does anyone have recipes for low fat "manly" meals???



  • margieward82
    margieward82 Posts: 406 Member
    hiya :)
    i'm looking for recipes that are low fat and low in carbs. my boyfriend isn't liking my new healthy meals,i really dont want to have to make 3 seperate dinners a day,one for me,one for him and one for my 1 year old. if anyone can help that would be great :)
    thank you

    I cook for me, my hubby and my (almost) 2 year old daughter and make use all nearly the same thing use little tweaks and adjustments.
    ex: chili- I make with 93/7 beef or mix of 99/1 turkey and 90/10 ground beef. cook it then pull out about a cup or so for the baby, then add more cyanne and hot seaoning. serve over brown rice with some shreaded cheese and everyone is happy! Side salad and smaller portion for me and larger bowl for hubby, mild bowl for baby and some fruit.

    beef stew- he gets more of the meat and potatoes, I get more of the veggies and baby gets a good mix.

    side note: for those women jumping on her to tell the husband to make his own food, don't judge! Some of us still maintain a "homemaker" role (many like nme while working full time) and like being able to provide a home-cooked meal for our family everyday!!
  • Ladydrake12
    Ladydrake12 Posts: 45 Member
    3lb uncooked turkey breast
    1 can whole cranberry sauce
    1 package onion soup mix (2 packages come in a box, but you only need the one)
    1/2 cup chicken or turkey broth

    Throw all that in a crockpot and cook on low for 4-6 hours. BAM! Beautiful meal that is so simple you could cry.
  • MinnesotaManimal
    MinnesotaManimal Posts: 642 Member
    As a man I have to chime in. If dude can't cook or fend for himself then he's not really worth cooking for.

    This is a wise statment.

    Its the opposite in my home. I enjoy cooking and do about 90% of the dinners, and if she does not like what is going down, she eats something different. But that being said, My wife is not picky and just adjusts portion size to fit how she wants to finish her calories for the day. Easy peasy.

    Also, we have a 3 yr old and a 22 month old in the house, and we made the decision when the first was born that we would not be cooking "special" meals for the children unless the main dish is something extremely spicy ( because that would just be mean wouldnt it.... ) ever since they could eat solids we started to either puree when they were first starting, and then just cutting everything up small. Not trying to sound judmental, I just do not understand why people make different food for their kids on a regular basis.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    If you pre-plan your meals and then log them in at the beginning of the day you can fill in your calories and other macro nutrients around that meal....that's what I do. I have a husband and 2 boys and I WILL NOT cook 2 dinners. We have normal stuff....spaghetti, sloppy joes, tacos, chicken, pizza, fish, shells and cheese, mashed potatoes, french fries, pork chops.....etc

    This is pretty much how I approach it as well. Besides finding new lower cal versions of recipes (,, cookinglight, etc) I've made small changes in our favorite recipes that help balance things out but don't alter the taste much.

    For instance, if we have spaghetti and meatballs, I either make my own sauce or pick the lowest calorie jarred sauce, use turkey meatballs (cooked perfect brand are awesome IMHO), add a bunch of veggies and plate the pasta then add the sauce so I can control my portion of it and give him plenty if he's hungry. Casseroles can be the same - lower the amount of pasta/rice, add more veggies to fill and use less or leaner meat (chicken breast, leanest ground beef or turkey). If you've got a meal like steak and potatoes, you can control your portion when you plate the meal.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
  • datguy2011
    datguy2011 Posts: 477 Member
    If he doesn't like it, then I assume he can make his own dinner.

    Glad to see im not the only one who's head this popped up in! lol
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Make him a big, juicy sausage. I'm sure he will love it.

  • margieward82
    margieward82 Posts: 406 Member
    The comments that the hubby can make his own dinner are not helpful... Some women still enjuoy making a dinner for the entire family that all will enjoy! And why dirty the kitchen twice?!? Find ways to slowly get everyone on the same or similar menu, then the whole family benifits and can eat together and have quality time! Remeber eating dinner as a family and talking about your day?!? Good times that we strive to have still in our household!
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    If you pre-plan your meals and then log them in at the beginning of the day you can fill in your calories and other macro nutrients around that meal....that's what I do. I have a husband and 2 boys and I WILL NOT cook 2 dinners. We have normal stuff....spaghetti, sloppy joes, tacos, chicken, pizza, fish, shells and cheese, mashed potatoes, french fries, pork chops.....etc

    I know where I'm going for dinner now!
  • I need to chime in...While I respect the "tell him to make his own" comments...(my husband does just that without complaining when he needs to) I also cook most of the food in our family... I am going to school and working a very low paying very part time job... My husband is the one making the majority of the money and working a lot more hours than I am... I am the one that has time to plan, shop and prepare the meals. I consider that my job, so I can understand the poster's question, and because I love my husband, I strive to provide healthy meals that he likes as well.
    To respond to the original question,
    I make potato soup, with skim milk and canadian bacon. If your husband isn't watching his weight, he can add cooked bacon and cheese on top to make it more hardy, or just add more lean meat.
    I make beef stew with lean beef and make sure I add lots of veggies and potatoes, my husband usually eats mostly meat and potatoes, which leaves lots of veggies for me!
    I make lean pork chops on the grill with cajun seasoning with sweet potatoes and veggie packets. IF your hubby doesn't like sweet potatoes, you can do a regular potato for him just as easy. I make one 4 oz portion for me and 2 for my hubby and the kids like them too, I just use less spice on them.
    Hope this helps!
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    If you pre-plan your meals and then log them in at the beginning of the day you can fill in your calories and other macro nutrients around that meal....that's what I do. I have a husband and 2 boys and I WILL NOT cook 2 dinners. We have normal stuff....spaghetti, sloppy joes, tacos, chicken, pizza, fish, shells and cheese, mashed potatoes, french fries, pork chops.....etc

    I know where I'm going for dinner now!

