Do you comment on other people's weight?



  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    If I know that someone has been trying to lose weight, I'll comment. Or if someone is obviously making an effort to get healthy, I'll tell them they're doing a great job. But most of the time I don't even notice that someone's losing weight, or if I do notice I'm worried that I'll be wrong and they havent' actually lost anything. :laugh:
  • I do tell some people that I have seen at the gym on a regular basis if they have lost weight. I'm a female and I have only told other females and each one of them were very flattered and relieved. I will say something like, "Excuse me but I've been seeing you in our power flex class and I really see a difference, you look good".

    They thank me and they often say, "Sometimes I don't see the difference" and I come right back with, "Well since I only see you once a week I do see it, and again you look great." Depending on the person I will say, "Excuse me I hate you, look at your flat stomach, nice butt and toned legs. I would fight you for those, you look amazing." LOL
  • galvodka
    galvodka Posts: 102
    This is rough....because i feel like someone should DEFINITELY be acknowledged for their hard work but don't want to say anything about their weight. I usually say "You look good", then immediately feel guilty because then do they think I'm saying they look bad when they weigh more?

    For me.....I am very pleased when someone tells me I look good. I don't mind so much when another woman says I look good and asks if I'm losing weight...but do get kinda creeped out when a man makes a comment about my weight.
  • autumnridge
    autumnridge Posts: 97 Member
    I agree with you! Having been heavy, heavier, and heaviest, I feel it would be extremely hypocritical of me to utter one word about another's weight! I know someone who has not always been normal weight, who calls other people "hippo hips" or "pork chop" and I find that extremely offensive. I'm not certain this is exactly how this saying goes, but it is something about never criticizing another until you have walked a mile in their moccasins. If I am extremely stressed, it seems as if I lose all sense of not eating the things I should. Other people I know, when stresssed, cannot eat anything. We all have different metabolisms, genes, and ways of handling things.
  • tlsegar
    tlsegar Posts: 185 Member
    I can't imagine why I would be offended if someone commented on my weight loss. It's not like I didn't know I was heavy. I admit it can be a little embarrassing if someone makes a big deal about it, but that's just because I tend to shy away from attention. I never think that someone means anything ill by it. I have and will comment other people on their weight loss. I know that many times it is hard for me to see my own physical changes, and I think that's common. So someone else noticing and commenting can be a great motivator to keep going and stick with it. There have been a couple times that I was getting frustrated because I wasn't seeing anything. Then someone gave me a compliment and it was a boost I needed to get me out of a mental rut.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I'm flattered when people mention that I've lost a lot of weight. I'm not so happy about the ones who tell me I'm getting too skinny, when I still feel I need to lose another 10 lbs. When I notice friends who've lost weight, I tell them, "You look great!" That's okay, right?
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Perhaps it is less the noticing and more the surprise in people's voices? I have never been properly overweight. At most my BMI was just over 25, and that was only while I was breastfeeding, so I suppose it just upsets me that people think I have lost a lot of weight when in fact I am only back to how I was 10 years ago, and even from my very highest 9 months pregnant weight I have only lost 30 or so lbs. It makes me think everyone has been seeing me as fat for years and not telling me.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Perhaps it is less the noticing and more the surprise in people's voices? I have never been properly overweight. At most my BMI was just over 25, and that was only while I was breastfeeding, so I suppose it just upsets me that people think I have lost a lot of weight when in fact I am only back to how I was 10 years ago, and even from my very highest 9 months pregnant weight I have only lost 30 or so lbs. It makes me think everyone has been seeing me as fat for years and not telling me.

    30 pounds is a lot. I've lost 30 pounds. And when you're only a little overweight, every pound is noticeable. It makes a big difference.

    Obviously YOU thought you needed to lose those 30 pounds, right? Because you noticed the difference it made. So why would you feel offended when other people notice your hard work? If you didn't think it would be noticeable, you probably wouldn't have taken steps to lose it in the first place, right?

    If someone points out that you're looking great or asks about your weight loss, just accept the compliment and move on. Don't look for a reason to be offended where there is none.