Have you lost close to or more than 100lbs?



  • Cseemo
    Cseemo Posts: 13 Member
    You can do it, but you have to resolve yourself that it will take time and you CANNOT give up when you don't lose as much weight as you expect or you have a day where you do not stick to your diet.

    It's going to take time.

    It's going to take hard work.

    It will be worth it.

    I've lost 100lbs thus far and have about 30 to go. I get frustrated almost daily with how slow the weight is coming off, how my body looks, etc --- but when I look at old pictures and imagine what I would have paid to be at my current weight back before I started then I put it all into perspective.

    Drink plenty of water and eat LOTS and LOTS of vegetables because it will help your skin maintain elasticity so that it will shape back around your skeleton.

    Lose the weight slowly...

    If you lose it fast you are more likely to regain it, and the faster you lose it the more extra skin you have -- and quite frankly all that extra skin can be more frustrating than being fat.

    Document EVERYTHING you eat. As long as you are honest with your documentation via MyFitnessPal it will be almost impossible to not keep losing weight...

    Last but not least, make sure you have someone or someones who are going to be your support group -- ideally people who will let you know when you are going back to old habits.

    We didn't become 100+ lbs overweight quickly, nor accidentally --- so we can't expect that losing it and keeping it off will be quick or accidental either.

    Good luck!!
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    My goal is to hit 100lbs gone by my 1 year "anniversary" on May 10th of this year. I plan my meals ahead, do cardio and strength training at least 5 days a week. When I can't get to the gym, I do a dvd at home. I drink A LOT of water lol. This is doable! I still have a long way to go. Like others have said, set small goals for yourself. When you hit a big milestone, reward yourself (just not with food lol) It is okay to splurge on occasion...you deserve it! Also, take progress pic along the way. I feel like I look the same as I did when I started, so looking at pics and comparing them...I see what others do lol. Best of luck to you on this journey! Glad you found MFP, that's a great start :)
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I had a neurologist appointment for migraines a few years ago, and in his initial report he wrote that I was a pleasant OBESE woman! WHAT?!?! I joined Weight Watchers with my mother-in-law, and it was working, at first, but I was having a hard time focusing while I was going through my separation. I stopped going to meetings and weighing myself, and gained it all back, plus an extra 50 from meds I started taking. I saw pics from a night out and realized how freakin' huge I'd gotten, so I knew I needed to get to work on myself. It's taken me a little over 3 years to get this far this time, but I had maintained a 68 lb loss for about a year before I started losing again. I was getting overwhelmed with things going on at home and put myself on the back burner. After I gained 14 back I realized I needed to put myself first again. I had started out with Weight Watchers at 318 lbs, but I had a hard time keeping up with my tracking when they changed the plan. My mom was actually paying for my membership and said that she wasn't going to keep paying if I wasn't losing, even though I was tracking my food every day. Tracking kept me from gaining it all back! Right now I'm doing Medifast and have lost almost 50 more lbs, but I really just want to use MFP the way it's meant to be used. I broke down and got a smart phone specifically so I could put the MFP app on it so I could track every single day without any excuses.

    For exercise, when I started Weight Watchers 3 yrs ago, I realized I could not jump back into kickboxing like I thought I could, so I did Leslie Sansone walking DVDs for a few weeks, and then I bought my first Turbo Jam set. I am totally addicted to it, and bought the rest of the workouts. I couldn't believe how much endurance I had at 260 lbs! I was working out 6 days a week, but that year I maintained, I did not maintain my workout routine. I've been working out religiously since September, and I have a huge dvd collection (I'm a bit of a junkie!), so I never get bored. I have a journal I use to schedule my workouts a month in advance, then I use a heart rate monitor to figure out my calorie burn and keep track of how many calories I burn and my heart rate stats, so I can go back and see my progress over the year(s). If I schedule them ahead of time, I know exactly what I'm doing and which sneakers I need to wear as soon as I get up in the morning. Yeah, I have a different pair of sneakers for each type of workout I do. :smile: Like others said before, just take it one day at a time. Thinking of the whole picture will just overwhelm you. Best of luck to you! I look forward to seeing you in the success stories!
  • Elizabeth38NC
    I love what you replied here...... awesome and congratulations on your success... :)
  • inammorata
    I got inspired to start my diet after a friend of mine lost 150 lbs. :D
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Does 84lbs count as close? When I'm done I'll have lost close to or right at 130lbs.