    Lol.....anytime! I'm sure my husband would REALLY like Homemade pizza tonight. It might have some little boy germs in it..I'm going to let them "help."
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The comments that the hubby can make his own dinner are not helpful... Some women still enjuoy making a dinner for the entire family that all will enjoy! And why dirty the kitchen twice?!? Find ways to slowly get everyone on the same or similar menu, then the whole family benifits and can eat together and have quality time! Remeber eating dinner as a family and talking about your day?!? Good times that we strive to have still in our household!

    I could be wrong, but the impression I get from the OP isn't that her boyfriend so much doesn't like what she's making but that he's refusing to even try it. I live with one of those. I'm not going to kill myself over a picky eater. I do enjoy cooking for my "family" and having them enjoy what I make. But they are also impossible to please, so I make what makes me happy and they're welcome to it. Otherwise, they're on their own.
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    I need to chime in...While I respect the "tell him to make his own" comments...(my husband does just that without complaining when he needs to) I also cook most of the food in our family... I am going to school and working a very low paying very part time job... My husband is the one making the majority of the money and working a lot more hours than I am... I am the one that has time to plan, shop and prepare the meals. I consider that my job, so I can understand the poster's question, and because I love my husband, I strive to provide healthy meals that he likes as well.

    I agree with situation is similar. I don't work outside the home and my husband has a very demanding job. I would feel like a horrible wife if I told him to make his own. Also, any respectful SO would be happy to eat whatever is made for them.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Just don't feed him anything with leeks in it. It's a proven fact that if you feed a guy leeks his bits will fall off.
  • shvrngrl
    shvrngrl Posts: 205 Member
    If you pre-plan your meals and then log them in at the beginning of the day you can fill in your calories and other macro nutrients around that meal....that's what I do. I have a husband and 2 boys and I WILL NOT cook 2 dinners. We have normal stuff....spaghetti, sloppy joes, tacos, chicken, pizza, fish, shells and cheese, mashed potatoes, french fries, pork chops.....etc

    This is pretty much how I approach it as well. Besides finding new lower cal versions of recipes (,, cookinglight, etc) I've made small changes in our favorite recipes that help balance things out but don't alter the taste much.

    For instance, if we have spaghetti and meatballs, I either make my own sauce or pick the lowest calorie jarred sauce, use turkey meatballs (cooked perfect brand are awesome IMHO), add a bunch of veggies and plate the pasta then add the sauce so I can control my portion of it and give him plenty if he's hungry. Casseroles can be the same - lower the amount of pasta/rice, add more veggies to fill and use less or leaner meat (chicken breast, leanest ground beef or turkey). If you've got a meal like steak and potatoes, you can control your portion when you plate the meal.

    I do the same. Dinner is an important meal in our house, usually the only time in the day we are all together. I just alter our existing recipes so they are healthier. My husband is a meat and potato man and he's also English so he enjoys heartier meals like meat pies. He is also really supportive, he hates veg, but will now eat salads and green veggies, which he was once quite certain he was allergic too. I think as parents its so important to teach your children good lifestyle habits via your actions.
  • JaiHook
    JaiHook Posts: 12 Member
    My go to recipe website is She makes delicious meals for her husband and child and always get their seal of approval before posting. She takes the foods we love (and that make us unhealthy) and lightens them up. She even posts the calorie information
  • JasonD334
    JasonD334 Posts: 94 Member
    I NEVER cook anything, but my wife uses, and we eat very tasty, healthy, meals from there. P.S- None of their meals have ever made me feel emasculated :)

    Phew! Good to know. I was hoping I wasn't causing my boyfriend to suddenly grow boobs by feeding him vegetables or something.

    Trust me, if guys could grow boobs by eating vegetables, then there would be many single dudes eating the hell out of some veggies. Guys don't care if they are your boobs or theirs, because boobs basically

    Carry on!
  • BL_Coleman
    BL_Coleman Posts: 324 Member
    Steak between 150-250 calories depeding on size, get him a bigger steak
    Salad- hand him the ranch, you take a vinegrette
    Corn- 70 calories per 1/2 cup
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    If you pre-plan your meals and then log them in at the beginning of the day you can fill in your calories and other macro nutrients around that meal....that's what I do. I have a husband and 2 boys and I WILL NOT cook 2 dinners. We have normal stuff....spaghetti, sloppy joes, tacos, chicken, pizza, fish, shells and cheese, mashed potatoes, french fries, pork chops.....etc

    Also, why are you looking for low-fat? Fat isn't bad for you unless you have a specific health problem. Calories make you fat, not the fat in foods.

    Not necessarily true. If an unusually high percentage of your calories are coming from fats instead of carbs and protein as well, you will have a more difficult time losing the weight. There is a balance required, and some people seem to have to maintain that balance more than others. I find that with my 1,200 calorie diet I was doing that if I was eating less food but with higher fat, I seemed to stall on weight loss.
  • I found these really awesome cook books long ago called "Cooking Healthy with a Man in Mind". They food is delish, and they don't taste "healthy" by Joanna Lund. My bf loves eating healthy so that's not a problem in our house, besides he's a chef, so he can definitely cook what he wants. We both have a "I am not a short-order cook" mentality. I have not tasted a single one of her recipes that were not incredibly delish. I can usually find her cookbooks at half price books and amazon for less than $5. I definitely suggest checking out all of them. Basically she shows you effective ways to make favorites healthy including shepherd's pie, meatloaf, desserts, soups, etc.