Help! I hate lunges, how can I learn to like them???



  • Jessica0982
    Jessica0982 Posts: 209 Member
    It happens in the middle of a class...I used to do a Total Body Toning class. It was AWESOME but man oh man when we got to a certain point, it wasn't my legs burning that caused me to stop. It was my arches! I don't know what type of shoe I need to help ease the discomfort.

    I must be getting old or something. I never had this problem before.

    I'll try the tennis balls...thanks!
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Exercise doesn't have to be torture but it has to be challenging.

    For sure I agree there needs to be a balance.
    As I said exercises needs to push ones threshold and yes this is how you get good results and along with a solid diet plan your unstoppable! :)
  • pmlewis93
    There is no way to like them. I am a gymnast, I have done them for 8 years, and I still do not like them. Try something different that will help just the same. I personally believe lunges are too harsh on one's knees. Try doing squats down your stairs without supporting yourself. We do them at the gym all the time to keep pressure off of our knees. Just hop up the stairs [through your toes, not using your knees], and then just do a squat on each stair as you walk back down the stairs. They don't suck as much as lunges and do works with your legs, especially the inner thighs.
  • premiumchilenita
    premiumchilenita Posts: 600 Member
    I don't like lunges as well, so I do squats instead, they use most of the same muscles and you get a great looking derierre. Now don't tell me you don't like squats...:huh: :laugh:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,671 Member

    you need to stretch out your calves and your arches...try massage your arch with a tennis ball by standing and applying a little bit of weight. It'll feel good too! I get this everyonce in awhile and most of the time it's poor shoes and the tightening of my ligament or tendon.
    Even better a golf ball hits the spot well.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,671 Member
    For sure I agree there needs to be a balance.
    As I said exercises needs to push ones threshold and yes this is how you get good results and along with a solid diet plan your unstoppable! :)
    So then pushing one's threshold is going out of comfort zone, right?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    Someone once told me "Lunges are the differemce between granny panties and thongs." I think of that everytime I do lunges and it makes them seem easier, haha.

    That's good quote.

    No pain, no gain...

    I hate bicycle crunches and they suck everytime and it hurts. But I keep doing them, one day they won't hurt.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    So then pushing one's threshold is going out of comfort zone, right?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    Sure it can be but you dont have to pick exercises as a pt that clients despise. Thats a sure way to make the majority of clients unhappy with their fitness training really fast and that is not only bad for our industry but the over all health problem we have with people in general not liking fitness. In my educated opinion its better to find another similar excersise that the client is more comfortable with doing and then push their threshold that way.. Wait why would I be telling you this A.C.E.? What do they teach you in A.C.E.?? I know that was a way easier certification to get than what I have but still. I am alot younger than you so maybe I just havent developed that callus mentality twards others or maybe its your kick boxing attitude.. dunno.
    Any ways this the kind of N.S.C.A. Certified Personal Trainer I am to my clients. Oh well no worries I get er done with results using the best newest up to date knowledge they teach not only in college but also in N.S.C.A., all the while keeping my clients happy and extremely challenged. That my friend is my method and that keeps my client base growing bigger while keeping peoples health positive, and as long as my friends who are my clients are happy then so am I. To each their own! :)

    Edit: I suggest futher discussions should be held in private email as we are slightly going off topic from the OP's thead.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    There is no way to like them. I am a gymnast, I have done them for 8 years, and I still do not like them. Try something different that will help just the same. I personally believe lunges are too harsh on one's knees. Try doing squats down your stairs without supporting yourself. We do them at the gym all the time to keep pressure off of our knees. Just hop up the stairs [through your toes, not using your knees], and then just do a squat on each stair as you walk back down the stairs. They don't suck as much as lunges and do works with your legs, especially the inner thighs.

    ^ This is interesting.
  • MoonShadow_1au
    MoonShadow_1au Posts: 149 Member
    Lol, there's a difference of being out of your comfort zone and "killing" a person. A few reps and sets of lunges won't "kill" you unless there's a serious knee, hip or ankle issue.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    To this I say cudos. There is excersise that is a pain and then there is painful exercise. Make sure you get this right to avoid injury.

    I have ostio-arthritis in my hip and through a PT who knows what they are doing and my ostiopath I have been limited to a 90 degree bend in my hip. Can't go lower without injury and that is fine by me. To push me out of my comfort zone I add weight.
  • monkeymouse74
    Hate the pain,:sad: but love the gain....:love:
  • monkeymouse74
    Someone once told me "Lunges are the differemce between granny panties and thongs." I think of that everytime I do lunges and it makes them seem easier, haha.

