eat junk all the time, you will gain weight. When you don't know how to shut your mouth, drama will revolve around you. If you don't stop being such a witch, you won't have a friend anymore. Okay?
  • TNTwedell
    TNTwedell Posts: 277 Member
    oh boy - this is good! Can we have a thread like this everyday??

    Ahem, here it goes
    Dear SDB,
    I have had it. Get your *kitten* together. You are being way to lazy for your own good. Vacation is over. You are an adult, accept responsibility & take action. There is no way you can possibly be tired still - you take naps all the freaking time. How does one person nap THAT MUCH! Im tired of carrying you.
    And ps. you went to the gym ONCE this week - stop talking about what you did while you were there & where you are sore. its freaking thursday already.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    Dear Brother,

    Mom does not need to spend over $500 to get an HD tv, vcr, cables etc. JUST so she can watch streaming Netflix. It's not true HD anyway. Just have her buy the $50 Roku and be done with it and stop frickin' bugging me!

    Icky Nici
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    Dear gremlin looking bro who does that real frivolously convoluted circuit training routine,

    You ****in' stink!...Take a damn shower and use some deodorant...Don't just change back into your work clothes after your sweaty, redundant, dance routine and act like that's appropriate.

    Your friend,

  • stcar
    stcar Posts: 207 Member
    Dear menopausal women of my office,

    It was abnormally warm outside today, which so happened to make it a little warm in our office today, rather then the usual ice box. Stop your whinning about workplace health and safety and how you're about to pass out. 90% of the time our office is freezing and when you see me shivering in my blanket, you tell me to eat a burger. shove it :)
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    Dear boyfriend,

    -slams head on keyboard- LOL! Sometimes you're like a cat! You only come around when YOU'RE in the mood for attention... You know sometimes... I'd like some attention!
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Bump for later
  • Li_Willi
    Li_Willi Posts: 96 Member
    Bumpity Bump Bump! This was good...needed this today.
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    Dear Moron in the white pickup truck,

    I'm not sure what you thought you were going to gain by speeding up and passing me just as the road merged from two lanes into one. I'm sure you were shocked when I didn't move over and make room for you and when you had to slam on your brakes for the car who was driving in front of me doing the speed limit. I'm betting you made that poor guy just as pissed as you rode his bumper for the next 1/2 mile. Imagine my surprise when you turned off the road onto a side street into a trailer park at that point, forcing me to slow down for you. I'm sure your red-neck wife appreciated that you got home that extra two seconds sooner.



    I HATE when people do this!!!
  • chrisyb2002
    Dear Reece's peanut butter cups,
    Please stop calling my name and looking so tempting -you are the reason for my 5 pound weight gain. It has got to stop!
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    Dear co-worker,

    Why is it necessary for you to assume that I'm not working my scheduled hours on the weekend when I arrive 2.5-3 hours before you? I am only required to work 4 hours on Sundays so, yes, I do leave an hour after you get there but I've been there since 7!!! Also, thank you for going to my boss so that I have to try to explain the situation. And when I go to you to ask if there is anything bothering you about me you say, "no, it is just this place...I don't have any problem with you".

    Thank you for not having any spine and trying to make me look bad! @sshole! You could be on fire in front of me and I wouldn't so much as pee on you to put you out!

    Dear D-bag co-worker,
    After having another administrator investigate it appears that you are simply holding a grudge for something I did that bothered you in June....of 2010!!!!!! Yes, 18 months ago (oh, and you didn't have the courtesy to even tell me about it then). Apparently someone made a comment to you that made you think about it so now you're angry again.

    Are you that shallow and miserable that you need to relive something that I didn't know affected you and had nothing to do with you anyway??!!!

    Thanks for making work suck this week. @ss!!!
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I'd be writing all day to some of the tools, a-holes, and cyber-nerds/tough guys hiding behind their screens..... I saw earlier responding with negativity and drama on some MFP posts.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Dear Cousin,
    I understand you think dressing in skimpy, barely there clothing is sexy, but it's not, especially not in the manner you attempt. Regardless, it is certainly not appropriate attire for our grandmother's funeral, even if you had the body to pull it off (which you don't).
  • trublue82
    Dear Battlefield 3...I truely do hate you. I want my husband back!!!

    This is mine. Actually he's playing Skyrim right now, Battlefield 3 will be played next though. :grumble:
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    Dear Fiance .. I´m not a nice looking piece of furniture that loves to stay home bored ! so TAKE ME OUT !