    I started at 250lbs, I was getting ready to start getting on the right track, then found out I was pregnant. My first doctor appt. since my dad is a diabetic they checked me, plus being so heavy at 5'3 it was likely I was on the verge of Diabetes. I found out I had Gestational Diabetes. I honestly think I had diabetes because I had the signs of it before pregnancy I just couldn't afford to really get checked and really didn't want to know. Well at first I cried, but it turned out to be one of the biggest blessings besides the little angel I carried. I ended up losing 70lbs in my pregnancy, strict dieting and monitored by a doctor. Had my daughter in Dec 2010, between being a new mom, eating when I have the chance, lack of sleep, and having a husband and 7yr old I had to tend to, I gained 25lbs. In September of 2011 I realized that I needed to get some help. I knew that under a doctor care I could and would do it. I made an appt. and now I see my doctor once a week for weigh in's and I get a b12 shot. I also take b12 and fish oil. My body lacks the energy that b12 lets off, and if I go without it I feel horrible. I hit the over weight mark Dec 31st. I'm 166.4 right now. I have about 37 more to go around about. Depends on how much more inches I lose. Everyone I tell that to, tells me that if I do that, there will be nothing left. So it just depends.
  • 276NoMore
    276NoMore Posts: 115 Member
    To: myfriendamy - Awesome logic (lose 10 lbs fifteen times) because it's "doable" in your mind and not overwhelming, thank you - I hope I apply that logic. !!!
  • Moma_Do
    Moma_Do Posts: 108 Member
    You all are so inspiring! Good work!
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    for me it was getting divorced. i would not say my exhusband was an "awful" man, but our marriage certainly was. there were a LOT of things done and said that never ever shouldve happened.

    so I chose my health and happiness and walked away. I'd rather be single than with somebody who doesnt have the ability to care for anyone but himself.

    I guess you just make better choices when you feel happy with life and with who you are. I was miserable with him. always in tears, always feeling worthless and ugly. ...its amazing what a life changing decision and a positive attitude can do. :)

    i totally get this. i was in a miserable marriage and i couldnt do it anymore. i decided that i was done and i started getting my ducks in a row. i spent about 6 months looking for a job and started saving for a lawyer and i changed how i ate completely and i started working out non stop. pool, walking, dancing, and being as active as possible in anyway i could. i wanted my health back so i could be a strong single mommy for my kids. i knew i was going to be the only one around for them so i wanted to make sure that i was pysically up for the task.
    i'm down 192 lbs so far. 28 more to go. i'm in the process of my divorce still. my kids are happy and i am too. and my ex is still a douche but he's not around me anymore. i've got a new man in my life and he's great to me. i've slowed down with the weight i lose now but i'm still trying.
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    I set small goals for myself, like 10 pounds gone. I also set fitness goals, like walking every day. That was back in the summer--my exercise has seriously decreased since it's been cold, and I'm looking forward to getting paid so I can join the fitness room at my Community Center.

    I like to cook, and I try to eat "real" food as often as possible. It's always disappointing to me when I see TV shows about low cal cooking use fat free Cool Whip for something. Thanks, I'll pass on the extra chemicals today. Once in a while, I'll get something from Skinny Cow, but it's so expensive!

    I also know that once in a while, I'll have a binge or a splurge, and I'm ok with that, because I know I'll get back on board again.

    My biggest concern right now is maintenance. I've lost weight twice before, but not kept it off. I know the statistics for keeping weight off are discouraging. My long term goal is to MAINTAIN my goal weight once I get there (about 30 more pounds).
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