  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    It's good you hate them. It's puts you out of your comfort zone.

    I am simply saying it doesnt have to be this way. Hate is never good and honestly even walking briskly burns fat with out all the hate and pain from other excersises. Maybe get on a treadmil and add some inclines to work your muscles in your legs. Yes you can enjoy excersise. OP said she HATES lunges. Well then try squats or other similar excersises. Also to repeat what some of you keep missing in my posts is that she does not have to tough them out when there are many other options that are just as good that she might not "HATE" but rather will still keep her challenged with the same results or better for that matter.
  • dragonflybird
    Listen to good music while doing them. Trust me!
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    Do them in roller skates for about a week, then go back to doing them with regular shoes on. You'll love them then. ;)
  • avesoriano
    Good music. Its so much better if im watching someone doing it. Its so
    Boring to do it alone
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Lol, there's a difference of being out of your comfort zone and "killing" a person. A few reps and sets of lunges won't "kill" you unless there's a serious knee, hip or ankle issue.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    To this I say cudos. There is excersise that is a pain and then there is painful exercise. Make sure you get this right to avoid injury.

    I have ostio-arthritis in my hip and through a PT who knows what they are doing and my ostiopath I have been limited to a 90 degree bend in my hip. Can't go lower without injury and that is fine by me. To push me out of my comfort zone I add weight.

    ^^Moonshadow this may be true for you since you have an injury but lets be honest guy I hardly think the OP wants to "add weight" lol and to "add weight" even in body building/weight lifting you have to eat a surpluss in cals in which some of that will be stored as fat.

    Well cheers im out of here. Good Luck OP with your goals and keep it up and remember there are other many other exercsises/options you might not hate having the same benefits or better and still stay challenged!!
  • Luthorcrow
    I am not a fan of lunges either but here is how I came to tolerate them. Do Bulgarian split squats for a cycle. You will be jumping for joy to do lunges again.

    For me doing walking lunges are just more fun than static lunges.

    Also there are other movements that work the same muscle group, like step ups which personally I just enjoy more.
  • zombiefruit
    If you're really committed to doing them (and they are pretty great in terms of results, aren't they?) then remind yourself that you'll only be doing lunges for a few minutes at a time. You just need to get through those few minutes - and then you're done with them for the day.

    I get through a lot of unpleasant things by reminding myself that it's only a temporary situation!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,671 Member
    Sure it can be but you dont have to pick exercises as a pt that clients despise. Thats a sure way to make the majority of clients unhappy with their fitness training really fast and that is not only bad for our industry but the over all health problem we have with people in general not liking fitness. In my educated opinion its better to find another similar excersise that the client is more comfortable with doing and then push their threshold that way.. Wait why would I be telling you this A.C.E.? What do they teach you in A.C.E.?? I know that was a way easier certification to get than what I have but still. I am alot younger than you so maybe I just havent developed that callus mentality twards others or maybe its your kick boxing attitude.. dunno.
    Any ways this the kind of N.S.C.A. Certified Personal Trainer I am to my clients. Oh well no worries I get er done with results using the best newest up to date knowledge they teach not only in college but also in N.S.C.A., all the while keeping my clients happy and extremely challenged. That my friend is my method and that keeps my client base growing bigger while keeping peoples health positive, and as long as my friends who are my clients are happy then so am I. To each their own! :)

    Edit: I suggest futher discussions should be held in private email as we are slightly going off topic from the OP's thead.
    Lol, nice way to try to make yourself look "better" than me.:laugh: If you know how to read clients, you know which ones that REALLY despise an exercise and one's that whine about them. I'm not unintelligent (as you're trying to imply here) and know how to pick the program and routines that work with clients based on their fitness background or health history. Working in a Wellness Facility instead of just a "gym" is different because a lot of our clientele is older (seniors), recovering from surgery, accidents, gastric bypass, disease, heart ailments etc. but we do have a large population of every age as well. With 8,000 members in our facility, and being directly connected with a hospital, a "certification" isn't the only thing you need to train people.
    Anyway, like I stated, a good PT will KNOW what exercises WHINE about and ones that clients totally despise or makes them unhappy. If I have a client flat out tell me that they DON'T want to do lunges anymore, I'll change the exercise. It's that simple.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition